Courage on the Vysoké Tatry: A Ski Adventure in Silence
FluentFiction - Slovak
Courage on the Vysoké Tatry: A Ski Adventure in Silence
Marek sa obliekol do teplej lyžiarskej bundy.
Marek dressed in a warm ski jacket.
Z okna hotela videl snežnú krajinu Vysokých Tatier.
From the window of the hotel, he saw the snowy landscape of the Vysoké Tatry.
Snehové vločky padali jemne ako perie a ticho obklopovalo celú dolinu.
Snowflakes fell gently like feathers, and silence enveloped the entire valley.
Bol s Lenkou a Jozefom na zimnom pobyte, užívali si fašiangy — čas zábavy a karnevalov.
He was with Lenka and Jozef on a winter getaway, enjoying fašiangy — a time of fun and carnivals.
Dnes sa chystali na dlhý deň na svahu.
Today, they were preparing for a long day on the slope.
Všetci traja nastúpili na lanovku, ktorá ich mala vyviesť hore na kopec.
All three boarded the cable car, which was supposed to take them up the hill.
Marek cítil jemné napätie, keď sa lanovka pohla.
Marek felt a slight tension as the cable car started moving.
Bol skúsený lyžiar, ale výšky mu vždy robili problémy.
He was an experienced skier, but heights always gave him trouble.
Vedľa neho sedela Lenka, ktorá mu pevne stisla ruku.
Next to him sat Lenka, who squeezed his hand tightly.
"Neboj sa, bude to v poriadku," povedala upokojujúco.
"Don't worry, it will be alright," she said reassuringly.
Jozef bol vo svojom živle.
Jozef was in his element.
S nadšením sledoval výhľad a plánoval, ako najrýchlejšie zísť dolu svahom.
He enthusiastically watched the view and planned how to get down the slope as quickly as possible.
Keď lanovka dorazila do polovice, zrazu sa zastavila.
When the cable car reached halfway, it suddenly stopped.
Zostali visieť vysoko nad zemitou krajinou.
They were left hanging high above the earthy landscape.
Vietor začal silnieť a sneh sa zmiešal do hustej snehovej búrky.
The wind started to strengthen, and the snow mixed into a dense snowstorm.
Marek zatvoril oči a zhlboka sa nadýchol.
Marek closed his eyes and took a deep breath.
Tep mu zrýchľoval.
His pulse quickened.
"Čo budeme robiť?
"What are we going to do?"
" spýtal sa Jozef, zatiaľ čo Marek bojoval s vnútornými démonmi.
Jozef asked, while Marek battled with his inner demons.
Jozef navrhol, že by mali signalizovať o pomoc, mávnutím bundy.
Jozef suggested they should signal for help by waving a jacket.
Lenka sa snažila udržať náladu ľahkú, usmievala sa a hovorila o tom, že každá búrka raz pominie.
Lenka tried to keep the mood light, smiling and talking about how every storm eventually passes.
Chvíle sa zdali nekonečné.
Moments seemed endless.
Marek cítil, ako mu dôvera Lenky pomáha.
Marek felt how Lenka's confidence helped him.
Rozhodol sa zostať pokojným.
He decided to stay calm.
Ak vyjadrí strach, mohol by všetkých znervózniť.
If he expressed fear, he could make everyone nervous.
Skúsil Jozefovi vysvetliť, že je lepšie čakať, než riskovať, že ich nikto nevidí.
He tried to explain to Jozef that it's better to wait than to risk not being seen.
Počasie sa zhoršovalo, vetry sa nahlas ozývali pomedzi stromy.
The weather worsened, the winds howled loudly through the trees.
Potom lanovka opäť zaškrípala a ozvalo sa oznámenie, ktoré vietor zafúkal do nezrozumiteľných zvukov.
Then the cable car creaked again, and an announcement came, which the wind blew into unintelligible sounds.
Marek sa pevnejšie chytil sedačky.
Marek gripped the seat more firmly.
Musel zachovať rozvahu.
He had to stay composed.
Očami hľadal Lenkin uvoľnený pohľad a rozhodol sa jej dôverovať.
He sought Lenka's relaxed gaze and decided to trust her.
Po chvíli, ktorá sa zdala ako večnosť, sa lanovka pohla.
After what seemed like an eternity, the cable car moved.
Pomaly stúpala hore, až nakoniec dosiahli vrchol.
It slowly ascended until they finally reached the top.
Všetci traja vystúpili s úľavou.
All three got off with relief.
Nepadli žiadne zbytočné slová, objali sa v tichu.
No unnecessary words were spoken; they embraced in silence.
Marek cítil, ako sa jeho strach pomaly rozplýva.
Marek felt his fear slowly dissipate.
Sily, ktoré našiel v sebe, ho prekvapili.
The strength he found within himself surprised him.
Uvedomil si, že ani v ťažkostiach nie je sám.
He realized that even in difficulties, he was not alone.
Lenka a Jozef mu boli oporou a teraz, so snehom chrumkajúcim pod lyžami, bol pripravený spustiť sa dolu kopcom, voľný ako vták.
Lenka and Jozef were his support, and now, with snow crunching under his skis, he was ready to glide down the hill, as free as a bird.
V srdci niesol novú odvahu a túžbu žiť odvážne.
In his heart, he carried a new courage and a desire to live bravely.
S tým sa všetci šťastne rozbehli dole po bielom zázraku Vysokých Tatier.
With that, they all happily rushed down the white wonder of the Vysoké Tatry.