Courage in Oslo: A Night at Ullevål Sykehus
FluentFiction - Norwegian
Courage in Oslo: A Night at Ullevål Sykehus
Snøen falt uten stans i Oslo.
The snow fell relentlessly in Oslo.
Utenfor Ullevål sykehus raste vinden, og i akuttmottaket var luften fylt med stress og hektiske lyder.
Outside Ullevål sykehus, the wind howled, and in the emergency room, the air was filled with stress and hectic sounds.
Sindre var en dedikert sykepleier som jobbet lange skift.
Sindre was a dedicated nurse who worked long shifts.
I dag var han ekstra sliten, men han visste at hans plikt var viktig.
Today, he was especially tired, but he knew his duty was important.
Blant sykehusets korridorer satt Ingrid.
In the hospital's corridors sat Ingrid.
Hun var bekymret for sin bror, som hadde blitt brakt inn tidligere på dagen.
She was worried about her brother, who had been brought in earlier in the day.
"Hvordan går det med ham?" spurte hun med skjelvende stemme hver gang en lege gikk forbi.
"How is he doing?" she asked in a trembling voice each time a doctor passed by.
Men ingen kunne gi henne raskt svar.
But no one could give her a quick answer.
Lars, en ny pasient, lå på en båre.
Lars, a new patient, lay on a stretcher.
Hans tilstand var mystisk, og legene kunne ikke raskt forstå hva som plaget ham.
His condition was mysterious, and the doctors couldn't quickly understand what was ailing him.
Sindre så på klokken; snart ble det kritisk viktig å få tak i riktige medisiner og utstyr.
Sindre looked at the clock; soon it would be critically important to get the right medications and equipment.
Men snøstormen gjorde det vanskelig å få leveranser, og strømmen blinket truende.
But the snowstorm made it difficult to receive deliveries, and the power flickered threateningly.
Plutselig gikk strømmen helt.
Suddenly, the power went out completely.
Alarmene begynte å pipe.
Alarms began to beep.
Sindre måtte handle raskt med resten av teamet.
Sindre had to act quickly with the rest of the team.
De begynte å drive maskinene manuelt for å holde pasientene i live.
They started operating the machines manually to keep the patients alive.
"Vi må beholde roen," sa Sindre til sine kolleger.
"We must remain calm," said Sindre to his colleagues.
Han visste at dette ikke var tiden for å miste fokus.
He knew this wasn't the time to lose focus.
Teamet jobbet sammen, og Sindre følte styrken av fellesskapet.
The team worked together, and Sindre felt the strength of community.
Det var ikke lett, men de klarte å stabilisere Lars og de andre kritiske pasientene.
It wasn't easy, but they managed to stabilize Lars and the other critical patients.
Ingrid satt spent i venterommet, hendene foldet hardt i fanget.
Ingrid sat anxiously in the waiting room, her hands clutched tightly in her lap.
Endelig fikk hun gode nyheter: Hennes bror var stabil.
Finally, she received good news: Her brother was stable.
Da generatorene endelig brakte deler av strømmen tilbake, slo roen inn.
When the generators finally restored parts of the power, a sense of calm set in.
Sindre pustet lettet ut.
Sindre breathed a sigh of relief.
Han hadde vokst i respekt for seg selv og sine kolleger denne natten.
He had grown in respect for himself and his colleagues that night.
Han forstod nå enda mer hvor viktig det var å jobbe sammen.
He now understood even more how important it was to work together.
Utenfor vinduet hadde snøen lagt seg i store mengder.
Outside the window, the snow had settled in large amounts.
Inni sykehuset var det varm forsikring om at ingen var alene i stormen.
Inside the hospital, there was a warm reassurance that no one was alone in the storm.