FluentFiction - Slovak

Statue Streets: A Live Art Encounter

FluentFiction - Slovak

13m 20sApril 1, 2024

Statue Streets: A Live Art Encounter

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  • Na začiatku slnečného dňa sa rozliehal šepot a smiech po uliciach Starého Mesta v Bratislave.

    At the beginning of a sunny day, whispers and laughter echoed through the streets of the Old Town in Bratislava.

  • Na námestie, ktoré bolo plné turistov a miestnych obyvateľov, sa pomaly prechádzal Marek so svojimi priateľmi Janou a Michalom.

    In the square, filled with tourists and locals, Marek strolled slowly with his friends, Jana and Michal.

  • Prišli si užiť krásne prostredie a historickú atmosféru mesta.

    They had come to enjoy the beautiful surroundings and the historic atmosphere of the city.

  • Ako sa prechádzali okolo starých kamenných budov a malebných kaviarní, Marek zbadal na rohu ulice niečo nezvyčajné.

    As they walked past old stone buildings and picturesque cafes, Marek noticed something unusual at the street corner.

  • Bol to umeliec, úplne nepohyblivý, oblečený vo fantastickom kostýme, ktorý vyzeral ako socha.

    It was an artist, completely still, dressed in a fantastical costume that made him look like a statue.

  • "Michal, Jana, pozrite!

    "Michal, Jana, look!"

  • " zvolal Marek a ukazoval na ticho stojaceho umelca.

    Marek exclaimed, pointing at the motionless artist.

  • "Táto socha vyzerá skutočne živo!

    "This statue looks truly lifelike!"

  • "Michal sa zasmial a Jana mu dala vedieť, že je to len pouličný umeliec.

    Michal laughed, and Jana let him know that it was just a street artist.

  • No Marek im neveril a šiel bližšie, aby si umelca prezrel.

    But Marek didn't believe them and walked closer to get a better look at the artist.

  • Stál pred ním a obdivoval detaily "sochy".

    He stood in front of him, admiring the details of the "statue."

  • "Dobrý deň?

    "Good day?"

  • " pozdravil Marek a čakal, že odpoveď nedostane.

    Marek greeted, expecting no response.

  • Na jeho prekvapenie, "socha" sa zatrasla a Marek odskočil krok nazad.

    To his surprise, the "statue" trembled, and Marek stepped back.

  • Umeliec sa pomaly pohol a zaujal novú pózu, čo naoko rozveselilo okoloidúcich ľudí, ktorí pochopili Mariánov omyl a začali sa smiať.

    The artist slowly moved and struck a new pose, which amused the passersby who understood Marek's mistake and started to laugh.

  • Marek, cítiac sa trochu trápne, sa usmial a prehodil s umelcom pár slov.

    Feeling a little embarrassed, Marek smiled and exchanged a few words with the artist.

  • "To ste ma pekne nachytali," povedal s úsmevom.

    "You really got me," he said with a smile.

  • "Myslel som, že ste socha!

    "I thought you were a statue!"

  • ""Je to súčasť môjho vystúpenia," odpovedal pouličný umeliec s úsmevom.

    "It's part of my performance," the street artist replied with a smile.

  • "Tvoja reakcia bola úžasná, chlapec!

    "Your reaction was amazing, young man!"

  • "Marek, Jana a Michal zostali a pozorovali umelca ešte chvíľu, ako dokonale zosobňuje svoju umenú statičnosť.

    Marek, Jana, and Michal stayed and watched the artist for a while, as he perfectly embodied his artificial stillness.

  • Nakoniec umelcovi nechali niekoľko mincí ako poďakovanie za nečakanú zábavu.

    In the end, they left a few coins for the artist as a thank-you for the unexpected entertainment.

  • Na konci toho dňa, Marek a jeho priatelia popíjali kávu v jednej zo starých kaviarní a spomínali na zábavné stretnutie s "sochou".

    At the end of that day, Marek and his friends sipped coffee in one of the old cafes and reminisced about the fun encounter with the "statue".

  • Marek už vedel, že Bratislava a jej Staré Mesto prinášajú neobyčajné príbehy a spomienky, o ktorých si bude rozprávať ešte dlho.

    Marek already knew that Bratislava and its Old Town bring extraordinary stories and memories that he would talk about for a long time.

  • Práve náhoda, že Marek zamieňa umelca za sochu, im poskytla nezabudnuteľný zážitok, ktorý ich ešte viac zblížil.

    It was just by chance that Marek mistook the artist for a statue, but it gave them an unforgettable experience that brought them even closer together.

  • Napokon, skutočným umením je premeniť obyčajný moment na niečo, o čom sa bude rozprávať dlhé roky.

    After all, the true art is turning an ordinary moment into something that will be talked about for years.