Reconnecting Over Coffee: A Sibling's Journey in Dubrovnik
FluentFiction - Croatian
Reconnecting Over Coffee: A Sibling's Journey in Dubrovnik
Kafić u Dubrovniku bio je mali, ali šarmantan.
The café in Dubrovnik was small but charming.
Unutra je mirisalo na svježe mljevenu kavu.
Inside, it smelled of freshly ground coffee.
Drveni namještaj davao je rustični dojam.
The wooden furniture gave a rustic feel.
Prozor je gledao na Jadransko more, gdje su valovi lagano udarali o stijene.
The window looked out onto the Adriatic Sea, where the waves gently hit the rocks.
Ivana je sjedila za stolom blizu prozora.
Ivana was sitting at a table near the window.
Vjetar je lagano prolazio kroz otvoreni prozor, donoseći svjež miris soli.
The wind lightly passed through the open window, bringing with it the fresh scent of salt.
Bila je uzbuđena, ali nervozna.
She was excited but nervous.
Godinu dana nije vidjela brata Luku.
She hadn't seen her brother Luka for a year.
Odlučila je studirati u Velikoj Britaniji i zbog toga je propustila mnogo obiteljskih trenutaka.
She had decided to study in the United Kingdom and because of that, she had missed many family moments.
Ubrzo, Luka je ušao u kafić.
Soon, Luka entered the café.
Nosio je jednostavnu, ali urednu odjeću.
He was wearing simple but neat clothes.
Ivana je ustala i srdačno ga zagrlila.
Ivana stood up and warmly hugged him.
"Luka, tako mi je drago da te vidim!" rekla je.
"Luka, I'm so glad to see you!" she said.
"Drago je i meni," odgovorio je Luka, ali njegov ton je bio smiren i pomalo suzdržan.
"I'm glad too," replied Luka, but his tone was calm and somewhat reserved.
Sjeli su zajedno i naručili kavu.
They sat together and ordered coffee.
"Kako je bilo?" upitao je Luka.
"How was it?" Luka asked.
Njegovo lice je bilo mirno, ali oči su odavale umor.
His face was calm, but his eyes gave away his tiredness.
"Izazovno, ali naučila sam mnogo. Malo mi je žao što nisam bila ovdje," rekla je Ivana. Spustila je pogled na stol.
"Challenging, but I learned a lot. I do feel a bit guilty for not being here," Ivana said, lowering her gaze to the table.
"Kako si ti?"
"How are you?"
"Znaš kako je. Radnja ide dalje. Netko je morao ostati," Luka je rekao.
"You know how it is. The business goes on. Someone had to stay," Luka said.
U njegovom glasu osjetio se prigušeni bijes.
His voice carried a suppressed anger.
Ivana je osjetila težinu tih riječi.
Ivana felt the weight of those words.
"Žao mi je, Luka. Znam da je ti bilo teško. Samo sam htjela..." prestala je, tražeći prave riječi.
"I'm sorry, Luka. I know it was hard for you. I just wanted to..." she trailed off, searching for the right words.
"Htjela sam uspjeti, misleći da će to pomoći svima nama."
"I wanted to succeed, thinking it would help all of us."
"Razumijem te, Ivana. Ali sve je palo na mene. Trebao sam završiti fakultet, ali sam ostao pomoć mami i tati." Luka je pogleda balo strogo.
"I understand you, Ivana. But everything fell on me. I was supposed to finish college, but I stayed to help mom and dad," Luka said, looking at her sternly.
"Osjećam se pomalo zanemareno."
"I feel a bit neglected."
Tišina je na trenutak ispunila prostor.
Silence filled the space for a moment.
Oboje su shvatili koliko je razdvojenost utjecala na njih.
Both realized how the separation had affected them.
Ivana je duboko udahnula i pogledala brata u oči.
Ivana took a deep breath and looked her brother in the eyes.
"Razumijem to, Luka. Evo, želim da znaš da sam ovdje i da se neću više udaljavati. Želim pomoći, želim biti dio obitelji."
"I understand that, Luka. Look, I want you to know that I'm here and I won’t distance myself again. I want to help, I want to be part of the family."
Luka se malo opustio.
Luka relaxed a bit.
Nasmiješio se, iako je još uvijek nosio teret proteklih mjeseci.
He smiled, though he still bore the burden of the past months.
"Možda mogu reći kako sam se doista osjećao," rekao je, njegovo lice postalo blago. Ivana je klimnula glavom, spremna slušati.
"Maybe I can finally say how I really felt," he said, his face softening. Ivana nodded, ready to listen.
Kroz slijedećih sat vremena, iznijeli su svoja srca na stol.
Over the next hour, they laid their hearts on the table.
Izgovarali su stvari koje nikada prije nisu rekli jedno drugome.
They said things they had never said to each other before.
Bilo je suza, ali bilo je i smijeha.
There were tears, but there was also laughter.
Kava na stolu se ohladila, ali njihova veza se ugrijala.
The coffee on the table grew cold, but their bond warmed.
Na kraju, osjećali su se lakše.
In the end, they felt lighter.
Ivana je shvatila koliko je važno biti prisutna, ne samo fizički, već i emocionalno.
Ivana realized how important it was to be present, not just physically but emotionally.
Luka je konačno osjetio priznanje i zahvalnost.
Luka finally felt acknowledged and appreciated.
"Svi smo prošli kroz puno toga," rekla je Ivana, gledajući Luku s novim poštovanjem.
"We've all been through a lot," Ivana said, looking at Luka with newfound respect.
"Ali zajedno možemo sve."
"But together, we can do anything."
"Da, možemo," nasmiješio se Luka.
"Yes, we can," Luka smiled.
"We can."
Sunce je ponovno zasjalo na kafić, obasjavajući novi početak za Ivanu i Luku.
The sun shone on the café again, illuminating a new beginning for Ivana and Luka.
Obitelj je, napokon, bila tamo gdje treba biti - zajedno, promišljajući, učeći i rastući.
The family was finally where it was meant to be—together, reflecting, learning, and growing.