Laughter at the Market: A Mix-up to Remember
FluentFiction - Latvian
Laughter at the Market: A Mix-up to Remember
Rīgas centrāltirgus šomēnes tērpušies svētku drēbēs.
Riga Central Market was dressed in its festive attire this month.
Ansis bija jauns puisis no laukiem, kurš pilsētā bija atbraucis tikai uz pāris dienām.
Ansis was a young man from the countryside who had come to the city for just a few days.
Ar savu labāko draugu Mari nolēma doties uz tirgu, lai iepirktos vakara maltītei.
He had decided to go to the market with his best friend Mari to shop for their evening meal.
"To būs forši, Ansi!
"This will be great, Ansis!"
" smaidīja Maris.
Mari smiled.
"Tirgū vienmēr var atrast ko interesantu.
"You can always find something interesting at the market."
"Tirgus bija pilns ar dažādām smaržām un skaņām.
The market was filled with various scents and sounds.
Pārdevēji centās piesaistīt pircējus, izsaucot savas preces.
Vendors tried to attract buyers by calling out their goods.
Ansis bija sajūsmā par visu redzēto un dzirdēto.
Ansis was amazed by everything he saw and heard.
"Sveiki, Ansī," sveica viņus viņu kopīgā draudzene Liene, kura strādāja pie dārzeņu stenda.
"Hello, Ansis," greeted their mutual friend Liene, who worked at the vegetable stand.
"Ko tu šodien meklē?
"What are you looking for today?"
""Sveiki, Liene!
"Hello, Liene!
Es gribētu nopirkt kartupeļus vakara zivju zupai," atbildēja Ansis.
I'd like to buy potatoes for tonight's fish soup," Ansis replied.
Liene māja ar galvu, paņēma līdzi Ansi, un kopā devās uz zivju sadaļu.
Nodding, Liene took Ansis with her and they went to the fish section.
"Šeit ir labākās zivis," teica Liene, piebilstot, ka viņai drīz jāatgriežas pie stenda.
"Here are the best fish," said Liene, adding that she had to return to her stand soon.
Ansis izvēlējās svaigāko lomu un, samaksājis, saņēma to lielā papīra maisā.
Ansis chose the freshest cod, paid for it, and received it in a large paper bag.
Atvadoties no Liene, Ansis nosprieda, ka, pirms atgriežas pie dārzeņiem, izpētīs tirgu tālāk.
As he said goodbye to Liene, Ansis decided to explore more of the market before returning to the vegetables.
Taču šajā brīdī notika kļūda.
But at that moment, a mistake occurred.
Draugs Maris, kurš bija veikli caurvijis tirgu meklējot sēnes un garšaugus, sakrita ar Ansi pie dārzeņu stenda.
His friend Mari, who had skillfully navigated the market in search of mushrooms and herbs, coincidentally met Ansis at the vegetable stand.
Stāvot pie stenda, Ansis, nepamana kā kļūdaini paņēma maisu, kas izskatījās līdzīgs viņa maisam ar zivīm, bet patiesībā tur bija kartupeļi.
While standing there, Ansis inadvertently grabbed a bag that looked similar to his fish bag, but actually contained potatoes.
"Es maksāšu par šiem," pārliecināti teica Ansis, mēģinot samaksāt par "kartupeļiem" dārzeņu sadaļā.
"I'll pay for these," Ansis confidently said, trying to pay for the "potatoes" at the vegetable section.
"Draudziņ, tie ir zivis, nevis kartupeļi!
"Friend, these are fish, not potatoes!"
" klusā smieklos izteicās Maris, uzzinot par notikušo juku.
Maris said with suppressed laughter upon learning about the mix-up.
Ansis, sarkstot līdz ausīm, atvainojās dārzeņu pārdevējam un meklēja savas pareizās precēs.
Blushing up to his ears, Ansis apologized to the vegetable vendor and found his correct items.
Abi draugi nodomāja par šo gadījumu ilgi smieties.
The two friends thought about this incident and burst into laughter for a long time.
Liene, kas visu redzēja no malas, pievienojās smiekliem un palīdzēja visu atrisināt.
Liene, who had witnessed the situation, joined in the laughter and helped resolve everything.
Galu galā Ansis atrada savu maisu ar zivīm un apmaksāja gan tos, gan kartupeļus.
In the end, Ansis found his bag with the fish and paid for both that and the potatoes.
Abi draugi un Liene turpināja iepirkties, tagad jau uzmanīgāk pārbaudot savas somas.
The two friends and Liene continued shopping, now checking their bags more carefully.
Šis brīnišķīgais rīts Rīgas centrāltirgū paliks viņu atmiņā ne tikai ar smieklīgo pārpratumu, bet arī ar draudzības un kopīgi pavadīta laika siltumu.
This wonderful morning at Riga Central Market will stay in their memories not only because of the funny misunderstanding, but also because of the warmth of friendship and time spent together.
Ansis, Maris, un Liene pie smagi klātā galda nogaršoja vakara maltīti, zivju zupu ar kartupeļiem, un visi bija laimīgi.
Ansis, Maris, and Liene enjoyed their evening meal, fish soup with potatoes, at a well-spread table, and everyone was happy.
Un Ansī atkal apgalvoja, ka viņš turpmāk vienmēr pārbaudīs, vai maisā ir pareizās preces.
And Ansis once again affirmed that he would always check if the items in the bag are correct from now on.