Rising After the Fall: Rizky's Journey to Strength
FluentFiction - Indonesian
Rising After the Fall: Rizky's Journey to Strength
Rizky berbaring di sofa ruang keluarga yang luas.
Rizky lay on the sofa in the spacious family room.
Angin sepoi-sepoi masuk melalui jendela besar, membawa aroma masakan ibu dari dapur.
A gentle breeze entered through the large window, carrying the scent of his mother's cooking from the kitchen.
Di luar, suara dedaunan dari halaman tengah terbawa angin, menjadi musik penghilang rasa cemas bagi Rizky.
Outside, the sound of leaves from the courtyard blown by the wind became calming music for Rizky.
Rizky baru saja mengalami kecelakaan motor.
Rizky had just been in a motorcycle accident.
Kini, ia sedang dalam proses pemulihan.
Now, he was in the process of recovery.
Kecelakaan itu bukan hanya meremukkan beberapa tulang, tapi juga menekan semangatnya.
The accident not only broke several bones but also dampened his spirit.
Ketika setiap gerakan menjadi kesakitan, Rizky teringat panggung murah dan pekerjaan seni yang ia cintai.
When every movement brought pain, Rizky remembered the modest stage and the art work he loved.
Bagaimana ia bisa kembali, jika berdiri saja sulit?
How could he return if standing was difficult?
Sari, kakaknya, merawatnya dengan sabar.
Sari, his sister, cared for him patiently.
"Rizky, ayo coba latihan," ajaknya sambil membawa alat bantu jalan.
"Rizky, let's try practicing," she encouraged while bringing the walker.
Tapi Rizky hanya menggeleng, frustrasi dengan keterbatasannya.
But Rizky only shook his head, frustrated with his limitations.
Suatu hari, Dewi datang berkunjung.
One day, Dewi came to visit.
Senyum ramahnya membuat suasana lebih hangat.
Her friendly smile warmed the atmosphere.
"Halo, Rizky.
"Hello, Rizky.
Mau latihan bareng aku?
Want to practice with me?"
" tanyanya lembut.
she asked gently.
Rizky ragu.
Rizky hesitated.
Dia tahu Dewi peduli, tapi ada perasaan malu dan takut tidak bisa melakukan apa-apa.
He knew Dewi cared, but there was a feeling of shame and fear of not being able to do anything.
Dewi seolah bisa membaca pikirannya.
Dewi seemed to read his mind.
"Kita mulai pelan-pelan, ya?
"Shall we start slowly, okay?
Bersama kita bisa," katanya dengan kawan lama mereka dalam tatapannya.
Together we can do it," she said with the long friendship in her gaze.
Lama kelamaan, Rizky setuju.
Gradually, Rizky agreed.
Dewi tak pernah memaksanya, hanya menemaninya.
Dewi never forced him, just accompanied him.
Bersama Sari, mereka memberikan dukungan yang Rizky butuhkan.
Along with Sari, they provided the support Rizky needed.
Hari demi hari, Rizky mencoba berdiri lebih lama.
Day by day, Rizky tried to stand a little longer.
Awalnya sulit, tapi ada kemajuan kecil.
It was difficult at first, but there was small progress.
Suatu sore, ketika matahari mulai terbenam, Rizky mencoba melangkah tanpa bantuan.
One afternoon, as the sun began to set, Rizky tried to walk without assistance.
Namun, belum tiga langkah dia pun terjatuh.
However, he fell after just three steps.
Sari dan Dewi segera menghampiri dan membantunya bangkit.
Sari and Dewi immediately rushed over and helped him up.
"Rizky, tidak apa-apa untuk butuh orang lain," Dewi berkata sambil memegang tangan Rizky erat.
"Rizky, it's okay to need others," Dewi said while holding Rizky's hand tightly.
Dengan napas yang berat, Rizky mengangguk.
With heavy breaths, Rizky nodded.
Emosi campur aduk, tapi ada kedamaian baru di hatinya.
His emotions were mixed, but there was a new peace in his heart.
Dia mengerti dia tidak sendiri.
He understood he was not alone.
Keesokan harinya, dengan bantuan Dewi dan Sari, Rizky mencoba lagi.
The next day, with Dewi and Sari's help, Rizky tried again.
Kali ini, langkah kecilnya lebih stabil.
This time, his small steps were more stable.
Hari itu, Rizky belajar bahwa kekuatan sejati terletak pada keberanian untuk menerima bantuan.
That day, Rizky learned that true strength lies in the courage to accept help.
Matahari Yogyakarta menyinari mereka bertiga melalui tirai tipis, menerangi semangat baru Rizky.
The Yogyakarta sun shone on the three of them through the thin curtains, illuminating Rizky's new spirit.
Kini dia tahu, setiap langkah, meski pelan, adalah kemajuan.
Now he knew, every step, though slow, was progress.
Dan dengan dukungan Sari dan Dewi, ia siap untuk bangkit lebih kuat.
And with the support of Sari and Dewi, he was ready to rise stronger.