Bargaining Bliss: A Colorful Day at Pasar Baru Market
FluentFiction - Indonesian
Bargaining Bliss: A Colorful Day at Pasar Baru Market
Matahari pagi bersinar cerah di Pasar Baru.
The morning sun shone brightly in Pasar Baru.
Di kios-kios yang ramai, suara tawar-menawar terdengar di mana-mana.
In the bustling stalls, the sound of haggling was heard everywhere.
Rini, Dewi, dan Arief datang untuk belanja bahan makanan.
Rini, Dewi, and Arief came to shop for groceries.
Mereka berjalan di antara kios penuh buah dan sayur segar.
They walked among stalls full of fresh fruits and vegetables.
"Rini, coba lihat tomat ini.
"Rini, look at these tomatoes.
Segar sekali!
They’re so fresh!"
" seru Dewi.
exclaimed Dewi.
Rini mendekat.
Rini approached.
"Berapa harga per kilo, Bu?
"How much per kilo, ma'am?"
" tanya Rini pada penjual tomat.
Rini asked the tomato seller.
"Sepuluh ribu rupiah per kilo, Mbak," jawab penjual.
"Ten thousand rupiah per kilo, miss," answered the seller.
"Kita coba tawar, Rini," bisik Dewi.
"Let’s try to bargain, Rini," whispered Dewi.
"Bagaimana kalau tujuh ribu rupiah?
"How about seven thousand rupiah?"
"Rini mengangguk dan menghadap penjual.
Rini nodded and turned to the seller.
"Bisa kurang, Bu?
"Can it be cheaper, ma'am?
Tujuh ribu rupiah saja per kilo," katanya.
Just seven thousand rupiah per kilo," she said.
Penjual itu tersenyum.
The seller smiled.
"Untuk Mbak yang cantik, delapan ribu rupiah saja," katanya.
"For a pretty lady like you, eight thousand rupiah," she said.
Rini dan Dewi saling bertatapan.
Rini and Dewi looked at each other.
"Baik, kami beli dua kilo," kata Rini akhirnya.
"Alright, we’ll take two kilos," Rini finally said.
Arief berdiri di dekat mereka, melihat-lihat apel.
Arief stood nearby, looking at some apples.
"Aku ingin apel ini," katanya sambil menunjukkan apel merah besar ke arah penjual.
"I want these apples," he said while pointing to a large red apple towards the seller.
"Berapa harganya, Pak?
"How much is it, sir?"
" tanya Arief.
Arief asked.
"Dua puluh ribu per kilo," jawab penjual apel.
"Twenty thousand rupiah per kilo," answered the apple seller.
Arief berpikir sebentar.
Arief thought for a moment.
"Bisa sepuluh ribu rupiah?
"Can it be ten thousand rupiah?"
" tanyanya dengan senyum menggoda.
he asked with a teasing smile.
Penjual apel menggelengkan kepala.
The apple seller shook his head.
"Tidak bisa, Anak Muda.
"No can do, young man.
Delapan belas ribu rupiah saja, oke?
Eighteen thousand rupiah, okay?"
"Arief mengangkat bahu dan setuju.
Arief shrugged and agreed.
"Baik, saya ambil satu kilo.
"Alright, I’ll take one kilo."
"Setelah berbelanja beberapa waktu, mereka berjalan keluar pasar dengan penuh kantong belanja.
After shopping for a while, they walked out of the market with bags full of groceries.
Mereka merasa senang dengan hasil tawar-menawar mereka.
They felt happy with their bargaining results.
"Sungguh pengalaman yang menyenangkan," kata Dewi sambil tersenyum.
"It’s truly a delightful experience," Dewi said, smiling.
"Kita berhasil dapat harga yang bagus.
"We managed to get good prices."
""Benar," tambah Rini.
"Indeed," added Rini.
"Dan sayuran serta buah-buahannya sangat segar.
"And the vegetables and fruits are very fresh.
Kita masak-masak di rumah nanti.
We'll have a cooking session at home later."
"Arief setuju.
Arief agreed.
"Ya, ini akan menjadi hari yang bagus.
"Yes, this will be a great day."
"Matahari mulai naik semakin tinggi.
The sun rose higher.
Dengan kantong penuh belanjaan dan hati yang bergembira, mereka melangkah pulang.
With bags full of groceries and joyful hearts, they walked home.
Di rumah, mereka telah siap untuk memasak hidangan lezat dari bahan-bahan segar yang mereka beli.
At home, they were ready to cook delicious dishes from the fresh ingredients they bought.
Hari itu menjadi hari yang memuaskan bagi Rini, Dewi, dan Arief.
That day turned out to be a satisfying day for Rini, Dewi, and Arief.
Mereka belajar bahwa terkadang, tawar-menawar adalah seni yang bisa membawa kebahagiaan kecil dalam hidup sehari-hari.
They learned that sometimes, bargaining is an art that can bring small joys into everyday life.
Pasar Baru tetap ramai dengan kehidupan, menjadi saksi keseruan hari itu.
Pasar Baru remained bustling with life, bearing witness to the excitement of the day.