Rain or Shine: Casting Votes and Finding Hope in Yogyakarta
FluentFiction - Indonesian
Rain or Shine: Casting Votes and Finding Hope in Yogyakarta
Hujan turun dengan deras di Yogyakarta.
Rain poured heavily in Yogyakarta.
Langit gelap dengan awan hitam yang menutup matahari.
The sky was dark with black clouds covering the sun.
Di tengah suara air hujan yang turun ke jalan, Budi, Rini, dan Wulan bergegas ke tempat pemungutan suara.
Amidst the sound of rainwater falling onto the streets, Budi, Rini, and Wulan hurried to the polling station.
Meski basah, mereka tetap semangat.
Despite being wet, their spirits remained high.
Hari ini adalah hari penting bagi mereka.
Today was an important day for them.
Pemilu lokal diadakan, dan mereka ingin ikut berpartisipasi.
The local elections were being held, and they wanted to participate.
Budi adalah mahasiswa yang sangat peduli dengan perubahan sosial.
Budi is a university student who cares deeply about social change.
Dia yakin bahwa suara setiap orang penting.
He believes that every person's voice matters.
Bersama kakaknya, Rini, dan sahabatnya, Wulan, Budi berharap bisa membuat perbedaan.
Along with his sister, Rini, and his best friend, Wulan, Budi hopes to make a difference.
Namun, Rini lebih skeptis.
However, Rini is more skeptical.
Dia sudah lama tidak percaya pada politik, takut adiknya akan kecewa.
She has long lost faith in politics, fearing her brother might be disappointed.
Wulan, di sisi lain, selalu penuh energi.
Wulan, on the other hand, is always full of energy.
Baginya, setiap orang harus berperan serta dalam pemilihan.
To her, everyone must take part in the elections.
Dia ingin orang-orang terinspirasi oleh aksi mereka.
She wants people to be inspired by their actions.
Ketiganya melangkah dengan cepat, melewati genangan air dan menghindari payung besar warna-warni yang memenuhi jalan.
The three of them walked quickly, stepping over puddles and avoiding the large colorful umbrellas filling the street.
Mereka tahu bahwa waktu tidak berpihak kepada mereka.
They knew time was not on their side.
Hujan membuat lalu lintas semrawut.
The rain made the traffic chaotic.
Kemacetan membuat cemas.
The congestion was nerve-wracking.
Budi berpikir keras, mencari solusi agar mereka tidak terlambat.
Budi thought hard, searching for a solution to avoid being late.
"Bagaimana kalau kita jalan kaki dari sini?
"How about we walk from here?"
" usul Budi tiba-tiba.
Budi suddenly suggested.
Rini ragu.
Rini hesitated.
"Kita akan basah kuyup," katanya.
"We'll be soaked," she said.
"Lebih baik basah daripada tidak bisa memilih," jawab Wulan dengan semangat.
"Better to be wet than not able to vote," Wulan answered enthusiastically.
Dengan semangat membara, mereka bertiga mulai berjalan.
With burning determination, the three of them began walking.
Jalan setapak penuh dengan tantangan.
The path was full of challenges.
Air mengalir deras di jalanan.
Water flowed swiftly on the streets.
Namun, semangat Budi yang kuat memimpin mereka.
However, Budi's strong spirit led them.
Dia menatap Rini, berharap bisa mempengaruhinya.
He looked at Rini, hoping to influence her.
Dia ingin membuktikan bahwa suara mereka penting.
He wanted to prove that their voices mattered.
Ketika akhirnya mereka tiba di tempat pemungutan suara, waktu sudah hampir habis.
When they finally arrived at the polling station, time was almost running out.
Pintu masuk penuh dengan orang-orang yang juga terlambat.
The entrance was crowded with others who were also late.
Dengan suara terengah-engah dan pakaian basah, mereka bergabung dalam antrean.
With panting breaths and wet clothes, they joined the line.
Anehnya, Budi merasa yakin.
Strangely, Budi felt confident.
Ia merasakan kehangatan di tengah hujan yang dingin.
He felt warmth amidst the cold rain.
Mereka bertiga akhirnya berhasil memberikan suara.
The three of them finally managed to cast their votes.
Rini, meski masih ragu, mulai merasa yakin dengan semangat adiknya.
Rini, though still doubtful, began to feel convinced by her brother's enthusiasm.
"Mungkin kita memang punya suara," katanya lembut.
"Maybe we do have a voice," she said softly.
Budi tersenyum lebar.
Budi grinned widely.
Dia berhasil.
He succeeded.
Kepercayaan dirinya tumbuh.
His confidence grew.
Wulan juga merasa bangga, yakin bahwa tindakan kecil mereka bisa membawa semangat baru bagi orang lain.
Wulan also felt proud, believing that their small action could bring new enthusiasm to others.
Saat mereka meninggalkan tempat pemungutan suara, hujan sedikit mereda.
As they left the polling station, the rain had slightly eased.
Rini merasa perubahan dalam dirinya.
Rini felt a change within herself.
Dia mulai percaya bahwa satu suara bisa berarti besar.
She started to believe that a single vote could mean a lot.
Mereka berjalan pulang, hati mereka hangat meski tubuh mereka masih basah.
They walked home, their hearts warm even though their bodies were still wet.
Di tengah gerimis yang menenangkan, mereka bertiga menemukan harapan baru untuk masa depan yang lebih baik.
In the midst of the calming drizzle, the three of them found new hope for a better future.