Hidden Waterfalls and Unforgettable Friendships
FluentFiction - Indonesian
Hidden Waterfalls and Unforgettable Friendships
Langit cerah di atas Tegalalang Rice Terrace, diterangi sinar matahari yang hangat.
The clear sky over Tegalalang Rice Terrace was illuminated by warm sunlight.
Kelompok siswa berdiri di tengah sawah yang hijau dan luas, mata mereka bersinar dengan rasa penasaran.
A group of students stood amidst the vast green fields, their eyes shining with curiosity.
Dewi, seorang siswi yang penuh semangat dan suka berpetualang, merasa hari itu sangat spesial.
Dewi, an enthusiastic student with a love for adventure, felt that day was very special.
Disampingnya, Adi, sahabat baiknya yang lebih berhati-hati, memperhatikan sekitar dengan saksama.
Beside her, Adi, her cautious best friend, was carefully observing the surroundings.
Guru mereka, Pak Budi, menjelaskan tentang pertanian dan kehidupan di desa.
Their teacher, Pak Budi, was explaining about farming and life in the village.
Namun, pikiran Dewi melayang jauh.
However, Dewi's mind wandered far.
Ia pernah mendengar desas-desus tentang air terjun tersembunyi di dekat sini.
She had heard rumors about a hidden waterfall nearby.
Meskipun sekolah telah menetapkan batas wilayah yang ketat, rasa ingin tahu Dewi semakin membuncah.
Although the school had set strict boundaries, Dewi's curiosity continued to swell.
"Adi, ayo kita lihat air terjun itu," bisik Dewi saat Pak Budi sibuk menjelaskan kepada beberapa siswa lain.
"Adi, let's go see that waterfall," whispered Dewi while Pak Budi was busy explaining to some other students.
Adi tampak ragu, "Tapi kita dilarang keluar dari area ini, Dewi.
Adi looked hesitant, "But we are forbidden to leave this area, Dewi.
Kalau ketahuan, kita bisa dikeluarkan dari perjalanan ini."
If we get caught, we might be excluded from this trip."
"Tidak akan ketahuan.
"We won't get caught.
Lihatlah, hanya sebentar saja," desak Dewi dengan sorot mata yang penuh semangat.
Come on, just for a little while," urged Dewi with sparkling eyes full of excitement.
Adi menghela napas berat, namun akhirnya mengangguk.
Adi let out a heavy sigh but eventually nodded.
Ia tahu bahwa menyetop Dewi bukanlah hal yang mudah.
He knew stopping Dewi wasn't easy.
Mereka menyelinap pergi ketika perhatian semua orang tertuju pada presentasi Pak Budi.
They snuck away when everyone's attention was on Pak Budi's presentation.
Keduanya menyusuri jalan setapak, mata mereka tertuju pada batas hijau di depan.
The two of them followed a path, their eyes set on the green boundary ahead.
Jalan sedikit terjal dan berbatu, membuat Adi semakin khawatir.
The path was a bit steep and rocky, making Adi even more worried.
Namun, Dewi melangkah ringan, seolah-olah ketidaknyamanan tidak ada artinya.
However, Dewi walked lightly, as if discomfort meant nothing.
Setelah beberapa saat, mereka tiba di jalur yang lebih curam.
After a while, they arrived at a steeper trail.
Angin bertiup lembut, membawa aroma segar tanah dan dedaunan.
The wind blew gently, carrying the fresh aroma of soil and leaves.
Di hadapan mereka, terlihat kemilau air terjun kecil yang jatuh dari ketinggian.
In front of them was the glimmer of a small waterfall cascading from a height.
Suara gemericik airnya menenangkan.
The soothing sound of splashing water calmed them.
Dewi tersenyum lebar, merasa puas sekali.
Dewi smiled widely, feeling very satisfied.
Tapi, ketika mereka berdua berdiri terpesona menatap pemandangan indah itu, seorang pembimbing dari sekolah tiba-tiba muncul.
But as they both stood mesmerized by the beautiful view, a school guide suddenly appeared.
Wajahnya tampak kaget dan lega sekaligus.
His face showed a mix of shock and relief.
"Kalian di sini!" serunya. Ada campuran khawatir dan terkejut dalam suaranya.
"There you are!" he exclaimed, his voice a mix of worry and surprise.
Dewi dan Adi merasa bersalah, melipat tangan di depan tubuh mereka.
Dewi and Adi felt guilty and folded their hands in front of their bodies.
Setelah mereka kembali ke kelompok, Dewi dengan jujur meminta maaf kepada Pak Budi dan pembimbing.
After they returned to the group, Dewi sincerely apologized to Pak Budi and the guide.
Ia belajar bahwa penting untuk menghormati aturan demi keselamatan.
She learned that it's important to respect rules for the sake of safety.
Adi pun menyadari bahwa kadang-kadang, petualangan bisa memberi pengalaman berharga, selama dilakukan dengan tanggung jawab.
Adi also realized that sometimes, adventure can provide valuable experiences, as long as it's done responsibly.
Di akhir hari, Dewi dan Adi saling tersenyum.
At the end of the day, Dewi and Adi smiled at each other.
Mereka tahu bahwa persahabatan mereka lebih kuat dari sebelumnya, dengan pelajaran yang tak terlupakan dari perjalanan itu.
They knew their friendship was stronger than ever, with unforgettable lessons from the trip.
Membiarkan angin hangat membawa rasa puas yang baru.
Letting the warm breeze carry a new sense of satisfaction.