Whispers of Love: A Valentine's Eve in Bratislava
FluentFiction - Slovak
Whispers of Love: A Valentine's Eve in Bratislava
Bratislava, nádherný večer na Valentína.
Bratislava, a beautiful evening on Valentine's Day.
Sneh padal jemne na strechy starého mesta a vyzdoboval krásny Bratislavský hrad.
Snow fell gently on the roofs of the old town and decorated the beautiful Bratislavský hrad.
Lukáš kráčal nervózne, jeho srdce bilo rýchlejšie než zvyčajne.
Lukáš walked nervously, his heart beating faster than usual.
Vedľa neho kráčala Mária, jeho spolužiačka, o ktorej sníval už dlho.
Next to him walked Mária, his classmate, whom he had long dreamed about.
Ani netušila, ako veľmi sa mu páčila.
She had no idea how much he liked her.
„Ako sa ti páči hrad?“ spýtal sa neisto Lukáš, keď kráčali po ceste k hradnej veži.
"How do you like the castle?" Lukáš asked uncertainly as they walked up the path to the castle tower.
Snažil sa utajiť svoju nervozitu.
He was trying to conceal his nervousness.
„Je to tu krásne,“ odpovedala Mária s úsmevom.
"It's beautiful here," Mária replied with a smile.
„Nikdy som tu nebola v zime.“
"I've never been here in winter."
„Ani ja,“ priznal sa Lukáš, hoci už tu bol s Petrom, svojím najlepším priateľom.
"Me neither," admitted Lukáš, although he had been here with Peter, his best friend.
Peter, ktorý sa držal trochu vzadu, sledoval ich obaja.
Peter, who was hanging back a little, watched both of them.
Bol tam ako podpora, pripravený pomôcť Lukášovi.
He was there as support, ready to help Lukáš.
Ale Lukáš sa rozhodol tento večer zvládnuť sám.
But Lukáš decided to handle this evening on his own.
Keď vystúpili na vrchol veže, vietor jemne fúkal a hviezdy zažiarili nad nimi.
When they reached the top of the tower, the wind blew gently and the stars shone above them.
Výhľad na mesto bol úchvatný.
The view of the city was breathtaking.
Videli svetlá Bratislavy rozsypané ako hviezdy na zemi.
They saw the lights of Bratislava scattered like stars on the ground.
„To je nádherné,“ povedala Mária do ticha a obdivovala pohľad.
"This is beautiful," said Mária into the silence, admiring the view.
Lukáš sa odhodlal.
Lukáš gathered his courage.
„Vieš, Mária, vždy som mal rád večery ako tento.
"You know, Mária, I've always liked evenings like this.
Pohľad na Bratislavu mi pripomína budúcnosť.
The view of Bratislava reminds me of the future.
A...“ Zaváhal.
And..." He hesitated.
Tento moment bol ten pravý.
This moment was the right one.
„A môžem si predstaviť, že si tu so mnou,“ dokončil rýchlo.
"And I can imagine you here with me," he finished quickly.
Mária sa otočila k nemu, jej oči sa stretli s jeho.
Mária turned to him, her eyes meeting his.
„Vždy si mi bol sympatický, Lukáš,“ priznal sa Mária ticho.
"I've always found you likable, Lukáš," Mária admitted quietly.
„Myslím, že by sme to mali skúsiť.“
"I think we should give it a try."
Lukáš pocítil, ako sa mu uľavilo.
Lukáš felt a wave of relief wash over him.
Jeho obavy sa rozplynuli ako sneh.
His worries melted away like snow.
„Ja by som to chcel viac ako čokoľvek,“ usmial sa šťastne.
"I would like that more than anything," he smiled happily.
Peter sa zodvihol od zábradlia, kde ich nenápadne sledoval, a široko sa usmial.
Peter got up from the railing, where he had been watching them discreetly, and smiled widely.
Vedel, že Lukáš konečne našiel odvahu, ktorú potreboval.
He knew that Lukáš had finally found the courage he needed.
Spoločne, ruka v ruke, Lukáš a Mária odišli z veže.
Together, hand in hand, Lukáš and Mária left the tower.
Zanechali za sebou magický večer, ktorý zmenil ich priateľstvo na niečo oveľa krajšie.
They left behind a magical evening that transformed their friendship into something much more beautiful.
Večer na hradbách bol len začiatok ich spoločnej cesty.
The evening on the battlements was just the beginning of their journey together.