Borobudur: Friendship, Beauty & Challenges
FluentFiction - Indonesian
Borobudur: Friendship, Beauty & Challenges
Matahari terbit di Candi Borobudur.
The sun rises at Borobudur Temple.
Suara burung berkicau.
The sound of birds chirping fills the air.
Adi, Siti, dan Budi sudah siap untuk berpetualang.
Adi, Siti, and Budi are ready for their adventure.
Mereka kagum dengan keindahan candi.
They are in awe of the temple's beauty.
Mereka berjalan di antara stupa dan arca.
They walk among the stupas and statues.
Adi mengambil banyak foto.
Adi takes many photos.
Siti berbisik dengan kagum melihat ukiran batu.
Siti whispers in amazement at the stone carvings.
Budi menunjukkan patung Buddha kepada teman-temannya.
Budi points out a Buddha statue to his friends.
Matahari semakin tinggi.
The sun climbs higher.
Panas terasa menyengat.
The heat becomes scorching.
Mereka terus berjalan.
They continue walking.
Adi berlari ke arah patung yang besar.
Adi runs towards a large statue.
Dia ingin melihat lebih dekat.
He wants to see it up close.
Siti dan Budi mengikutinya.
Siti and Budi follow him.
Namun, tiba-tiba Adi berhenti.
But suddenly Adi stops.
Wajahnya pucat.
His face turns pale.
"Aku pusing," kata Adi pelan.
"I'm dizzy," Adi says quietly.
Siti dan Budi panik.
Siti and Budi panic.
"Mari kita duduk di sini," kata Siti.
"Let's sit here," says Siti.
Mereka duduk di bawah pohon rindang.
They sit under a shady tree.
Budi buru-buru mencari air.
Budi hurriedly looks for water.
Dia kembali dengan sebotol air mineral.
He returns with a bottle of mineral water.
Adi minum air dengan cepat.
Adi drinks the water quickly.
Nafasnya berat.
His breathing is heavy.
Siti memanggil petugas candi.
Siti calls for a temple attendant.
Petugas candi datang.
The temple attendant arrives.
Mereka membawa Adi ke tempat yang lebih teduh.
They take Adi to a shadier place.
Adi mulai merasa lebih baik.
Adi starts to feel better.
"Terima kasih," katanya lemah.
"Thank you," he says weakly.
Petugas candi memberi saran, "Jangan lupa minum banyak air dan pakai topi.
The temple attendant advises, "Don't forget to drink plenty of water and wear a hat.
Cuaca sangat panas.
The weather is very hot."
"Mereka beristirahat sejenak.
They rest for a while.
Adi sudah lebih pulih.
Adi is now feeling better.
Mereka melanjutkan perjalanan, lebih hati-hati.
They continue their journey, more cautiously.
Mereka menikmati keindahan candi.
They enjoy the beauty of the temple.
Siti dan Budi selalu memeriksa keadaan Adi.
Siti and Budi keep checking on Adi.
Malam tiba.
Night falls.
Mereka berdiri di depan candi yang megah.
They stand in front of the magnificent temple.
Lampu-lampu menyala indah, menerangi candi.
The lights beautifully illuminate it.
Wajah mereka cerah kembali.
Their faces brighten again.
"Bersama kalian, aku merasa lebih baik," kata Adi.
"With you all, I feel better," says Adi.
Mereka bersuka cita, menikmati malam yang indah di Borobudur.
They rejoice, enjoying the beautiful night at Borobudur.
Pengalaman hari itu mengajarkan mereka untuk selalu waspada dan saling menjaga.
The experience of that day taught them to always be vigilant and take care of one another.
Perjalanan mereka berakhir dengan senyuman dan kehangatan persahabatan.
Their trip ends with smiles and the warmth of friendship.