Sibling Reconciliation in the Bustling Market
FluentFiction - Croatian
Sibling Reconciliation in the Bustling Market
Sunce je visoko na nebu.
The sun is high in the sky.
Ivan hoda kroz živopisnu tržnicu u Splitu.
Ivan walks through the vibrant market in Split.
Svuda oko njega su boje, mirisi i zvukovi.
All around him are colors, scents, and sounds.
Prodavači viču, nudili svoja dobra.
Vendors shout, offering their goods.
Luka je pored Ivana, prijatelj od djetinjstva.
Luka is beside Ivan, a childhood friend.
"Ivane, siguran si da je ona ovdje?" pita Luka.
"Ivan, are you sure she's here?" Luka asks.
"Nadam se," odgovori Ivan. "Čuo sam da često dolazi."
"I hope so," Ivan replies. "I heard she comes here often."
Marija, Ivanova sestra, ljuta je.
Maria, Ivan's sister, is angry.
Godinama nisu razgovarali.
They haven't spoken for years.
Sve zbog stare svađe.
All because of an old quarrel.
Ivan se osjeća krivim.
Ivan feels guilty.
"Luka, moraš mi pomoći. Moram razgovarati s njom."
"Luka, you have to help me. I need to talk to her."
"Lako je reći," kaže Luka. "Ali tržnica je velika. Ljudi su mnogo."
"Easier said than done," says Luka. "But the market is big. There are lots of people."
Sunce prži, ali Ivanova odlučnost ne popušta.
The sun is scorching, but Ivan's determination does not waver.
"Ona je ovdje. Znam to. Moram joj reći istinu."
"She's here. I know it. I have to tell her the truth."
Redovi sa svježim voćem.
Rows of fresh fruit.
Stalci s ribom.
Stalls with fish.
Zeleni povrće sjaji pod suncem.
Green vegetables shine under the sun.
Tržnica je živahna, kaotična.
The market is lively, chaotic.
Odjednom, Luka je ugleda. "Ivane, evo je!"
Suddenly, Luka spots her. "Ivan, there she is!"
Marija stoji pokraj štanda s cvećem.
Maria stands by a flower stand.
Miris lavande i ruža ispunjava zrak.
The scent of lavender and roses fills the air.
Izgleda zamišljeno, ali pažljiva.
She looks thoughtful but attentive.
"Luka, pričekaj. Moram joj prilaziti pažljivo," kaže Ivan.
"Luka, wait. I have to approach her carefully," says Ivan.
Luka klimne glavom.
Luka nods.
Prilaze Mariji.
They approach Maria.
Luka prvi kaže: "Bok, Marija."
Luka speaks first: "Hi, Maria."
Marija se okrene.
Maria turns around.
Vidjevši Ivana, lice joj se smrači.
Seeing Ivan, her face darkens.
"Što ti radiš ovdje?" pita s obranom.
"What are you doing here?" she asks defensively.
"Sestro, trebamo razgovarati," kaže Ivan.
"Sister, we need to talk," says Ivan.
"Ne pričam s tobom!" odgovori Marija ljutito. "Previše si me povrijedio."
"I'm not talking to you!" Maria replies angrily. "You've hurt me too much."
"Razumijem," Ivan odgovori tiho. "Ali, molim te, poslušaj me. Luka, možeš li pomogli?"
"I understand," Ivan responds quietly. "But, please, listen to me. Luka, can you help?"
Luka pogleda Mariju.
Luka looks at Maria.
"Čini mi uslugu. Bar jedno slušanje."
"Do me a favor. Just listen once."
Marija šuti, ali konačno klimne.
Maria remains silent but finally nods.
Ivan duboko udahne.
Ivan takes a deep breath.
"Znam da sam pogriješio," počne. "Tada nisam znao što radim. Nisam znao koliko sam te povrijedio."
"I know I made a mistake," he begins. "I didn't know what I was doing back then. I didn't realize how much I hurt you."
Luka gleda situaciju.
Luka watches the situation.
Atmosfera je napeta.
The atmosphere is tense.
"Zašto sada?" pita Marija. "Zašto sada tražiš oprost?"
"Why now?" Maria asks. "Why are you seeking forgiveness now?"
"Jer sam shvatio nešto važno," odgovori Ivan. "Bila je to pogreška. Ali tada sam bio mlad i glup. Mislio sam da znam bolje. Ali nisam."
"Because I realized something important," Ivan replies. "It was a mistake. But back then, I was young and foolish. I thought I knew better. But I didn't."
"Luka je znao cijelo vrijeme. Rekao mi je."
"Luka knew all along. He told me."
Marija ga pogleda.
Maria looks at him.
U njenim očima je otpor.
In her eyes, there's resistance.
Ali i znatiželja. "Što si shvatio?" pita.
But also curiosity. "What did you realize?" she asks.
"Saznao sam istinu o ocu," kaže Ivan.
"I found out the truth about our father," says Ivan.
"Nisam znao sve. Majka mi je rekla prošli vikend. Svi smo bili ranjeni. Ali sad znam. Želio sam ti to reći."
"I didn't know everything. Mother told me last weekend. We were all hurt. But now I know. I wanted to tell you."
Marija je šokirana.
Maria is shocked.
"O ocu?" Glas joj je tih.
"About dad?" Her voice is quiet.
"Da," odgovori Ivan. "Sve vrijeme sam bio ljut na tebe. Ali nije tvoja krivica. Želim da znaš."
"Yes," Ivan answers. "All this time, I was angry at you. But it wasn't your fault. I want you to know that."
Marija nije odmah odgovarala.
Maria doesn't respond right away.
Pogledala je Luku, onda Ivana.
She looks at Luka, then Ivan.
Vidjela je iskrenost u njegovim očima.
She sees the sincerity in his eyes.
"Možda... Možemo pokušati popraviti stvari," napokon kaže Marija.
"Maybe... we can try to fix things," Maria finally says.
"To je sve što želim," odgovara Ivan.
"That's all I want," Ivan replies.
Luka se nasmiješi. "Dobro je. Jako dobro."
Luka smiles. "That's good. Very good."
Sunce i dalje sija visoko, a tržnica je živahna.
The sun continues to shine high, and the market remains vibrant.
Ali za Ivana i Mariju, ovo je novi početak.
But for Ivan and Maria, this is a new beginning.
Polako, korak po korak, ponovno će izgraditi svoj odnos.
Slowly, step by step, they will rebuild their relationship.