The Heartwarming Market Day Feast of the Riga Family
FluentFiction - Latvian
The Heartwarming Market Day Feast of the Riga Family
Rīgas centrāltirgus smaržo pēc svaigiem dārzeņiem un vasaras vējiem.
The Riga Central Market smells of fresh vegetables and summer breezes.
Jānis ar ģimeni staigāja starp daudzajām teltīm, svaigiem āboliem un kraukšķīgiem gurķiem.
Jānis and his family walked among the many tents, fresh apples, and crunchy cucumbers.
Sestdienā tirgus ir pilns.
On Saturdays, the market is full.
Cilvēki runā, smejas, kaulējas.
People talk, laugh, haggle.
Jāņa mamma, kundze Ilsa, skatās uz sarkanu tomātu kalnu.
Jānis’s mother, Mrs. Ilsa, looks at a pile of red tomatoes.
"Cik šie maksā?
"How much are these?"
" viņa jautā pārdevējam.
she asks the vendor.
"Piecdesmit centi gabalā," atbild pārdevējs.
"Fifty cents each," the vendor replies.
" Jānis velk mammu aiz rokas.
Jānis tugs at his mother's hand.
"Mēs vēl nepirkām kartupeļus!
"We haven’t bought potatoes yet!"
" Ilsa pasmaida un piekrīt, ka ir jāatrod kartupeļi.
Ilsa smiles and agrees that they need to find potatoes.
Tēvs jau aizgājis uz nākamo stendu - viņš meklē burkānus.
The father has already gone to the next stall—he is looking for carrots.
"Bērni," mamma saka Jānim un viņa māsai Annai, "aiziešu pēc piena un maizes.
"Children," the mother says to Jānis and his sister Anna, "I'll go get milk and bread.
Palīdziet tētim.
Help your father."
"Jānis un Anna, ar nelielu maisiņu rokās, meklē tēvu starp burkāniem un rāceņiem.
Jānis and Anna, with a small bag in their hands, look for their father among the carrots and turnips.
"Šie burkāni ir ļoti labi," viņš saka, ievērojot siltos oranžos dārzeņus.
"These carrots are very good," he says, admiring the warm orange vegetables.
"Mēs taisīsim burkānu salātus šovakar.
"We’ll make carrot salad tonight."
"Jānis un Anna palīdz vecākiem piestādīt pilnus maisus ar kartupeļiem, burkāniem un tomātiem.
Jānis and Anna help their parents fill their bags with potatoes, carrots, and tomatoes.
Viņi paņem arī dažas sīkās mellenes desertam.
They also take some small blueberries for dessert.
Kad visas lietas ir nopirktas, viņi dodas uz mājām.
When all the items are bought, they head home.
Virtuvē sāk vākt, mazgāt un sagriezt dārzeņus.
In the kitchen, they start to clean, wash, and cut the vegetables.
Tēvs uzliek lielu katlu uz uguns, lai vārītu kartupeļus.
The father puts a large pot on the stove to boil the potatoes.
Mamma sagatavo salātus no tomātiem un gurķiem.
The mother prepares salads from tomatoes and cucumbers.
Anna palīdz māsai-mazākajai Jūlijai lobīt mellenes no kātiņa.
Anna helps her younger sister Julija pick the blueberries off the stems.
Beidzot, visi sēž pie vakariņu galda.
Finally, everyone sits at the dinner table.
Uz galda ir svaigie kartupeļi, burkānu salāti un tomātu-gurķu salāti.
On the table are fresh potatoes, carrot salad, and tomato-cucumber salad.
"Tas ir labākais ēdiens pasaulē," saka Jānis, iekožot kraukšķīgā kartupelī.
"This is the best food in the world," says Jānis, biting into a crispy potato.
Jāņa ģimene priecājas par kopā pavadīto laiku un gardo maltīti.
Jānis’s family enjoys the time spent together and the delicious meal.
Vakars beidzas ar smaidiem un siltumu sirdī.
The evening ends with smiles and warmth in their hearts.
Visi ir vienisprātis - tikšanās tirgū un gatavošana kopā padara dienu īpašu.
Everyone agrees—meeting at the market and cooking together makes the day special.
Un, protams, pusdienas no tirgus svaigiem dārzeņiem ir visgaršīgākās.
And, of course, meals made from the market's fresh vegetables are the tastiest.