Pastries, Laughter, and Alarms: A Dormitory Cooking Adventure
FluentFiction - Portuguese 🇵🇹
Pastries, Laughter, and Alarms: A Dormitory Cooking Adventure
Num dia frio de inverno, o dormitório da universidade estava agitado.
On a cold winter day, the university dormitory was bustling.
Os estudantes voltavam para começar um novo semestre.
The students were returning to start a new semester.
O Miguel, um aluno com um sorriso sempre pronto, decidiu que prepararia algo especial para os seus amigos, Inês e Tiago.
Miguel, a student with a ready smile, decided he would prepare something special for his friends, Inês and Tiago.
Ele queria cozinhar pastéis fritos portugueses, uma tradição deliciosa que aprendera com a sua avó.
He wanted to cook Portuguese fried pastries, a delicious tradition he had learned from his grandmother.
O dormitório estava equipado com uma cozinha comum.
The dormitory was equipped with a common kitchen.
Era pequena, com eletrodomésticos um pouco antiquados.
It was small, with somewhat outdated appliances.
As panelas pendiam de ganchos e as bancadas eram de mármore gasto.
The pots hung from hooks, and the countertops were worn marble.
Miguel, entusiasmado, reuniu os ingredientes: farinha, ovos, açúcar e, claro, o segredo da receita, um pouco de aguardente que roubara da cozinha da sua família durante as férias.
Miguel, enthusiastic, gathered the ingredients: flour, eggs, sugar, and, of course, the secret of the recipe, a bit of aguardente that he had taken from his family's kitchen during the holidays.
Ele começou a preparar os pastéis, determinado a impressionar.
He began to prepare the pastries, determined to impress.
No entanto, Miguel não estava familiarizado com o fogão elétrico da cozinha.
However, Miguel was not familiar with the electric stove in the kitchen.
Era teimoso e decidiu não pedir ajuda.
He was stubborn and decided not to ask for help.
Misturou a massa com cuidado, moldando-a em pequenos círculos prontos para fritar.
He mixed the dough carefully, shaping it into small circles ready for frying.
Quando o óleo começou a aquecer, o Miguel sonhava já com as expressões de espanto dos amigos.
As the oil began to heat, Miguel was already dreaming of his friends' astonished expressions.
Porém, a realidade rapidamente cortou o seu sonho.
However, reality quickly shattered his dream.
O óleo que pensava ter sob controlo começou a soltar fumaça.
The oil he thought he had under control began to smoke.
Miguel, um pouco atrapalhado, tentou abanar a frigideira, mas apenas fez piorar.
Miguel, a bit flustered, tried to shake the frying pan, but it only made things worse.
Era tarde demais.
It was too late.
A fumaça lentamente ativou o sensível alarme de incêndio do dormitório.
The smoke slowly triggered the sensitive fire alarm in the dormitory.
O barulho estridente do alarme ecoou por todas as assoalhadas, interrompendo o sossego de todos.
The piercing noise of the alarm echoed throughout the rooms, interrupting everyone's peace.
Estudantes, incluindo Inês e Tiago, correram para fora dos quartos, rindo e tossindo enquanto se cobriam com agasalhos apressadamente.
Students, including Inês and Tiago, rushed out of their rooms, laughing and coughing as they hurriedly bundled up.
Na cozinha, Miguel olhou em volta aflito.
In the kitchen, Miguel looked around anxiously.
Mas, decidido, recusou-se a desistir.
But, determined, he refused to give up.
Desligou o fogão, arregaçou as mangas e transferiu rapidamente os pastéis semi-fritos para um prato.
He turned off the stove, rolled up his sleeves, and quickly transferred the semi-fried pastries to a plate.
Saindo, encontrou-se com Inês e Tiago, que, embora surpresos, não estavam zangados.
Leaving, he met up with Inês and Tiago, who, though surprised, were not angry.
“Foi o detetive Miguel a investigar a origem da fumaça?” brincou Tiago, piscando o olho.
“Was it Detective Miguel investigating the source of the smoke?” Tiago joked, winking.
Um sorriso envergonhado no rosto, Miguel confessou o seu plano.
With an embarrassed smile on his face, Miguel confessed his plan.
Todos riram, não da falha, mas da tentativa.
Everyone laughed, not at the failure, but at the attempt.
A pequena multidão reunida do lado de fora ficou surpreendida ao saber que, apesar de o alarme ter soado, havia pastéis à espera.
The small crowd gathered outside was surprised to learn that, despite the alarm going off, there were pastries waiting.
Voltaram para dentro, agora sob o olhar atento do responsável pelos alojamentos, e dividiram os pastéis – estavam um pouco chamuscados, mas surpreendentemente saborosos.
They returned inside, now under the watchful eye of the housing supervisor, and shared the pastries – they were a bit charred but surprisingly tasty.
A atmosfera aqueceu com alegria e amizades renovadas.
The atmosphere warmed with joy and renewed friendships.
Riram da confusão e agradeceram ao Miguel não pelos pastéis perfeitos, mas pelo esforço e a diversão que trouxe ao dia.
They laughed at the confusion and thanked Miguel not for perfect pastries, but for the effort and fun he brought to the day.
No final, Miguel aprendeu que não precisava de ser perfeito.
In the end, Miguel learned that he didn't need to be perfect.
Os seus amigos valorizavam mais o carinho e a diversão do que os resultados.
His friends valued the affection and fun more than the results.
Afinal, cozinhar é também sobre celebrar momentos juntos, e nem o mais alto alarme poderia ofuscar uma boa risada partilhada entre amigos.
After all, cooking is also about celebrating moments together, and not even the loudest alarm could overshadow a good laugh shared among friends.