From Rainy Classrooms to Team Triumphs: Dewi's Journey
FluentFiction - Indonesian
From Rainy Classrooms to Team Triumphs: Dewi's Journey
Hujan tak berhenti sejak pagi, menetes pelan di atap sekolah Jakarta yang sibuk itu.
The rain didn't stop since morning, dripping slowly on the roof of that busy Jakarta school.
Suasana lembab tak membuat Dewi menyerah.
The damp atmosphere didn't make Dewi give up.
Di kelas, suasana riuh.
In class, the mood was noisy.
Anak-anak saling bercanda dan bertukar cerita.
The children were joking and swapping stories.
Namun di sudut ruangan, Dewi tampak tegang.
However, in the corner of the room, Dewi looked tense.
Dia menggenggam buku catatan dengan erat.
She clutched her notebook tightly.
Dewi dikenal sebagai murid rajin.
Dewi was known as a diligent student.
Tapi tugas proyek kelompok ini membebaninya.
But this group project burdened her.
Dewi sadar, nilai proyek ini penting.
Dewi realized this project's grade was important.
Dia hanya berharap semua anggota kelompoknya bisa bekerjasama.
She only hoped all her group members would cooperate.
Rahmat, yang lebih suka berkumpul dengan teman-temannya, sudah beberapa kali absen saat pertemuan kelompok.
Rahmat, who preferred hanging out with his friends, had already been absent a few times during group meetings.
Walau begitu, Dewi tahu Rahmat cerdas, hanya saja ia kurang motivasi.
Despite that, Dewi knew Rahmat was smart, just lacking motivation.
Lalu ada Iman.
Then there was Iman.
Iman lebih suka diam.
Iman preferred to stay quiet.
Dewi tahu Iman sebenarnya banyak ide.
Dewi knew Iman actually had plenty of ideas.
Sayangnya, Iman sering ragu untuk bicara, takut diabaikan.
Unfortunately, Iman often hesitated to speak, afraid of being ignored.
Dewi ingin Iman percaya diri dan menyumbangkan pemikirannya.
Dewi wanted Iman to be confident and contribute his thoughts.
Saat bel bersuara, Dewi mengajak Rahmat dan Iman berkumpul di perpustakaan.
When the bell rang, Dewi invited Rahmat and Iman to gather in the library.
Di sana lebih sepi.
It was quieter there.
"Kita harus diskusi soal proyek ini," Dewi memulai dengan suara mantap.
"We need to discuss this project," Dewi started with a firm voice.
Rahmat duduk, masih asyik mengetik di ponselnya.
Rahmat sat, still busy typing on his phone.
Iman membuka buku catatannya, ragu-ragu.
Iman opened his notebook, hesitantly.
"Rahmat, kita butuh kontribusi kamu," kata Dewi pelan namun tegas.
"Rahmat, we need your contribution," said Dewi softly but firmly.
"Kalau kita kerjakan bersama, hasilnya bisa lebih baik.
"If we work together, the result could be better.
Dan Iman, aku yakin kamu punya ide bagus.
And Iman, I believe you have good ideas.
Tolong bagikan dengan kami.
Please share them with us."
"Rahmat tersentak.
Rahmat was startled.
Dia tahu, Dewi benar.
He knew Dewi was right.
"Maaf, Dewi.
"Sorry, Dewi.
Aku akan lebih serius," jawab Rahmat.
I'll take it more seriously," Rahmat replied.
Sementra itu, Iman tersenyum kecil, merasa dihargai.
Meanwhile, Iman smiled a little, feeling appreciated.
"Aku ada ide tentang cara menyajikan data kita," katanya akhirnya, suara pelan tapi jelas.
"I have an idea about how to present our data," he finally said, his voice soft but clear.
Diskusi itu berlangsung hingga sore.
The discussion went on until evening.
Dewi membagi tugas dengan jelas.
Dewi assigned tasks clearly.
Rahmat mulai mencari data di komputer sekolah.
Rahmat began looking for data on the school's computer.
Iman membantu dengan ide-ide kreatifnya untuk presentasi.
Iman helped with his creative ideas for the presentation.
Dewi merasa lega.
Dewi felt relieved.
Pencapaian ini bukan hanya karena kerja kerasnya, tapi karena mereka bekerja sebagai tim.
This achievement wasn't just because of her hard work, but because they worked as a team.
Hari presentasi datang.
The day of the presentation arrived.
Hujan kembali turun.
The rain fell again.
Di depan kelas, mereka bertiga mempresentasikan hasil kerja mereka.
In front of the class, the three of them presented their work.
Semua berjalan lancar.
Everything went smoothly.
Gagasan Iman tentang visualisasi data mendapat pujian.
Iman's idea about data visualization received praise.
Dewi melihat sekeliling, melihat senyum tak hanya di wajah teman-temannya, tapi di wajah Rahmat dan Iman juga.
Dewi looked around, seeing smiles not only on her friends’ faces but on Rahmat and Iman's faces too.
Setelah acara selesai, Dewi merasa lega.
After the event was over, Dewi felt relieved.
Dia belajar pentingnya komunikasi dan berbagi tugas.
She learned the importance of communication and sharing tasks.
Rahmat menyadari bahwa kontribusinya berarti, dan Iman, meski tetap pendiam, mulai lebih percaya diri berbicara di depan umum.
Rahmat realized his contribution mattered, and Iman, though still quiet, started to feel more confident speaking in public.
Di bawah payung bersama, mereka bertiga berjalan pulang.
Under a shared umbrella, the three of them walked home.
Hujan pun seolah mendendangkan lagu kemenangan kecil di atas kepala mereka.
The rain seemed to sing a small victory song over their heads.
Proyek selesai dengan baik, dan kini hubungan persahabatan mereka semakin erat, meski dimulai dari perbedaan.
The project was completed well, and now their friendship was even closer, despite starting from differences.