High Adventure at Bratislava Castle
FluentFiction - Slovak
High Adventure at Bratislava Castle
Slnečné lúče sa lámali v jemných vlnách Dunaja, a Bratislava sa prebúdzala ku krásnemu ránu.
The sun rays were rippling on the gentle waves of the Danube, and Bratislava was awakening to a beautiful morning.
Jozef a Martin sa rozhodli preskúmať kúzlo mesta a jeho perlu - Bratislavský hrad.
Jozef and Martin had decided to explore the charm of the city and its gem - Bratislava Castle.
Postavili sa pred obrovskú železnú bránu a s úžasom počítali schody, ktoré viedli na vrchol.
They stood in front of the huge iron gate and marveled at the steps leading to the top.
"Uvidíš, aký výhľad nám toto miesto odhalí," povedal Jozef s nadšením.
"Wait till you see the view this place will reveal to us," said Jozef enthusiastically.
Pod ich nohami sa schody zdali byť ako cesta do minulosti.
Under their feet, the stairs seemed like a path to the past.
Po každom stupni, ktorý zdolali, sa im naskytla nová a úchvatnejšia perspektíva mesta.
With every step they took, a new and more stunning perspective of the city unfolded before them.
Potom dorazili na nádvorie hradu, kde sa okolo nich rozprestierala história.
Then they arrived at the courtyard of the castle, where history stretched around them.
Na vrchole hradu stál Jozef a Martin pri hradbách a obzerali mesto pod nimi.
At the top of the castle, Jozef and Martin stood by the walls and looked out at the city below them.
Domčeky a uličky vyzerali ako miniatúry, a voda Dunaja bola ako strieborná pásovka, ktorá rozdeľovala mesto.
The houses and streets looked like miniatures, and the Danube water was like a silvery ribbon dividing the city.
Vtom si všimli mladú ženu menom Adriana, ako sa snaží odfotiť selfie s výhľadom na mesto.
Suddenly, they noticed a young woman named Adriana trying to take a selfie with the city view.
Stála na hranici hradu a robila grimasy do telefónu.
She stood at the edge of the castle and made faces into her phone.
Zrazu sa jej telefón zatras v ruke a vykĺzol jej z prstov.
Then her phone shook in her hand and slipped from her fingers.
Letel vzduchom a zdanlivo pomaly padal až náhle zmizol do hĺbky.
It flew through the air and seemingly slowly fell until it suddenly disappeared into the depth.
"Oh, nie, nie!" vydýchla Adriana a obrátila sa k Martínovi s Jozefom.
"Oh, no, no!" sighed Adriana, turning to Martin and Jozef.
"Prosím, pomôže mi niekto?"
"Could someone please help me?"
Chlapci si to bez váhania rozmysleli a začali robiť plán.
The boys didn't hesitate and started making a plan.
Ich nová priateľka ich potrebovala!
Their new friend needed them!
Jozef zostal hore a dohliadal, aby mu Adriana mohla ukázať presné miesto, kde sa mobil stratil.
Jozef stayed up top and watched so Adriana could show him the exact spot where the phone was lost.
Martin sa medzitým dostal dovnútra hradu a začal behať po schodoch nadol.
Meanwhile, Martin got inside the castle and started running down the stairs.
"Musí byť niekde na okraji trávnika," kričal hore.
"It must be somewhere at the edge of the grass," he shouted from above.
A nakoniec, po niekoľkých minútach Martina pátrania, sa ozvalo veselé "Mám ho!"
And finally, after a few minutes of Martin's search, a cheerful "I've got it!" was heard.
Martin sa objavil poskakovanie rabínom trávniku s Adriániným telefónom hore v rukách.
Martin appeared bouncing with the phone in his hands.
A na jeho displeji sa zrkadlil zachovaný úsmev v spomienke na túto dobrodružnú epizódu v Bratislave.
A preserved smile reflected on the phone's display, capturing the memory of this adventurous episode in Bratislava.
Adriana s úľavou prikývla a všetci sa rozosmiali.
Adriana nodded in relief and everyone laughed.
V ten deň sa nevzdávali len krásnych výhľadov a histórie.
That day, they didn't just appreciate the beautiful views and history.
Našli nové priateľstvá a spoločnú, vtipnú spomienku, ktorá ich bude spájať s Bratislavským hradom naveky.
They found new friendships and a shared, funny memory that would forever link them to Bratislava Castle.