Discovering History: A Day at Bratislava Castle
FluentFiction - Slovak
Discovering History: A Day at Bratislava Castle
Na jednom slnečnom ráne sa Jana, Marek a Petra stretli pred školou.
One sunny morning, Jana, Marek, and Petra met in front of the school.
Boli veľmi nadšení.
They were very excited.
Dnes mali ísť na školský výlet do Bratislavského hradu.
Today, they were going on a school trip to Bratislava Castle.
Všetci už dlho očakávali tento deň.
Everyone had been looking forward to this day for a long time.
Slovom, boli pripravení na dobrodružstvo.
In short, they were ready for an adventure.
Jana mala so sebou veľký ruksak.
Jana had a large backpack with her.
V ňom mala sendviče, vodu a fotoaparát.
In it, she had sandwiches, water, and a camera.
Marek niesol mapu a kompas.
Marek was carrying a map and a compass.
„Musíme sa nestratiť,“ povedal Marek.
“We can't get lost,” Marek said.
Petra mala so sebou zápisník.
Petra had a notebook with her.
Chcela si zapísať všetko, čo sa dozvie.
She wanted to write down everything she learned.
Učiteľka pani Nováková prišla k žiakom a povedala: „Dobre, deti, do radu.
Their teacher, Mrs. Nováková, approached the students and said, “Alright, children, line up.
Ideme na autobus.“
We're going to the bus.”
Autobus bol plný detí.
The bus was full of children.
Všetci sa rozprávali a smiali.
Everyone was talking and laughing.
Cesta k hradu trvala pol hodiny.
The journey to the castle took half an hour.
Keď dorazili, Jana prvá vystúpila.
When they arrived, Jana got off the bus first.
„Pozrite na tú krásu!“ zvolala.
“Look at that beauty!” she exclaimed.
Stáli pred veľkým hradom, ktorý bol veľmi starý.
They stood in front of a large castle that was very old.
„Bratislavský hrad je veľmi významný,“ povedala pani Nováková.
“Bratislava Castle is very significant,” said Mrs. Nováková.
„Je starší ako naša škola.“
“It's older than our school.”
Deti išli po kamenných schodoch do hradu.
The children climbed the stone steps into the castle.
Bol tam nádherný výhľad na celý Bratislavu.
There was a beautiful view of the whole of Bratislava.
Jana začala fotiť.
Jana began taking pictures.
Marek rozložil mapu.
Marek unfolded the map.
„A kde je kráľovská sála?“ spýtala sa Petra.
“And where is the royal hall?” Petra asked.
„Dole vľavo, za veľkou halou,“ odpovedala pani Nováková.
“Down to the left, past the great hall,” answered Mrs. Nováková.
V kráľovskej sále bolo veľa starých obrazov a nábytku.
The royal hall had many old paintings and furniture.
„Tu sedávali králi,“ vysvetľovala učiteľka.
“This is where the kings used to sit,” explained the teacher.
Marek sa pozrel na jeden veľký obraz a povedal: „Vidíš, Jana, to je obraz kráľa Mateja.“
Marek looked at a large painting and said, “Look, Jana, that's a painting of King Matthias.”
Jana si ho odfotila.
Jana took a photo of it.
Petra si zapísala každé slovo.
Petra wrote down every word.
Po prehliadke mali deti voľno.
After the tour, the children had some free time.
Jana, Marek a Petra si sadli na trávnik pred hradom.
Jana, Marek, and Petra sat on the lawn in front of the castle.
Jedli sendviče a smiali sa.
They ate sandwiches and laughed.
„Tento deň je super,“ povedal Marek.
“This day is awesome,” said Marek.
„Áno, nikdy nezabudnem,“ súhlasila Jana.
“Yes, I’ll never forget it,” agreed Jana.
„A mám kopu poznámok,“ dodala Petra.
“And I have tons of notes,” added Petra.
Keď sa slnko začalo skrývať za obzor, deti sa museli vrátiť do autobusu.
As the sun began to set, the children had to return to the bus.
„Bolo to úžasné,“ poznamenala pani Nováková.
“It was amazing,” remarked Mrs. Nováková.
V autobuse bol tichý šepot.
In the bus, there was a quiet murmur.
Deti boli unavené, ale šťastné.
The children were tired but happy.
Cesta späť ubiehala rýchlo.
The journey back went by quickly.
Keď dorazili do školy, Marek zobral Janu a Petru za ruku.
When they arrived at the school, Marek took Jana and Petra by the hand.
„Ďakujem za krásny deň,“ povedal.
“Thank you for a wonderful day,” he said.
„Ak budeme mať ďalšie výlety, chcem ísť znova s vami,“ dodala Jana.
“If we have any more trips, I want to go with you again,” added Jana.
Petra prikývla a usmiala sa.
Petra nodded and smiled.
A tak skončil ich vzrušujúci deň plný objavov a priateľstva.
And so ended their exciting day full of discoveries and friendship.