Love and Freedom Under the Gili Sky: A Serendipitous Encounter
FluentFiction - Indonesian
Love and Freedom Under the Gili Sky: A Serendipitous Encounter
Di sebuah kafe tepi pantai di Gili Trawangan, matahari bersinar cerah.
At a beachfront café in Gili Trawangan, the sun shone brightly.
Ombak kecil berkejaran menuju pasir putih.
Small waves chased toward the white sand.
Suara tawa dan musik lokal mengisi udara.
The sound of laughter and local music filled the air.
Adi duduk di meja kayu sambil menikmati es kelapa muda.
Adi sat at a wooden table while enjoying a fresh coconut drink.
Ia datang ke pulau ini untuk mencari ketenangan dari kebisingan kota.
He came to the island to seek peace from the noise of the city.
Di sisi lain kafe, Rina mengamati laut biru dari kursinya.
On the other side of the café, Rina watched the blue sea from her seat.
Dia baru saja memulai petualangannya di Asia Tenggara sebelum karirnya benar-benar dimulai.
She had just begun her adventure in Southeast Asia before her career really started.
Rina menyukai kebebasan.
Rina liked freedom.
Angin pantai memainkan rambutnya yang panjang.
The beach breeze played with her long hair.
Wati, pemilik kafe, mendekati meja Adi.
Wati, the owner of the café, approached Adi's table.
"Minumanmu enak, kan?
"Your drink is good, isn't it?"
" ia bertanya sambil tersenyum.
she asked with a smile.
Adi mengangguk.
Adi nodded.
"Kamu di sini sendirian?
"Are you here alone?"
" tanya Wati lagi.
asked Wati again.
"Iya," jawab Adi.
"Yes," replied Adi.
"Aku butuh rehat sebentar.
"I needed a little break."
"Tak jauh dari Adi, Rina tertarik dengan suaranya.
Not far from Adi, Rina was intrigued by his voice.
Tiba-tiba Wati menghampiri Rina juga.
Suddenly Wati approached Rina too.
"Ada yang bisa saya bantu?
"Is there anything I can help with?"
" tanyanya ramah.
she asked kindly.
Rina mengangkat gelasnya dan berkata, "Tidak, terima kasih.
Rina lifted her glass and said, "No, thank you.
Saya hanya menikmati pemandangan.
I'm just enjoying the view."
"Beberapa saat kemudian, Adi dan Rina saling pandang dan tersenyum.
A few moments later, Adi and Rina exchanged glances and smiled.
Dengan dorongan kecil dari Wati, mereka mulai berbicara.
With a little nudge from Wati, they began to talk.
"Namaku Adi," katanya.
"My name is Adi," he said.
"Rina," jawab Rina.
"Rina," replied Rina.
Mereka berbincang seru, tentang tujuan perjalanan dan tempat-tempat indah lain di Indonesia.
They chatted excitedly about travel destinations and other beautiful places in Indonesia.
Adi sebenarnya was-was.
Adi was actually apprehensive.
Dia ingat patah hati yang menyakitkannya dulu.
He remembered a painful heartbreak from the past.
Namun, ada sesuatu tentang keceriaan Rina yang membuatnya merasa nyaman.
However, there was something about Rina's cheerfulness that made him feel comfortable.
Rina juga merasa senang bisa bertemu Adi.
Rina also felt happy meeting Adi.
Meski ada kekhawatiran tentang masa depannya, Rina menikmati kebersamaan mereka.
Even though there were concerns about her future, Rina enjoyed their time together.
Setelah beberapa hari bersama, Adi memberanikan diri.
After a few days together, Adi gathered his courage.
"Bagaimana kalau kita snorkeling besok?
"How about we go snorkeling tomorrow?"
" ajaknya.
he suggested.
Dengan ragu namun juga penasaran, Rina setuju.
With hesitation yet also curiosity, Rina agreed.
Malamnya, mereka berjalan di tepi pantai.
That evening, they walked along the beach.
Air laut menyentuh kaki mereka.
The seawater touched their feet.
Adi merasa waktunya tepat untuk berbicara dari hati.
Adi felt it was the right time to speak from the heart.
"Aku pernah terluka," kata Adi pelan.
"I've been hurt before," said Adi softly.
Rina menatapnya, lalu berkata, "Aku takut mengikatkan diri, tak ingin terjebak.
Rina looked at him, then said, "I'm afraid of commitment, don't want to feel trapped."
" Mereka saling bercerita, saling mendengarkan.
They shared their stories, listened to each other.
Wati, dari jauh, tersenyum melihat keduanya.
Wati, from afar, smiled at the two of them.
Dia tahu, inilah momen penting.
She knew this was an important moment.
Besoknya, mereka berdua setuju untuk tetap berhubungan, meski harus berpisah sementara.
The next day, they both agreed to keep in touch, even though they had to part ways temporarily.
Adi belajar untuk membuka diri.
Adi learned to open up.
Rina menyadari bahwa kebebasan tidak harus berarti sendiri.
Rina realized that freedom doesn't have to mean being alone.
Di bawah langit Gili yang tak berujung, Adi dan Rina memandang cahaya bintang.
Under the endless Gili sky, Adi and Rina gazed at the starlight.
Mereka tahu, meski perjalanan ini singkat, pertemuan ini telah mengubah hidup mereka.
They knew that even though this journey was short, this meeting had changed their lives.
Mereka berjanji akan bertemu lagi, suatu hari nanti.
They promised to meet again, someday.
Hingga saat itu, kenangan ini akan selalu menemani mereka.
Until then, this memory would always accompany them.