Healing Autumn: A Sibling's Journey Through Silence and Renewal
FluentFiction - Slovak
Healing Autumn: A Sibling's Journey Through Silence and Renewal
Listy stromov sa pomaly snášali na zem ako jemné farebné prikrývky.
The leaves of the trees gently drifted to the ground like delicate, colorful blankets.
V izbe psychiatrickej liečebne bolo ticho, iba sem-tam sa ozval tlmený zvuk dverí.
In the room of the psychiatric facility, it was quiet, with only the occasional muffled sound of doors opening.
Marek sedel na posteli, pozoroval štíhle vetvičky za oknom, zatiaľ čo sa okolo neho rozliehalo ticho.
Marek sat on the bed, watching the slender branches outside the window, while silence enveloped him.
Myslel na to, ako dlho tu už bol.
He thought about how long he had been there.
Dni splynuli do týždňov a týždne do mesiacov.
Days blended into weeks, and weeks into months.
Život vonku sa hýbal bez neho.
Life outside moved on without him.
Dvere na izbe sa otvorili.
The room's door opened.
Vošla Petra, Marekova sestra, a jej oči hľadali jeho tieň.
Petra, Marek's sister, entered, her eyes searching for his shadow.
V srdci mala obavy a strach.
Her heart filled with worry and fear.
"Ahoj, Marek," povedala nesmelo.
"Hi, Marek," she said hesitantly.
Necítila sa pohodlne.
She felt uncomfortable.
Nevedela, čo presne povedať po takej dlhej dobe.
She didn't know exactly what to say after such a long time.
Marek sa otočil, ale nepriateľské oči neopustili jeho tvár.
Marek turned, but the unfriendly look didn't leave his face.
Odpovedal len kývnutím hlavy.
He responded with just a nod.
Petra zacítila, ako ju prepadá vlna viny.
Petra felt a wave of guilt washing over her.
"Musíme začať.
"We have to begin.
Nesmím to vzdať," pomyslela si.
I can't give up," she thought.
Sadla si na stoličku blízko postele.
She sat on a chair close to the bed.
Cítila, že jej brat znovu potrebuje jej prítomnosť, aj keď sa tomu bránil.
She sensed that her brother needed her presence again, even though he resisted.
Pokúšala sa preklenúť vzdialenosť medzi nimi rozhovorom o svojom živote - práci, každodenných starostiach.
She tried to bridge the distance between them with talk about her life—work, everyday concerns.
Marek len zdvorilo prikyvoval, ale zostal uzavretý.
Marek nodded politely but remained closed off.
Petra vedela, že na hranie hier nemajú čas.
Petra knew there wasn't time for games.
Musela byť úprimná.
She had to be honest.
"Marek," začala, nesmelo sa usmievajúc, "pamätáš si, keď sme boli malí?
"Marek," she began, smiling awkwardly, "do you remember when we were little?
Ako sme sa báli tých strašidelných príbehov, ktoré sme si vymýšľali v podkroví?
How scared we were of those spooky stories we made up in the attic?"
" Jeho oči sa na chvíľu oživili, ale potom sa znovu zatiahli.
His eyes lit up momentarily, but then they closed again.
"Poviem ti niečo, čo som nikdy nikomu nepovedala," pokračovala Petra, s vážnosťou, ktorú nikdy predtým neprejavila.
"I'll tell you something I've never told anyone," Petra continued, with a seriousness she had never shown before.
"Tie príbehy ma niekedy prenasledujú doteraz.
"Those stories sometimes still haunt me.
Nebolo to len zábavné.
It wasn't just fun.
Myslela som si, že tý záhady nám pomôžu byť blízko.
I thought those mysteries helped us feel close."
"Marek sa zachvel, jeho uzavretosť sa začala drobiť.
Marek shivered, his closed-off demeanor beginning to crumble.
Petrove slová v ňom rozvírili niečo staré, ale známe.
Petra's words stirred something old but familiar within him.
"Nikdy som nevedel, že cítiš tak ako ja.
"I never knew you felt that way too."
"Petra sa zhlboka nadýchla.
Petra took a deep breath.
Mala pocit, že sa medzi nimi stena pomaly mení.
She felt as though the wall between them was slowly changing.
"Možno sme boli od seba vzdialení, ale vždy som tu pre teba, Marek.
"We may have been distant, but I've always been here for you, Marek.
Musíš vedieť, že budem prichádzať častejšie.
You need to know I'm going to visit more often.
Sme rodina.
We're family."
"To, čo nasledovalo, nebolo jednoduché.
What followed wasn’t easy.
Obaja mlčali, premýšľajúc nad vlastnými životmi.
They both sat quietly, contemplating their own lives.
V tom tichu ale bola sľubovaná nová začiatok.
But in that silence was the promise of a new beginning.
Marek sa po prvýkrát obrátil k sestre s nádejou v očiach.
Marek, for the first time, turned to his sister with hope in his eyes.
"Možno to môžem skúsiť ešte raz.
"Maybe I can try again."
"Petra sa na brata usmiala.
Petra smiled at her brother.
Vedela, že urobila správny krok.
She knew she had taken the right step.
Sľuby, ktoré si dali, neboli iba slová.
The promises they made weren't just words.
Obaja cítili, že jeseň môže byť novým začiatkom, keď listy opadnú, ale vždy sa znovu vrátia.
They both felt that autumn could be a new beginning, as leaves fall but always return.
Spoločne našli kúsok nádeje, ktorý im chýbal.
Together, they found a piece of hope they had been missing.
Marek začal chodiť na terapie so záujmom.
Marek began attending therapy with interest.
Petra cítila, že aspoň trochu zmiernila svoju vinu a obavy.
Petra felt she had at least partly eased her guilt and fears.
Listy za oknom padali ďalej, pripravujúc miesto pre nový život a nové príbehy.
The leaves outside continued to fall, making way for new life and new stories.