Easter's Healing Stew: A Culinary Journey at Dolac
FluentFiction - Croatian
Easter's Healing Stew: A Culinary Journey at Dolac
Zoran se rano probudio, baš kad je proljetno sunce obasjalo krovove Zagreba.
Zoran woke up early, just as the spring sun lit up the roofs of Zagreb.
Dolac Market je već budio grad svojim šarenilom i žamorom.
Dolac Market was already waking up the city with its colors and buzz.
Zoran je znao da ga čeka težak zadatak.
Zoran knew he had a difficult task ahead.
Približava se Uskrs, a s njim i obaveza priprema velike obiteljske večere.
Easter was approaching, bringing with it the obligation to prepare a large family dinner.
Taj obrok bio je ključ za pomirenje u obitelji; trenutak da se premoste nedavna neslaganja.
This meal was key to the family's reconciliation; a moment to bridge recent disagreements.
U Dolcu je bilo živo.
It was lively at Dolac.
Voće i povrće krasili su štandove.
Fruits and vegetables adorned the stalls.
Kopar, peršin, i planinski ljutak su mirisali na proljeće.
Dill, parsley, and mountain savory smelled like spring.
Zoran je u potrazi za savršenim sastojcima, ali ga brine što sve nije lako pronaći.
Zoran was in search of perfect ingredients, but he was worried that not everything would be easy to find.
Njegova baka je imala tajnu: dva posebna trava za savršeni janjetini gulaš.
His grandmother had a secret: two special herbs for the perfect lamb stew.
Zoran je obećao sebi da će ih naći.
Zoran promised himself he would find them.
Ivana, jedna od prodavačica, pozdravila ga je s osmijehom.
Ivana, one of the vendors, greeted him with a smile.
"Zorane, već si ovdje. Kako ide?" upita ga.
"Zoran, you're here already. How are you doing?" she asked him.
"Pokušavam naći travarice za gulaš. Ali teško ide," prizna Zoran.
"I'm trying to find herbs for the stew. But it's tough going," Zoran admitted.
"Probaj Matein štand," predloži Ivana.
"Try Matea's stand," suggested Ivana.
Matein štand bio je skriven iza velikog drvenog zida.
Matea's stand was hidden behind a large wooden wall.
Malo tko zna za njega, ali Zoran ga je pronašao.
Few knew about it, but Zoran found it.
Niz malih keramičkih posuda skrivale su blaga unutra.
A series of small ceramic pots hid treasures inside.
"Matea, imate li planinski ljutak?" upita s nadom.
"Matea, do you have mountain savory?" he asked hopefully.
"Samo za tebe, Zorane. Držim ga za posebne prilike," rekla je Matea veselo.
"Just for you, Zoran. I keep it for special occasions," Matea said cheerfully.
"Uzmi, trebat će ti. Uskrs je važan."
"Take it; you'll need it. Easter is important."
Zoran je napokon skupio sve što mu treba.
Zoran finally gathered everything he needed.
Vrijeme je letjelo, i morao se žuriti kući.
Time was flying, and he had to hurry home.
Kad je stigao, kuhinja je bila puna mirisa.
When he arrived, the kitchen was full of aromas.
Na stolu, gulaš je bio spreman.
On the table, the stew was ready.
Kad su svi sjeli za stol, napetost je lagano splasnula.
When everyone sat at the table, tension slowly eased.
Mirisi djetinjstva zamamili su sjećanja, a zveckanje čaša označilo je početak razgovora.
The scents of childhood evoked memories, and the clinking of glasses marked the beginning of conversations.
Nesuglasice su se polako raspršile.
Disagreements gradually dispersed.
Na kraju večere, Ivana se zahvalila Zoranu.
At the end of the dinner, Ivana thanked Zoran.
"Hvala ti, Zorane. Ovo nam je zaista trebalo," rekla je sa osmijehom.
"Thank you, Zoran. We really needed this," she said with a smile.
Te noći, dok je sve utihnulo, Zoran je sjedio sam u kuhinji.
That night, as everything quieted down, Zoran sat alone in the kitchen.
Razmišljao je kako je važno ne odustati.
He thought about how important it was not to give up.
Male stvari, poput pronalaska prave biljke, mogu zacjeliti veće rane.
Small things, like finding the right herb, can heal bigger wounds.
Dolac je bio tih.
Dolac was quiet.
Zagreb je spavao, a proljeće je obećavalo nove mogućnosti.
Zagreb was asleep, and spring promised new opportunities.
Za Zorana su mali koraci doveli do velikih promjena.
For Zoran, small steps led to big changes.