Nervous Beginnings: Marek's First Day Adventure in Bratislava
FluentFiction - Slovak
Nervous Beginnings: Marek's First Day Adventure in Bratislava
Marek sa prebudil skoro ráno.
Marek woke up early in the morning.
Bol veľmi nervózny.
He was very nervous.
Dnes bol jeho prvý deň na strednej škole.
Today was his first day at high school.
Marek žije v Bratislave so svojimi rodičmi a mladšou sestrou Lindou.
Marek lives in Bratislava with his parents and younger sister Linda.
Bratislavský hrad sa mu vždy páčil.
He always liked the Bratislava Castle.
Vyskytol sa mu nápad.
He had an idea.
Pôjde tam pred školou, aby sa trochu upokojil.
He would go there before school to calm down a bit.
Marek si obul svoje nové tenisky a hodil školskú tašku na plece.
Marek put on his new sneakers and slung his school bag over his shoulder.
Zaspieval si obľúbenú pesničku, aby odbúral stres.
He sang his favorite song to reduce his stress.
Keď dorazil na hrad, bolo ešte skoro ráno a v hradnom dvore nebolo veľa ľudí.
When he arrived at the castle, it was still early in the morning, and there weren’t many people in the castle courtyard.
Marek sa usadil na lavičku a dýchal zhlboka.
Marek sat down on a bench and breathed deeply.
Obdivoval výhľad na Bratislavu a myšlienky mu blúdili.
He admired the view of Bratislava, and his thoughts wandered.
Zrazu sa na lavičku vedľa neho posadilo dievča.
Suddenly, a girl sat down on the bench next to him.
„Ahoj,“ povedala.
"Hi," she said.
„Ty si tiež prvý deň na strednej?
"Is it your first day at high school too?"
“ Marek prikývol.
Marek nodded.
Dievča sa predstavilo ako Petra.
The girl introduced herself as Petra.
Petra mala rovnaké obavy ako Marek.
Petra had the same worries as Marek.
Čoskoro sa zaplietli do rozhovoru o škole, učiteľoch a nových priateľoch.
They soon got into a conversation about school, teachers, and new friends.
Cítili sa spolu lepšie.
They felt better together.
Blížil sa čas ísť na školu.
The time to head to school was approaching.
Marek a Petra sa rozhodli ísť spolu.
Marek and Petra decided to go together.
Cesta bola krátka, ale prebehla v priateľskej atmosfére.
The walk was short but filled with friendly atmosphere.
Spolu sa smiali a rozprávali.
They laughed and talked.
V okamihu stáli pred školou.
In no time, they were standing in front of the school.
Marek si všimol, že už sa necíti tak nervózne.
Marek noticed he wasn’t feeling as nervous anymore.
Petra bola tiež pokojnejšia.
Petra was also calmer.
Vošli do školy a zistili, že sú v tej istej triede.
They entered the school and found out they were in the same class.
Učiteľka sa usmiala a privítala ich.
The teacher smiled and welcomed them.
Deň plynul rýchlo a Marek zistil, že sa mu nová škola páči.
The day passed quickly, and Marek realized he liked the new school.
Petra sa stala jeho prvou kamarátkou.
Petra became his first friend.
Po škole sa zhodli, že sa chcú stretnúť aj ďalší deň.
After school, they agreed to meet again the next day.
Keď sa Marek vracal domov, cítil sa veľmi šťastný.
As Marek was returning home, he felt very happy.
V hlave mal len pekné myšlienky na dnešný deň.
His mind was filled with pleasant thoughts of the day.
Marek už nebol tak nervózny.
Marek was no longer as nervous.
Bol pripravený na nové dobrodružstvá na strednej škole.
He was ready for new adventures at high school.
Hrad, ktorý ho ráno upokojil, sa stal symbolom nového začiatku.
The castle, which had calmed him that morning, became a symbol of a new beginning.