A Giant Cabbage and New Year Luck at Rīgas Market
FluentFiction - Latvian
A Giant Cabbage and New Year Luck at Rīgas Market
Rīgas Centrāltirgus smaržoja pēc ziemas sezonas un Jaungada gaidīšanas.
The Rīgas Centrāltirgus smelled of the winter season and the anticipation of New Year.
Stendi bija pilni ar svaigiem dārzeņiem, smaržīgām zālēm un gardiem gaļas produktiem.
Stalls were full of fresh vegetables, fragrant herbs, and delicious meat products.
Staigājot starp tirgotājiem, Jānis un Inese meklēja kaut ko īpašu.
Walking among the vendors, Jānis and Inese were searching for something special.
Gaiņājoties no auksta vēja, kas skarstoja pa tirgu, abi draugi pievienojās pūlim, kurā bija pamanāms kāds neparasti liels kāposts.
Battling against the cold wind sweeping through the market, the two friends joined a crowd that was drawn to an unusually large cabbage.
Jānis bija iegrimis domās.
Jānis was deep in thought.
Viņš dzirdējis, ka šāds gigantisks kāposts Jaungada gaidās nesot neizmērojamu veiksmi.
He had heard that such a gigantic cabbage brought immense luck in anticipation of the New Year.
Savā drauga sabiedrībā viņam bija droši ļauties saviem ticējumiem.
In the company of his friend, he felt safe indulging in his beliefs.
Inese tomēr tikai pasmaidīja, puslīdz pārliecināta, ka tas ir tikai mīts.
However, Inese just smiled, half-convinced that it was just a myth.
Viņai patika vērot Jāņa entuziasmu, jo viņa bija skeptiska, bet netraucēja viņam ticēt.
She enjoyed watching Jānis' enthusiasm because she was skeptical, but she didn't hinder his belief.
"Jauki, vai ne?
"Nice, isn't it?"
" Jānis bilda, rādīdams ar pirkstu uz kāpostu, kas atgādināja lielāku par vidējiem dārzeņiem.
Jānis said, pointing to the cabbage that looked larger than average vegetables.
"Šis noteikti nesīs veiksmi!
"This will definitely bring luck!"
""Nebūtu slikti," Inese noģieda ar ironiju balsī un apskatīja apkārtējo tirgu.
"Wouldn't be bad," Inese guessed with irony in her voice and looked around the market.
"Bet cik tas maksā?
"But how much does it cost?"
"Jānis apņēmīgi tuvojās pārdevējam.
Jānis, determined, approached the seller.
"Labdien, cik maksā šis kāposts?
"Hello, how much for this cabbage?"
"Pārdevējs pameta skatienu uz lielāko dārzeni un atbildēja: "Divdesmit eiro.
The vendor glanced at the gigantic vegetable and replied, "Twenty euros.
Tas ir labs piedāvājums, jo Jaungada laikā cilvēki meklē veiksmi.
It's a good offer because during the New Year, people are seeking luck."
"Divdesmit eiro bija vairāk nekā Jānis gribēja maksāt.
Twenty euros was more than Jānis wanted to pay.
Bija brīdis pārdomām, bet tad Jānis uzsmaidīja Inesei.
There was a moment of contemplation, but then Jānis smiled at Inese.
Viņam radās plāns.
He had a plan.
"Vai tu uzdrīksties?
"Do you dare?!"
" viņš čukstēja.
he whispered.
Inese saprata viņa nodomu un sāka grimasi stāstu.
Inese understood his intent and began to exaggerate.
"Kāds ir absurds!
"How absurd!
Jānis, mēs nevaram tērēt tik daudz par kāpostu!
Jānis, we can't spend so much on a cabbage!
Vai maz zināt, cik tas ir liels galvassāpes?
Do you even know how much of a headache that is?"
""Bet Inese, šī varētu būt mūsu iespēja!
"But Inese, this could be our chance!"
", Jānis uzspēlēti sacepās.
Jānis feigned indignation.
Kamēr viņu argumentēšana izklaidēja apkārtējos, pārdevējs sāka smaidīt.
While their argument entertained those around them, the vendor started to smile.
Viņam patika šī maza izrāde.
He enjoyed the little show.
"Labi, labi," viņš smejoties teica.
"Alright, alright," he said, laughing.
"Es varbūt varu jums taisīt atlaidi.
"Maybe I can give you a discount.
Ko teiksiet par piecpadsmit eiro?
How about fifteen euros?
Tikai tādēļ, ka jūsu draudzība mani uzmundrina!
Just because your friendship cheers me up!"
"Jānis un Inese abi ieskatījās viens otram un smaidi uzspīdēja viņu sejās.
Jānis and Inese looked at each other, and smiles lit up their faces.
"Thank you!"
" viņi teica reizē un Jānis pasniedza naudu.
they said in unison, and Jānis handed over the money.
Ar lepnību acīs Jānis nesās ar kāpostu, it kā viņš būtu ieguvis zelta medaļu.
With pride in his eyes, Jānis carried the cabbage as if he had won a gold medal.
Inese, smejoties, piebiedrojās viņam ceļā ārā no tirgus, apņemoties neļaut Jānim aizmirst šo brīnišķīgo dienu.
Laughing, Inese joined him on the way out of the market, vowing not to let Jānis forget this wonderful day.
Kaut arī viņa skeptiskums palika spēkā, Inese saprata, cik svarīgi ir dalīties priekā un dažkārt piekrist draugam, kopā iepriecinot sevi un citus.
Even though her skepticism remained, Inese understood how important it was to share happiness and sometimes agree with a friend, bringing joy to themselves and others.
Ziemas sals pārvērtās par siltu draudzību, kas līdzās veiksmei vārdā turējās arī Jaungada laikā.
The winter chill turned into warm friendship, which held on alongside luck, even during the New Year.
Un kopā ar milzīgo kāpostu ceļš uz jaunām iespējām izskatījās gaišs.
And together with the giant cabbage, the path to new opportunities looked bright.