From Snowflakes to Spring: A Love Blossoms in Bratislava
FluentFiction - Slovak
From Snowflakes to Spring: A Love Blossoms in Bratislava
Zimné ráno v Bratislave bolo chladné a sneh pokrýval mesto ako biela deka.
A winter morning in Bratislava was cold, and snow covered the city like a white blanket.
V modernom, živej kancelárii na deviatom poschodí sa Matej snažil sústrediť na svoju prácu marketingového špecialistu.
In a modern, lively office on the ninth floor, Matej was trying to focus on his work as a marketing specialist.
Počítače bzučali, kolegovia sedeli za svojimi stolmi a veľké okná ponúkali výhľad na tanec snehových vločiek v pochmúrnom svetle.
Computers buzzed, colleagues sat at their desks, and large windows offered a view of the snowflakes dancing in the gloomy light.
Lenka bola novou projektovou manažérkou a do tímu vniesla sviežu energiu.
Lenka was the new project manager, bringing fresh energy to the team.
Bola sebavedomá, otvorená a vždy mala úsmev na tvári.
She was confident, open, and always had a smile on her face.
Matej si uvedomil, že jeho city k Lenke sa každým dňom prehlbujú, no jeho hanblivosť bola ako obrovská stena, ktorú nedokázal prekonať.
Matej realized that his feelings for Lenka were deepening with each passing day, but his shyness was like a huge wall he couldn't overcome.
Našťastie tu bol Jakub, ich spoločný kolega a priateľ.
Fortunately, there was Jakub, their mutual colleague and friend.
Jakub bol pre Mateja veľkou oporou a často ho povzbudzoval, aby vystúpil zo svojej komfortnej zóny.
Jakub was a great support for Matej, often encouraging him to step out of his comfort zone.
„Matej, Valentín sa blíži,“ pripomenul Jakub povzbudzujúco, keď sedeli spoločne pri obede.
"Matej, Valentine's Day is approaching," Jakub reminded encouragingly, as they sat together for lunch.
„Je čas. Musíš jej povedať, čo cítiš.“
"It's time. You have to tell her what you feel."
Matej vedel, že Jakub má pravdu, ale myšlienka na to, že by mal vyjadriť svoje city v tomto profesionálnom prostredí, ho desila.
Matej knew that Jakub was right, but the thought of expressing his feelings in this professional environment scared him.
Obával sa odmietnutia a toho, že by sa mohol strápniť pred všetkými kolegami.
He feared rejection and the embarrassment of making a fool of himself in front of all his colleagues.
Každý deň si Matej sľuboval, že to povie Lenke, ale vždy ho niečo zastavilo.
Every day, Matej promised himself he would tell Lenka, but something always held him back.
Blížil sa Valentín a s ním aj Matejove predsavzatie, že sa nejako pohne.
Valentine's Day was approaching, along with Matej's resolution to make a move.
Našišli sa, ako stáli na chodbe, Matejovu myseľ naplnili strach a obavy.
As they found themselves standing in the hallway, Matej's mind was filled with fear and worries.
„Lenka,“ povedal nakoniec, keď sa im skrížili cesty vo výťahu.
"Lenka," he finally said when they crossed paths in the elevator.
Jej šibalské oči na neho pozreli a on zistil, že viac už nemôže cúvnuť.
Her playful eyes looked at him, and he realized he couldn't back down anymore.
„Chcel by som ťa pozvať na obed... zajtra,“ dodal, jeho hlas slabý, ale rozhodný.
"I'd like to invite you to lunch... tomorrow," he added, his voice weak but determined.
Lenka sa usmiala.
Lenka smiled.
„Rada. Valentín sa blíži, bude to perfektný čas, aby sme sa lepšie spoznali.“
"I'd love to. Valentine's Day is approaching, it will be a perfect time for us to get to know each other better."
Matej necítil len úľavu, ale aj záchvat radosti a novú vlnu sebavedomia.
Matej felt not only relief but also a burst of joy and a new wave of confidence.
Na druhý deň, keď spolu obedovali v útulnej reštaurácii, obaja sa otvorene rozprávali o svojej práci, o živote a záujmoch.
The next day, as they had lunch in a cozy restaurant, they talked openly about their work, life, and interests.
Matej zistil, že strach z odmietnutia bol zbytočný a že príležitosti sa občas musia uchopiť, aj keď sú strašidelné.
Matej realized that the fear of rejection was unnecessary and that opportunities sometimes have to be seized, even when they are scary.
S koncom večera sa Matej vrátil do kancelárie s novonabudnutou sebadôverou a v srdci nosil pocit tepla a nádeje.
By the end of the evening, Matej returned to the office with newfound confidence and carried a feeling of warmth and hope in his heart.
Zistil, že stojí za to riskovať, čo sa nakoniec pretavilo do vzťahu, ktorý sa pomaly začal formovať.
He found that it was worth taking the risk, which eventually blossomed into a relationship that began to slowly form.
Kým vonku snehové vločky naďalej padali, v Matejovom srdci sa zrodila jar.
While outside, the snowflakes continued to fall, in Matej's heart, spring was born.