Honey-Blonde Mishap at Riga's Market
FluentFiction - Latvian
Honey-Blonde Mishap at Riga's Market
Saulainā septembra rītā Ansis pamodās ar sajūtu, ka šī diena viņam atnesīs ko interesantu.
On a sunny September morning, Ansis woke up with a feeling that this day would bring something interesting.
Saģērbies savā mīļākajā dzeltenajā krekliņā, viņš devās uz Rīgas Centrāltirgu, kur plānoja iegādāties kaut ko gardu savas virtuves plauktiņiem.
Dressed in his favorite yellow t-shirt, he headed to the Riga Central Market, where he planned to buy something tasty for his kitchen shelves.
Tirgus bija pilns ar cilvēkiem, kas steidzās pa šaurajām ejām starp krāsainajām tirdzniecības būdām, kurās smarža samērījās ar pircēju kņadu un pārdevēju saucienu.
The market was crowded with people rushing through the narrow aisles between the colorful stalls, where the aroma mixed with the buzz of buyers and sellers.
Ansī pavadā šodien bija divas draudzenes - zilacainā Zane un smaidīgā Inese, kuras abas priecājās par iespēju pavadīt dienu kopā ar labu draugu.
Ansis was accompanied by two friends today - the blue-eyed Zane and the cheerful Inese, both delighted to spend the day with a good friend.
Ansis nespēja noturēt smaidu, ejot cauri medus tirdziņam.
Ansis couldn't help but smile as he walked through the honey market.
Medus burciņas mirdzēja saules staros kā zelta lāses.
The honey jars shone in the sun like golden drops.
Bez lielas pārdomāšanas viņš paņēma vienu burciņu, nedomājot par to, ka nav uzraksta, kas par brīnumlīdzekli tur atrodas.
Without much thought, he picked up a jar, not realizing there was no label indicating what miracle remedy it contained.
"Tas būs īstais ārstniecības līdzeklis maniem matiem," sajūsmā runāja Ansis.
"This will be the perfect treatment for my hair," Ansis exclaimed joyfully.
Zane ar nelielu smīnu acīs un Inese ar zinātkāru skatienu novēroja, kā Ansis piekasās pēc pirkuma.
Zane looked at him with a slight smile, while Inese observed with a curious gaze as Ansis made his purchase.
Pēkšņi, ar plaukstu nesaturošu sparu, Ansis atvēra burciņas vāciņu un... ieziedēja medu savos blondajos matos!
Suddenly, with an absent-minded gesture, Ansis opened the lid of the jar and... smeared honey in his blonde hair!
Zane acīmredzami nesaprot, kāpēc Ansis tā darīja, un aizrāda, "Ansi, ko Tu dari? Tas taču ir medus, nevis šampūns!"
Zane obviously didn't understand why Ansis did that and exclaimed, "Ansis, what are you doing? That's honey, not shampoo!"
Izsalkuši rāpulīši sāka pulcēties ap Anša matu kaskādi.
Hungry bees began to gather around Ansis's honey-coated hair.
Inese gandrīz nosmīkāja no smejas, redzēdama, kā Ansis cenšas izkult medaino materiālu.
Inese almost burst out laughing, seeing Ansis trying to scrape off the sticky substance.
Kad viņš beidzot saprata, kas noticis, Ansis palika vaibstā - mati mirgoja kā medus straume, un Zane ar Inesi gandrīz dubļoja no smiekliem.
When he finally realized what had happened, Ansis was embarrassed - his hair glimmered like a stream of honey, and Zane and Inese nearly doubled over with laughter.
Bet viņš nezaudēja humora izjūtu.
But he didn't lose his sense of humor.
Ansis atvainojās tirdzniecim par nepatikšanām un nopirka šampūnu, lai atbrīvotos no nelāgās situācijas.
Ansis apologized to the vendor for the trouble and bought shampoo to get rid of the awkward situation.
Drīz vien viņi visi smējās kopā, mazgājot Anša matus pie viena no tirgus ūdens pumpiem.
Soon, they were all laughing as they washed Ansis's hair at one of the market's water pumps.
Visbeidzot, kad Ansis atgūva savu parasto izskatu, viņi visi nolēma noslēgt šo pārpratumu pilno dienu, baudot saldus biezpiena plācenīšus un šķirot medus burciņas, šoreiz rūpīgi pārliecinoties, ka tās ir paredzētas ēšanai nevis matu mazgāšanai.
Finally, when Ansis regained his usual look, they all decided to conclude this day full of misunderstandings, enjoying sweet curd pancakes and carefully inspecting the honey jars, making sure this time that they were meant for eating, not washing hair.
Un tā, šī diena kļuva par vienu no smieklīgākajiem un neaizmirstamākajiem piedzīvojumiem viņu draudzībā.
And so, this day became one of the funniest and most unforgettable experiences in their friendship.