Ayu's Journey: Rediscovering Roots Through Galungan
FluentFiction - Indonesian
Ayu's Journey: Rediscovering Roots Through Galungan
Pada musim semi ketika bunga-bunga mulai bermekaran di Ubud, Ayu melangkah pelan memasuki jalan setapak menuju retret spiritual.
In the springtime when flowers begin to bloom in Ubud, Ayu walked slowly along the path leading to the spiritual retreat.
Suasana damai menyelimuti tempat ini.
A peaceful atmosphere enveloped this place.
Sawah berteras menambah kesejukan mata, sementara suara musik gamelan terdengar lembut di telinga.
The terraced rice fields added a refreshing view, while the sound of gamelan music softly reached the ears.
Aroma harum dupa mengudara, menandakan persiapan Galungan sudah dimulai.
The fragrant aroma of incense filled the air, signaling that preparations for Galungan had already begun.
Ayu kembali ke Bali setelah bertahun-tahun tinggal di luar negeri.
Ayu had returned to Bali after years of living abroad.
Dia merasa asing dengan kampung halamannya sendiri.
She felt like a stranger in her own hometown.
"Bisakah aku merasakan ikatan ini kembali?
"Can I feel this connection again?"
" batin Ayu meragu.
Ayu wondered uncertainly to herself.
Langkahnya terhenti ketika ia melihat Rizal, sepupunya, sibuk menghias penjor, tiang bambu dihiasi daun kelapa dan buah-buahan, simbol kemenangan dharma atas adharma.
She paused when she saw Rizal, her cousin, busy decorating the penjor, a bamboo pole adorned with palm leaves and fruits, symbolizing the victory of dharma over adharma.
"Ayo, Ayu!
"Come on, Ayu!
Ini waktu yang tepat untuk merayakan Galungan bersama!
It's the perfect time to celebrate Galungan together!"
" seru Rizal penuh semangat.
shouted Rizal enthusiastically.
Wajahnya berseri-seri, tetapi Ayu masih merasa canggung.
His face beamed, but Ayu still felt awkward.
"Aku sudah lama tidak melakukan ini, Rizal," jawab Ayu ragu-ragu.
"I haven't done this in a long time, Rizal," replied Ayu hesitantly.
Putri, adik Ayu, datang mendekati.
Putri, Ayu's sister, approached her.
"Kak, tidak perlu khawatir.
"Sis, don't worry.
Kita di sini untuk membantu satu sama lain," katanya lembut.
We are here to support each other," she said softly.
Putri selalu menjadi penengah yang bijak, membuat Ayu merasa sedikit lebih tenang.
Putri always acted as the wise mediator, making Ayu feel a little calmer.
Dia mendukung Ayu yang merasa terasing dengan tradisi.
She supported Ayu, who felt disconnected from the traditions.
Dalam perjalanan menuju pura untuk upacara, Ayu merasa perasaan akrab mulai tumbuh.
On the way to the pura for the ceremony, Ayu felt a sense of familiarity beginning to grow.
Namun, saat upacara dimulai, dia merasakan kembali kegugupannya.
However, as the ceremony started, she felt her nervousness return.
"Apa yang harus aku lakukan?
"What should I do?"
" Ayu berbisik pada Putri.
Ayu whispered to Putri.
Putri tersenyum, menuntun Ayu untuk ikut sembahyang dengan khusyuk.
Putri smiled, guiding Ayu to pray with devotion.
Puncak upacara tiba.
The ceremony reached its climax.
Bersama suara gamelan dan doa yang dilantunkan, Ayu menutup mata.
Accompanied by the sound of gamelan and the chanting prayers, Ayu closed her eyes.
Perlahan, ia merasakan kedamaian mengalir dalam dirinya.
Gradually, she felt peace flowing within her.
Di saat itulah, ia merasakan ikatan kuat dengan tanah kelahirannya.
In that moment, she felt a strong connection with her birthplace.
Dia merasakan kehadiran leluhur, dan pentingnya keluarga yang telah lama terlupakan.
She sensed the presence of her ancestors and the importance of her long-forgotten family.
Usai upacara, Ayu bersama Rizal dan Putri menyiapkan pesta keluarga.
After the ceremony, Ayu, together with Rizal and Putri, prepared the family feast.
Mereka tertawa, berbagi cerita dan makanan.
They laughed, shared stories, and enjoyed the food.
Untuk pertama kalinya, Ayu merasa tidak lagi asing.
For the first time, Ayu no longer felt like a stranger.
"Ini baru awal," pikir Ayu dalam hati, berjanji untuk terus memelihara hubungan dengan budaya dan keluarganya.
"This is just the beginning," Ayu thought to herself, promising to continually nurture her relationship with her culture and family.
Hari berganti malam saat mereka duduk bersama menikmati hasil kerja keras mereka.
Day turned to night as they sat together enjoying the fruits of their labor.
Ayu tersenyum, melihat wajah-wajah bahagia di sekelilingnya.
Ayu smiled, seeing the happy faces around her.
Hari ini, di tengah keluarga dan tanah airnya, Ayu menemukan kembali bagian dari dirinya yang hilang.
Today, amidst her family and homeland, Ayu rediscovered a part of herself that had been lost.
Dan kini, dia siap menerimanya sepenuh hati.
And now, she was ready to embrace it wholeheartedly.