Holiday Heroes: A Vacation Turned Life-Saving Adventure
FluentFiction - Portuguese 🇵🇹
Holiday Heroes: A Vacation Turned Life-Saving Adventure
O sol estava brilhante no céu azul, e a brisa do Tejo trazia frescura ao ar.
The sun was shining brightly in the blue sky, and the breeze from the Tagus brought freshness to the air.
Tatiana, Miguel e Lucas estavam no Mosteiro dos JerĂłnimos.
Tatiana, Miguel, and Lucas were at the JerĂłnimos Monastery.
O lugar era antigo e bonito.
The place was old and beautiful.
As paredes eram altas e cheias de detalhes.
The walls were tall and full of details.
O cheiro das pedras era o de histĂłria e tempo.
The smell of the stones was that of history and time.
Tatiana estava animada.
Tatiana was excited.
Ela tirava fotos e fazia perguntas ao guia.
She was taking photos and asking questions to the guide.
Miguel e Lucas estavam juntos, sorrindo e apreciando as vistas.
Miguel and Lucas were together, smiling and enjoying the sights.
Ambos médicos, estavam em férias.
Both doctors, they were on vacation.
Queriam relaxar, esquecer os problemas do dia-a-dia.
They wanted to relax, forget the problems of daily life.
De repente, Tatiana tropeçou numa pedra solta.
Suddenly, Tatiana stumbled on a loose stone.
Perdeu o equilĂbrio e caiu no chĂŁo, batendo forte com a cabeça.
She lost her balance and fell to the ground, hitting her head hard.
Lucas correu para ela.
Lucas ran to her.
Miguel ajoelhou-se ao lado.
Miguel kneeled next to her.
Tatiana estava inconsciente.
Tatiana was unconscious.
Miguel verificou os sinais vitais, e Lucas protegeu a cabeça dela.
Miguel checked her vital signs, and Lucas protected her head.
— Lucas, precisamos estabilizá-la — disse Miguel.
“Lucas, we need to stabilize her,” said Miguel.
— Ainda bem que temos o kit de emergência na mochila.
“Good thing we have the emergency kit in the backpack.”
Lucas abriu a mochila e tirou as luvas e o colar cervical.
Lucas opened the backpack and took out the gloves and the cervical collar.
Miguel colocou o colar com cuidado no pescoço de Tatiana.
Miguel carefully placed the collar around Tatiana's neck.
Lucas verificou a respiração.
Lucas checked her breathing.
Felizmente, ela respirava, mas ainda nĂŁo acordava.
Thankfully, she was breathing, but she still hadn't woken up.
Miguel olhou ao redor e chamou por ajuda.
Miguel looked around and called for help.
Pessoas começaram a reunir-se em volta.
People began to gather around.
O guia estava em choque e pegou o telefone para chamar os socorristas.
The guide was in shock and took out his phone to call the paramedics.
Miguel e Lucas começaram as compressões no peito de Tatiana, mantendo um ritmo constante.
Miguel and Lucas started chest compressions on Tatiana, maintaining a steady rhythm.
Segundos pareciam horas.
Seconds felt like hours.
Finalmente, os socorristas chegaram.
Finally, the paramedics arrived.
Lucas explicou a situação.
Lucas explained the situation.
Eles colocaram Tatiana na maca com cuidado e a levaram para a ambulância.
They carefully placed Tatiana on the stretcher and took her to the ambulance.
Miguel e Lucas seguiram atrás, seus corações batendo rápido.
Miguel and Lucas followed behind, their hearts beating fast.
No hospital, os médicos foram rápidos.
At the hospital, the doctors were quick.
Fizeram exames e, depois de um tempo, Tatiana abriu os olhos.
They did tests, and after a while, Tatiana opened her eyes.
Ela olhou para Miguel e Lucas e sorriu.
She looked at Miguel and Lucas and smiled.
— Vocês salvaram a minha vida! — disse Tatiana, fraca, mas agradecida.
“You saved my life!” said Tatiana, weak but grateful.
Miguel riu aliviado.
Miguel laughed in relief.
Lucas suspirou de alĂvio.
Lucas sighed with relief.
— Estamos felizes que você está bem — disse Lucas.
“We're happy you're okay,” said Lucas.
Tatiana se recuperou com o tempo.
Tatiana recovered over time.
Miguel e Lucas viram-na regularmente, e cada vez mais, o seu sorriso ficava mais forte.
Miguel and Lucas visited her regularly, and each time, her smile grew stronger.
A histĂłria de sua visita ao Mosteiro dos JerĂłnimos foi contada muitas vezes, mas sempre com um final feliz.
The story of their visit to the JerĂłnimos Monastery was told many times, but always with a happy ending.