Discovering Heritage: A Night at the Yogyakarta Palace
FluentFiction - Indonesian
Discovering Heritage: A Night at the Yogyakarta Palace
Yogyakarta Palace bersinar dengan lampu-lampu gemerlap.
The Yogyakarta Palace shone with sparkling lights.
Adi dan kedua anaknya, Bintang dan Citra, berdiri di depan gerbang besar.
Adi and his two children, Bintang and Citra, stood in front of the grand gate.
Udara malam terasa hangat, menandakan musim panas di belahan bumi selatan.
The night air felt warm, marking the summer season in the southern hemisphere.
Semua orang tampak gembira menyambut Tahun Baru.
Everyone seemed cheerful welcoming the New Year.
Adi bersemangat mengenalkan warisan budaya kepada anak-anaknya.
Adi was eager to introduce the cultural heritage to his children.
"Lihat, ini keraton Yogyakarta," kata Adi dengan senyum lebar.
"Look, this is the Keraton Yogyakarta," Adi said with a wide smile.
"Istana ini penuh sejarah.
"This palace is full of history."
"Bintang, kakak yang lebih tua, memasang wajah ragu.
Bintang, the older sibling, wore a doubtful expression.
Ia tertarik pada sejarah, tetapi saat itu, ponselnya lebih menarik.
He was interested in history, but at that moment, his phone was more engaging.
"Apa ada Wi-Fi di sini, Ayah?
"Is there Wi-Fi here, Dad?"
" tanyanya sambil melirik layar ponsel.
he asked while glancing at his phone screen.
Sementara itu, Citra, adik kecilnya, tampak gelisah.
Meanwhile, Citra, his younger sister, looked restless.
Suara musik tradisional dan keramaian membuatnya merasa tertekan.
The sound of traditional music and the crowd made her feel overwhelmed.
"Ayah, terlalu ramai," katanya sambil meremas tangan Adi.
"Dad, it's too crowded," she said while squeezing Adi's hand.
Adi sadar bahwa ia harus membagi perhatiannya.
Adi realized he needed to split his attention.
"Baiklah, kita cari tempat yang lebih tenang dulu," usul Adi.
"Alright, let's find a quieter place first," suggested Adi.
Mereka berjalan ke pojok halaman, di mana suara lebih lembut dan lingkungan lebih nyaman.
They walked to the corner of the courtyard, where the sounds were softer and the environment was more comfortable.
"Di sini lebih baik, kan Citra?
"Is this better, Citra?"
" tanya Adi.
asked Adi.
Citra mengangguk, perlahan tersenyum.
Citra nodded, slowly smiling.
Dia melihat ke sekeliling, mulai merasa lebih nyaman.
She looked around, starting to feel more at ease.
Kemudian, Adi beralih ke Bintang.
Then, Adi turned to Bintang.
"Tahukah kamu, Bintang?
"Did you know, Bintang?
Beberapa teknologi modern terinspirasi oleh inovasi dari masa lalu.
Some modern technology is inspired by innovations from the past."
"Sambil mendengarkan, mata Bintang teralihkan pada sebuah pertunjukan reenactment.
While listening, Bintang's attention was drawn to a reenactment performance.
"Apa itu, Ayah?
"What's that, Dad?"
" tanyanya penasaran.
he asked curiously.
"Itu adalah pertunjukan tentang sejarah Sultan pertama," kata Adi.
"That is a show about the history of the first Sultan," said Adi.
Bintang fokus pada pertunjukan, matanya berbinar.
Bintang focused on the performance, his eyes shining.
Sejarah menjadi hidup baginya.
History came alive for him.
Sementara itu, Citra terpikat oleh penari yang mengenakan baju tradisional.
Meanwhile, Citra was captivated by the dancers wearing traditional clothes.
Dia menatap dengan kagum, gelombang tariannya menghibur dirinya.
She stared in awe, the waves of their dance entertaining her.
"Cantik sekali," desis Citra, senyum besarnya kembali.
"So beautiful," murmured Citra, her broad smile returning.
Malam semakin larut.
The night grew late.
Langit Yogyakarta diterangi kembang api, menandai pergantian tahun.
The sky of Yogyakarta was lit by fireworks, marking the turn of the year.
Adi memeluk anak-anaknya.
Adi hugged his children.
"Bagaimana, suka dengan keraton ini?
"How is it, do you like this Keraton?"
" tanyanya.
he asked.
Bintang mengangguk.
Bintang nodded.
"Aku suka cerita sejarahnya.
"I like the historical stories.
Sangat menarik.
They're very interesting."
"Citra juga mengangguk dengan antusias.
Citra nodded enthusiastically as well.
"Dan tariannya sangat indah!
"And the dances are so beautiful!"
"Adi puas.
Adi was satisfied.
Usahanya berhasil.
His efforts had paid off.
Dia menyadari, penting untuk menyesuaikan cara mengenalkan budaya kepada anak-anaknya.
He realized it was important to adjust the way of introducing culture to his children.
Mereka berdiri bersama, menikmati kunang-kunang dari kembang api yang memenuhi langit.
They stood together, enjoying the firefly-like fireworks that filled the sky.
Mereka bukan hanya merayakan pergantian tahun, tetapi juga kesempatan untuk lebih dekat dengan warisan mereka.
They were not only celebrating the turn of the year but also the opportunity to get closer to their heritage.
Dengan senyum penuh kegembiraan dan kebanggaan, Adi, Bintang, dan Citra merangkum semangat dan makna kebersamaan.
With smiles full of joy and pride, Adi, Bintang, and Citra encapsulated the spirit and meaning of togetherness.
Malam itu, meski di tengah keramaian, mereka merasa lebih dekat satu sama lain dan lebih terhubung dengan budaya mereka.
That night, even in the midst of the crowd, they felt closer to each other and more connected with their culture.
Di tengah suasana keraton yang megah, keluarga itu menemukan rasa memiliki yang baru.
Amidst the majestic atmosphere of the Keraton, the family found a new sense of belonging.
Itulah awal Tahun Baru yang indah bagi mereka, dalam pelukan budaya yang kaya dan kekeluargaan yang hangat.
It was the beginning of a beautiful New Year for them, in the embrace of rich culture and warm family ties.