Soup Splash! A Birthday Bash Gone Awry
FluentFiction - Slovak
Soup Splash! A Birthday Bash Gone Awry
Na brehu Dunaja, v srdci Bratislavy, sa týčil elegantný reštauračný dom s menom "Zlatý Kapr".
On the bank of the Danube, in the heart of Bratislava, stood an elegant restaurant called "Zlatý Kapr".
Tento večer mal mať výnimočnú atmosféru, pretože tu mala prebiehať oslava narodenín Jána, ktorý pozval svojich dvoch najlepších priateľov, Mareka a Elenu.
This evening was supposed to have an exceptional atmosphere because it was where Ján was going to celebrate his birthday, and he had invited his two best friends, Marek and Elena.
Ján bol vzrušený a trochu nervózny, lebo chcel, aby bol večer perfektný.
Ján was excited and a little nervous because he wanted the evening to be perfect.
Okolo veľkého okrúhleho stola sedeli spolu a rozprávali o spomienkach zo svojich študentských čias.
They sat around a large round table, reminiscing about their student days.
Elena, s vláskami ako zlato a očami ako jazero, sa smiala na Marekových vtipných príbehoch.
Elena, with hair like gold and eyes like a lake, laughed at Marek's funny stories.
Však nečakaná udalosť v sekunde zmenila celý priebeh večera.
However, an unexpected event suddenly changed the course of the evening.
Ján, zatiaľ čo sa chystal na prípitek, sa zľakol a nešťastne vylial celú misku polievky priamo na Marekovu hlavu.
While Ján was preparing to make a toast, he accidentally spilled a whole bowl of soup directly on Marek's head.
Zlatistá tekutina sa rozliala po jeho saku a kvapky sa trblietali v svetle lustrov.
The golden liquid spread over his jacket, its droplets shimmering in the light of the chandeliers.
Celá reštaurácia sa zastavila v čase a potom ako by praskol bubon, výbuch smiechu zaplnil celú miestnosť.
The entire restaurant seemed to freeze in time, and then, like a burst drum, an explosion of laughter filled the whole room.
Marek, stále s polievkou stekajúcou po tvári, sa len zahľadel na Jána s výrazom útulnejšího šteniatka.
Marek, with soup still dripping down his face, looked at Ján with the expression of a cozy, little puppy.
Elena, snažiac sa kontrolovať svoj smiech, podala Marekovi uterák a pomáhala mu sa otierať.
Elena, trying to control her laughter, handed Marek a towel and helped him clean up.
Ján sa medzitým ospravedlňoval, no Marek mávol rukou, usmial sa a povedal: "K dnešným narodeninám mi snáď chceli kúpiť nový oblek, no?
In the meantime, Ján apologized, but Marek waved his hand, smiled, and said, "Perhaps you wanted to buy me a new suit for my birthday today, right?"
"Po pár chvíľach sa situácia upokojila, druhí hostia sa vrátili k svojim jedlám a trojka priateľov pokračovala vo večeri už trochu s menším napätím.
After a few moments, the situation calmed down, the other guests returned to their meals, and the trio of friends continued their dinner with a little less tension.
Ján objednal pre Mareka novú porciu jeho obľúbenej polievky a na znamenie ospravedlnenia a priateľstva zaplatil večeru za všetkých.
Ján ordered a new portion of Marek's favorite soup as a gesture of apology and friendship, and he paid for the entire dinner.
Dokonca aj kuchár prišiel za Marekom, aby sa uistil, že sa cíti dobre a ponúkol mu špeciálny dezert ako náhradu za malý incident.
Even the chef came to Marek to make sure he was feeling alright and offered him a special dessert as a replacement for the small incident.
Napokon sa večer, ktorý mal tak apartný začiatok, skončil srdečnými objatiami a sľubmi, že sa takýto nezabudnuteľný moment stane zlatou stránkou v knihe ich spoločných príbehov.
In the end, the evening, which had such a distinctive beginning, concluded with heartfelt hugs and promises that this unforgettable moment would become a golden page in the book of their shared stories.
A tak v reštaurácii "Zlatý Kapr" na brehu Dunaja, prišli tri srdcia - Ján, Marek a Elena - kto vie, možno nie na poslednú, ale určite na jednu z najkurióznejších večerí ich priateľstva.
And so, in the "Zlatý Kapr" restaurant on the banks of the Danube, three hearts came together – Ján, Marek, and Elena – perhaps not for the last time, but certainly for one of the most peculiar evenings of their friendship.