Putri's Feathered Fiasco: A Rooster's Surprise at the Market
FluentFiction - Indonesian
Putri's Feathered Fiasco: A Rooster's Surprise at the Market
Pasar Seni Solo ramai sekali hari Minggu ini.
Solo Art Market was crowded this Sunday.
Putri sangat senang berjalan-jalan dan melihat berbagai barang unik.
Putri was very happy walking around and seeing various unique items.
Ia melihat sebuah burung dengan bulu berwarna-warni.
She saw a bird with colorful feathers.
Putri berpikir, "Ini pasti burung tropis yang sangat langka!
Putri thought, "This must be a very rare tropical bird!"
" Ia langsung berbicara dengan penjualnya.
She immediately spoke to the seller.
"Berapa harga burung ini?
"How much is this bird?"
" tanyanya.
she asked.
Penjual menjawab, "Tak terlalu mahal, hanya 50 ribu.
The seller replied, "Not too expensive, just 50 thousand."
" Putri senang sekali dan segera membelinya.
Putri was very happy and bought it right away.
Sampai di apartemennya, Putri menaruh burung itu di sangkar.
When she got to her apartment, Putri placed the bird in a cage.
Namun, alangkah terkejutnya ia ketika burung itu mulai berkokok keras.
However, she was very surprised when the bird started to crow loudly.
" Bunyi yang sangat keras, membuat Putri kebingungan.
The sound was very loud and made Putri confused.
Putri memanggil temannya, Sari, untuk meminta bantuan.
Putri called her friend, Sari, for help.
"Sari, aku butuh bantuanmu!
"Sari, I need your help!
Burung ini berisik sekali," katanya.
This bird is very noisy," she said.
Sari datang dan melihat burung itu.
Sari came and looked at the bird.
"Putri, ini bukan burung tropis.
"Putri, this is not a tropical bird.
Ini ayam jantan!
This is a rooster!"
"Putri terkejut, "Apa?
Putri was shocked, "What?
Tapi bulunya sangat indah.
But its feathers are so beautiful."
" Sari tertawa, "Ayam bisa dipelihara untuk hiasan juga.
Sari laughed, "Roosters can also be kept for ornamental purposes."
"Malam itu, Putri susah tidur karena ayam terus berkokok.
That night, Putri had trouble sleeping because the rooster kept crowing.
Ia mencoba berbagai cara menutupi sangkar, memberi makan, bahkan menyanyi agar ayam tenang.
She tried various ways to cover the cage, feeding it, and even singing to calm the rooster.
Tapi tidak berhasil.
But it didn't work.
Keesokan harinya, Putri pergi ke pasar lagi.
The next day, Putri went back to the market.
Kali ini, ia mencari petunjuk.
This time, she looked for advice.
Ia bertemu Pak Joko, seorang peternak ayam.
She met Mr. Joko, a chicken breeder.
Pak Joko memberi saran, "Ayam biasanya berkokok karena ia merasa tidak nyaman atau karena pagi.
Mr. Joko gave some advice, "Roosters usually crow because they feel uncomfortable or because it is morning.
Coba beri ia tempat lebih luas atau letakkan di luar.
Try giving it more space or putting it outside."
"Putri memutuskan untuk memberikan ayam ke seorang peternak yang ditemuinya di pasar.
Putri decided to give the rooster to a breeder she met at the market.
Ia merasa sedih tapi lega.
She felt sad but relieved.
"Aku tak bisa merawatnya dengan baik di apartemen kecilku.
"I can't take good care of it in my small apartment.
Lebih baik ayam ini hidup di tempat yang layak.
It's better for this rooster to live in a proper place."
"Akhirnya, Putri menyerahkan ayam kepada Pak Joko.
Finally, Putri handed the rooster to Mr. Joko.
Ia merasa menyesal telah salah beli, tapi juga merasa lega karena ayam itu akan dirawat dengan baik.
She felt regret for buying the wrong bird but also relieved that the rooster would be taken care of properly.
Pelajaran berharga bagi Putri, selalu periksa baik-baik sebelum membeli sesuatu.
A valuable lesson for Putri, always check carefully before buying something.
Hari itu ia belajar banyak tentang ayam dan juga tentang hidup.
That day she learned a lot about chickens and also about life.
Meskipun ayam itu bukan burung tropis, pengalaman ini memberi Putri banyak hal untuk dikenang.
Although the rooster was not a tropical bird, this experience gave Putri many things to remember.
Sejak saat itu, Putri lebih berhati-hati saat berbelanja.
From then on, Putri was more careful when shopping.
Dan setiap kali ia mendengar ayam berkokok, ia akan tersenyum mengingat kejadian itu.
And every time she heard a rooster crow, she would smile remembering that incident.
Demikianlah cerita Putri dan ayam jantan di Pasar Seni Solo.
This is the story of Putri and the rooster at Solo Art Market.