Finding Light: Marek's Journey to Peace Amidst Change
FluentFiction - Slovak
Finding Light: Marek's Journey to Peace Amidst Change
Pod snehovo bielymi vrchmi Tatier leží internátna škola, miesto, kde sa mladé srdcia učia a rastú.
Under the snow-white peaks of the Tatry lies a boarding school, a place where young hearts learn and grow.
Tam, v tichom kútiku školy, sedí Marek.
There, in a quiet corner of the school, sits Marek.
Z výhľadu oknom vidí, ako jemné vločky padajú a pokrývajú zem bielou prikrývkou.
From the view through the window, he sees delicate flakes falling, covering the ground with a white blanket.
Vnútri jeho srdca však nie je pokoj.
However, there is no peace inside his heart.
Myšlienky o rodičoch mu neustále víria v hlave.
Thoughts of his parents constantly swirl in his head.
Rozvod je slovo, ktoré zmenilo jeho svet.
Divorce is a word that has changed his world.
Petra, jeho najlepšia priateľka, si k nemu sadá.
Petra, his best friend, sits down next to him.
„Marek,“ hovorí jemne, „viem, že to nie je ľahké.
"Marek," she says gently, "I know it's not easy.
Ale nie si sám.
But you're not alone.
Máš nás.
You have us."
“ Petra mu podáva čaj a obača hrnček sa vo svojich dlaniach.
Petra hands him a tea and wraps her hands around the mug.
Za rohom sa usmieva Lenka.
Around the corner, Lenka smiles.
„Mohol by si sa pridať k nám na trojkráľové oslavy.
"You could join us for the Trojkráľové celebrations.
Bude tam teplo, smiech a koledy!
There will be warmth, laughter, and carols!"
“ Trojkráľový sviatok je čas radosti, keď sa spomína na múdrych mužov, ktorí našli cestu za svetlom.
The Trojkráľový holiday is a time of joy, when the wise men who found their way to the light are remembered.
Možno aj Marek potrebuje nájsť svoje svetlo.
Perhaps Marek also needs to find his light.
Marek váha.
Marek hesitates.
Chce sa cítiť, že patrí.
He wants to feel like he belongs.
Chce porozumieť svojmu miestu v tejto novej, neistej realite.
He wants to understand his place in this new, uncertain reality.
Nakoniec prikývne a s Petrou a Lenkou kráča do veľkej siene školy, kde praskajúci oheň vrhá teplé svetlo na usmiate tváre študentov.
Finally, he nods and walks with Petra and Lenka to the school’s great hall, where a crackling fire casts a warm light on the smiling faces of students.
Sála je plná vône perníkov a punču.
The hall is filled with the smell of gingerbread and punch.
Sklenené okná odhaľujú zasneženú krajinu vonku.
The glass windows reveal the snowy landscape outside.
Počas programu sa Marek zamyslene usmieva.
During the program, Marek smiles thoughtfully.
Hovorí si, že by sa mal pokúsiť myslieť na pekné veci.
He tells himself he should try to think of beautiful things.
Zrazu, naruší jeho myšlienky jemné bzučanie mobilu.
Suddenly, his thoughts are interrupted by the soft buzzing of his phone.
Je to správa od jeho matky.
It's a message from his mother.
Marek zhlboka nadýchne a otvorí ju.
Marek takes a deep breath and opens it.
Slová od mamy sú plné lásky, vysvetľujú jej ťažkú situáciu a sľubujú, že všetko sa zlepší.
The words from his mom are full of love, explaining her difficult situation and promising that everything will get better.
Uisťuje ho, že je stále milovaný.
She reassures him that he is still loved.
S pocitom úľavy zviera svoj mobil.
With a feeling of relief, he clutches his phone.
Obzrie sa okolo seba a vidí Petru a Lenku, ako sa naňho usmievajú.
He looks around and sees Petra and Lenka smiling at him.
Uvedomuje si, že jeho rodina je aj tu.
He realizes that his family is also here.
Neskôr, keď veselosť ustúpi večernému pokoju, Marek stojí pri okne a pozerá na spojené hviezdy, rovnako svetlé, ako tie jeho.
Later, when the merriment gives way to evening quiet, Marek stands by the window, looking at the connected stars, as bright as his own.
Cíti, že aj on môže nájsť svoje miesto vo vesmíre.
He feels that he too can find his place in the universe.
V zime Tatier, medzi priateľmi, nachádza v sebe silu čeliť tomu, čo príde.
In the winter of the Tatry, among friends, he finds within himself the strength to face what comes.
Tak sa teplé svetlo priateľstva a rodinnej lásky stávajú jeho svetlom, ktoré osvetľuje aj tie najtemnejšie dni.
Thus, the warm light of friendship and family love becomes his light, shining even on the darkest days.
Marek vie, že hoci je to ťažké, nie je sám, a nachádza vo svojom srdci pokoj, ktorý hľadal.
Marek knows that although it’s difficult, he is not alone, and he finds the peace in his heart that he was searching for.