FluentFiction - Croatian

Rediscovering Sibling Bonds at Plitvice Lakes

FluentFiction - Croatian

14m 04sAugust 15, 2024

Rediscovering Sibling Bonds at Plitvice Lakes

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  • Plitvička jezera sjaje pod ljetnim suncem.

    Plitvice Lakes glisten under the summer sun.

  • Tirkizne vode mame posjetitelje, a cvrkut ptica odjekuje kroz šumu.

    The turquoise waters lure visitors, and bird songs echo through the forest.

  • Na blagovuštak, Ivana stiže s torbom punom sendviča i planom u glavi.

    On a summer day, Ivana arrives with a bag full of sandwiches and a plan in her mind.

  • Luka, njezin brat, već je tamo, naslonjen na jedno drvo, s osmijehom koji podsjeća na njihovo djetinjstvo.

    Her brother, Luka, is already there, leaning against a tree with a smile that reminds her of their childhood.

  • Ivana želi obnoviti veze s Lukom.

    Ivana wants to reconnect with Luka.

  • Godinama su se udaljili.

    Over the years, they've drifted apart.

  • Ivana je posvećena karijeri, Luka putovanjima.

    Ivana has been dedicated to her career, Luka to traveling.

  • Ona planira savršen dan, ali Luka, opušten i nostalgičan, ima drugačiji pristup.

    She has a perfect day planned, but Luka, relaxed and nostalgic, has a different approach.

  • "Povedimo stvari lagano, kao nekad," kaže Luka, gledajući prema kaskadama.

    "Let's take things easy, like we used to," Luka says, looking toward the cascades.

  • Kreću stazom kroz park.

    They set off along a path through the park.

  • Ivana gleda na svoj plan, ali Luka se zaustavlja pokraj mirne jezerce.

    Ivana checks her plan, but Luka stops by a tranquil lake.

  • Priča o vremenu kad su kao djeca trčali kroz livade.

    He talks about when they used to run through meadows as children.

  • Ivana diše duboko, dopuštajući sebi trenutak opuštanja.

    Ivana takes a deep breath, allowing herself a moment of relaxation.

  • Dok hodaju, razgovaraju o svemu i ničemu.

    As they walk, they talk about everything and nothing.

  • Ivana s vremenom pušta plan.

    In time, Ivana lets go of her plan.

  • Luka vodi put i pokazuje joj skrivene ljepote.

    Luka takes the lead and shows her hidden beauties.

  • Penju se na vidikovac, a pogled oduzima dah.

    They climb to a viewpoint, and the view takes their breath away.

  • Voda se prelijeva iz jednog jezera u drugo, stvarajući bajkovit prizor.

    Water flows from one lake to another, creating a fairy-tale scene.

  • Tamo, među zelenilom i plavetnilom, Luka započinje ozbiljan razgovor.

    There, among the greenery and the blue, Luka starts a serious conversation.

  • "Sjećaš se naših igara?

    "Do you remember our games?

  • Kako smo sanjali o budućnosti?

    How we dreamed about the future?"

  • " Ivana kima glavom, srce joj je toplo.

    Ivana nods, warmth filling her heart.

  • Govore o prošlim događajima, ali i o željama za budućnost.

    They talk about past events and wishes for the future.

  • "Sve se promijenilo," kaže Ivana, "ali drago mi je što smo ovdje.

    "Everything has changed," Ivana says, "but I'm glad we're here."

  • " Luka se slaže, njihov smijeh se miješa sa zvukom vode.

    Luka agrees, their laughter mingling with the sound of water.

  • Shvaćaju da, unatoč različitim putevima, imaju mnogo zajedničkog.

    They realize that despite different paths, they have much in common.

  • Provešće više vremena zajedno, bez planova i očekivanja.

    They decide to spend more time together, without plans or expectations.

  • Dok sunce zalazi, Ivana osjeća promjenu u sebi.

    As the sun sets, Ivana feels a change within her.

  • Naučila je cijeniti trenutak, bez žurbe.

    She's learned to appreciate the moment, without rushing.

  • Sretni, silaze s vidikovca, jači nego ikad.

    Happy, they descend from the viewpoint, stronger than ever.

  • Plitvička jezera svjedoče njihovom novom početku, trenutku kada su ponovno pronašli zajednički jezik.

    Plitvice Lakes bear witness to their new beginning, the moment they once again found a common language.