When School Ends, The Real Test Begins: Marek's Path to Hope
FluentFiction - Slovak
When School Ends, The Real Test Begins: Marek's Path to Hope
Slnečné lúče prenikali cez okná malej školy v mestečku Lieskovec.
The sun's rays filtered through the windows of the small school in the town of Lieskovec.
Vo vzduchu bolo cítiť začiatok leta – a koniec školského roka.
The air carried the scent of the beginning of summer—and the end of the school year.
Pre Marka bol tento čas nesmierne dôležitý.
For Marek, this time was incredibly important.
Finalné skúšky rozhodnú o jeho budúcnosti.
The final exams would determine his future.
Marek stál pred učebňou.
Marek stood in front of the classroom.
V ruke zvieral zoznam úloh, zatiaľ čo sa mu hlava motala od starostí.
He clutched a list of tasks in his hand, while his head spun with worries.
Jeho otec a mama sa neustále hádali.
His mom and dad were constantly arguing.
Každý deň bol plný kriku a slz.
Every day was filled with shouting and tears.
„Ako mám toto zvládnuť?
"How am I supposed to handle this?"
“ pomyslel si Marek.
Marek thought.
Zrazu ho okolo pliec objala Jana.
Suddenly, Jana wrapped her arm around his shoulders.
„Neboj sa, Marek.
"Don't worry, Marek.
Spolu to zvládneme,“ povedala.
We'll get through this together," she said.
Marekova najlepšia priateľka.
Marek's best friend.
Jana bola vždy vedľa neho.
Jana was always by his side.
Pomáhala mu študovať na skúšky.
She helped him study for exams.
Často zostával u nej doma, aby sa mohol v pokoji učiť.
He often stayed at her house to study in peace.
„Ďakujem, Jana,“ povedal Marek s úľavou.
"Thank you, Jana," Marek said with relief.
Jana mala ale tajomstvo.
But Jana had a secret.
Už dlho mala pre Marka city.
She had been harboring feelings for Marek for a long time.
Vedela však, že teraz nie je správny čas na to, aby mu to povedala.
However, she knew this was not the right time to tell him.
Marekove myšlienky boli plne zaujaté skúškami a problémami doma.
Marek's thoughts were entirely preoccupied with exams and problems at home.
Domov nebol práve miestom kľudu.
Home was anything but a place of peace.
Marekova mladšia sestra Klára sa často správala vzdorovito.
Marek's younger sister Klára often behaved defiantly.
„Prečo musím robiť úlohy?
"Why do I have to do homework?
Mama a otec sa stále len hádajú!
Mom and Dad are always fighting!"
“ kričala.
she screamed.
Jedného večera bolo doma opäť neznesiteľne.
One evening, it became unbearable at home again.
Rodičia sa hádali, Klára a Marek sedeli v izbe.
Their parents were arguing, and Klára and Marek sat in their room.
„Už to nevydržím!
"I can't take this anymore!"
“ skríkla Klára a utiekla z domu.
screamed Klára and ran away from home.
Marek vystrašene hľadal po celom dome, ale jej nikde nebolo.
Marek fearfully searched the whole house, but she was nowhere to be found.
Nasledujúce ráno mal Marek najdôležitejšiu skúšku.
The next morning, Marek had his most important exam.
„Mám hľadať Kláru, alebo ísť na skúšku?
"Should I look for Klára, or go to the exam?"
“ rozmýšľal.
he thought.
Nakoniec sa rozhodol.
In the end, he made a decision.
Klára bola jeho sestra, nemohol ju nechať samú.
Klára was his sister, he couldn't leave her alone.
Utekal po ulici a volal jej meno.
He ran down the street, calling her name.
Našťastie, našiel ju v parku.
Fortunately, he found her in the park.
Sedela na lavičke a plakala.
She was sitting on a bench, crying.
„Klára, prosím, poď domov,“ povedal Marek sufalým hlasom.
"Klára, please, come home," Marek said in a desperate voice.
Klára súhlasila a išli spolu domov.
Klára agreed, and they went home together.
Marek dorazil do školy neskoro.
Marek arrived at school late.
Dvere do učebne boli zatvorené.
The classroom door was closed.
Zaklopal a učiteľ otvoril.
He knocked, and the teacher opened it.
„Prečo si neskoro?
"Why are you late?"
“ spýtal sa učiteľ prísne.
the teacher asked sternly.
Marek mu vysvetlil všetko, čo sa stalo.
Marek explained everything that had happened.
Učiteľ chápavo prikývol.
The teacher nodded understandingly.
„Dobre, Marek.
"Alright, Marek.
Môžeš si urobiť náhradnú skúšku.
You can retake the exam.
Ale musíš sa sústrediť.
But you have to focus."
“Marek prežil skúšku úspešne.
Marek successfully passed the make-up exam.
Učitelia pochopili jeho situáciu a dali mu druhú šancu.
The teachers understood his situation and gave him a second chance.
Neskôr, doma, sa Marek rozhodol konečne hovoriť s rodičmi.
Later, at home, Marek finally decided to talk to his parents.
„Mama, otec, musíte prestať hádať sa.
"Mom, Dad, you have to stop arguing.
Klára z toho trpí a ani ja to nezvládam,“ povedal.
Klára is suffering because of it, and I can’t handle it either," he said.
Rodičia nakoniec začali pracovať na svojich problémoch.
His parents finally began to work on their issues.
Marek sa naučil, že niekedy je potrebné požiadať o pomoc.
Marek learned that sometimes it's necessary to ask for help.
Uvedomil si, že musia veci riešiť spoločne ako rodina.
He realized that problems must be resolved together as a family.
A tak, hoci skúšky prešli, ich reálna skúška života pokračovala.
And so, although the exams were over, the real test of life continued.
Teraz však s nádejou na lepšiu budúcnosť.
But now with hope for a better future.