From Spice to Truth: A Pasar Adventure
FluentFiction - Indonesian
From Spice to Truth: A Pasar Adventure
Pasar itu ramai dan penuh warna.
The pasar was bustling and full of color.
Matahari musim panas bersinar cerah di atas kepala, menyinari semua sudut pasar yang sibuk.
The summer sun shone brightly overhead, illuminating every corner of the busy pasar.
Para penjual berteriak, menawarkan sayuran segar dan buah-buahan dengan harga terbaik.
The vendors shouted, offering fresh vegetables and fruits at the best prices.
Di tengah keramaian ini, Adi dan Sari berjalan santai.
Amid this crowd, Adi and Sari walked leisurely.
Mereka tersenyum, menikmati suasana.
They smiled, enjoying the atmosphere.
Adi melihat ke arah Sari, penuh semangat.
Adi looked at Sari, full of enthusiasm.
"Lihat, ada acara di situ!
"Look, there's an event over there!"
" katanya sambil menunjuk tenda besar dengan poster menarik.
he said, pointing to a large tent with an interesting poster.
Sari memperhatikan poster itu.
Sari examined the poster.
"Kontes Makan Cabai," bacanya keras.
"Chili Eating Contest," she read aloud.
"Ayo, kita coba!
"Come on, let's try it!"
" ajaknya antusias, senang dengan tantangan.
she invited eagerly, excited by the challenge.
"Wah, pasti seru!
"Wow, this will be fun!"
" jawab Adi, meskipun hatinya ragu.
replied Adi, though he was feeling unsure inside.
Dia ingin membuat Sari terkesan, tapi diam-diam dia tak suka makanan pedas.
He wanted to impress Sari, but secretly, he disliked spicy food.
Ia ingin tampak berani di depan Sari.
He wanted to appear brave in front of Sari.
Mereka mendaftar, berpikir itu acara cicip rasa.
They signed up, thinking it was a tasting event.
Tapi mereka salah.
But they were mistaken.
Ini adalah kontes makan cabai terpedas di pasar.
It was the hottest chili eating contest in the pasar.
"Siap, Adi?
"Ready, Adi?"
" tanya Sari, yakin akan menang.
asked Sari, confident of winning.
" sahut Adi tanpa berkedip, meski sebenarnya khawatir.
replied Adi without blinking, though he was actually worried.
Perlombaan dimulai.
The competition began.
Cabai pertama ringan.
The first chili was mild.
Adi masih bisa tersenyum.
Adi could still smile.
Tapi cabai berikutnya makin pedas.
But the next chili was spicier.
Keringat mulai mengalir di dahinya.
Sweat began to trickle down his forehead.
Sari makan dengan santai, sambil sesekali melirik ke arah Adi yang mulai gelisah.
Sari ate calmly, occasionally glancing at Adi who was beginning to feel uneasy.
Saat cabai ketiga, Adi merasa terbakar.
By the third chili, Adi felt on fire.
Air mata mengalir dari matanya.
Tears streamed from his eyes.
Dia berusaha tetap tenang, tapi rasa pedas tak tertahankan.
He tried to stay calm, but the spiciness was unbearable.
Di dalam hatinya, dilema berkecamuk: mengakui ketidakmampuannya atau terus berpura-pura?
In his heart, a dilemma raged: admit his incapability or continue pretending?
Akhirnya, di depan semua orang, Adi bersuara.
Finally, in front of everyone, Adi spoke up.
"Sari, aku minta maaf.
"Sari, I'm sorry.
Aku tidak kuat yang pedas," ucapnya pelan, mencoba tersenyum meski kesakitan.
I can't handle the spiciness," he said softly, attempting to smile despite the pain.
Penonton terdiam sejenak, lalu tertawa.
The audience paused for a moment, then laughed.
Sari menatap Adi dengan kagum.
Sari looked at Adi with admiration.
"Tidak apa-apa, Adi.
"It's okay, Adi.
Berani jujur itu lebih baik daripada menang," katanya sambil memberikan saputangan.
Being honest is better than winning," she said, offering him a handkerchief.
Adi merasa lega.
Adi felt relieved.
Mereka tertawa bersama, meninggalkan kontes dengan perasan lebih ringan.
They laughed together, leaving the contest with a lighter feeling.
Tanpa beban, menikmati kembali suasana pasar yang ceria.
Unburdened, they returned to enjoying the lively pasar atmosphere.
Kini, Adi tahu bahwa kejujuran lebih berharga daripada sekedar tampak hebat.
Now, Adi knew that honesty was more valuable than just appearing impressive.
Dan Sari, ia menemukan rasa hormat baru untuk kegigihan Adi, meskipun berbeda dari yang ia harapkan.
And Sari, she found new respect for Adi's perseverance, even if it was different from what she expected.
Pertemanan mereka semakin erat, dan mereka terus menikmati hari di pasar yang cerah itu.
Their friendship grew stronger, and they continued to enjoy the day at the bright pasar.