Heartfelt Choices: A Snowy Slovakian Orphanage Tale
FluentFiction - Slovak
Heartfelt Choices: A Snowy Slovakian Orphanage Tale
Na okraji malej dedinky v Slovensku, obklopený nekonečnými bielymi poliami snehu, stál starý sirotinec.
On the edge of a small village in Slovensko, surrounded by endless white fields of snow, stood an old orphanage.
Drevená stavba bola ako domov pre deti bez rodiny.
The wooden building was like a home for children without families.
Každý kút bol útulný, vyplnený smiechom detí a rajčou farbou sŕdc visiacich na stenách.
Every corner was cozy, filled with the laughter of children and the bright red color of hearts hanging on the walls.
Vonku panovala zima, ale vo vnútri bolo teplo a priateľská atmosféra.
Outside, it was cold, but inside, it was warm and had a friendly atmosphere.
Medzi všetkými deťmi boli Marek a Zuzana.
Among all the children were Marek and Zuzana.
Marek bol premýšľavý a láskavý chlapec.
Marek was a thoughtful and kind boy.
Hoci túžil po vlastnej rodine, jeho srdce vždy myslelo na Zuzanu, jeho najlepšiu kamarátku.
Although he longed for his own family, his heart always thought of Zuzana, his best friend.
Zuzana, vždy veselá a radostná, sa však v koutku duše obávala, že zostane v sirotinci sama.
Zuzana, always cheerful and joyful, secretly feared that she would remain in the orphanage alone.
Jedného dňa, keď vonku padal hustý sneh, matka domu priviedla do izby návštevníkov.
One day, when thick snow was falling outside, the home's mother brought visitors into the room.
Bola to sympatická dvojica, ktorá mala záujem adoptovať Mareka.
It was a sympathetic couple who were interested in adopting Marek.
Marek sa cítil rozpoltený.
Marek felt torn.
Veľmi túžil po novom domove, ale obával sa, čo sa stane so Zuzanou, ak odíde.
He greatly desired a new home but was worried about what would happen to Zuzana if he left.
Dni plynuli a blížil sa Deň svätého Valentína.
Days passed, and St. Valentine's Day was approaching.
Každé dieťa v sirotinci dostalo sladkosti a malé kartičky s červenými srdiečkami.
Every child in the orphanage received sweets and little cards with red hearts.
No Marek neprestával rozmýšľať o svojej situácii.
But Marek couldn't stop thinking about his situation.
Chcel sa rozhodnúť srdcom, ale nebolo to jednoduché.
He wanted to decide with his heart, but it wasn't easy.
Ráno na Valentína prišla matka domu znovu s párom, ktorí chceli Mareka adoptovať okamžite.
On the morning of Valentine's Day, the home's mother came again with the couple who wanted to adopt Marek immediately.
Marek vedel, že nastal čas pre rozhodnutie.
Marek knew it was time to make a decision.
Skryl sa na chvíľku do tichej izby a premýšľal.
He hid in a quiet room for a moment to think.
Potom sa vrátil a položil jednoduchú, no dôležitú otázku: "A čo Zuzana?
Then he returned and asked a simple but important question: "And what about Zuzana?
Mohla by ísť so mnou?
Could she come with me?"
"Pár sa na seba pozrel a usmial sa.
The couple looked at each other and smiled.
"Rádi ju spoznáme," povedali.
"We'd love to meet her," they said.
"Môžme ju zvážiť tiež.
"We can consider her too."
"Marek cítil, ako mu srdce poskočilo.
Marek felt his heart leap.
To bolo všetko, čo potreboval počuť.
That was all he needed to hear.
Zistil, že stačí skúsiť hovoriť o svojich želaniach a niekto možno nájde riešenie.
He realized that sometimes, you just need to speak your wishes, and someone might find a solution.
Zuzana stála vedľa neho, trochu prekvapená, ale cítila veľkú úľavu.
Zuzana stood next to him, a bit surprised, but she felt great relief.
Už nebola sama.
She was no longer alone.
Tým sa začala nová kapitola ich života.
Thus began a new chapter in their lives.
Obaja opustili sirotinec s párom, ktorí sa rozhodli dať im šancu na nový domov.
Both left the orphanage with the couple who decided to give them a chance at a new home.
Marek sa naučil, že hovoriť o svojich túžbach môže zmeniť veci a Zuzana pochopila, že pre niekoho stále znamená svet.
Marek learned that speaking about your desires can change things, and Zuzana understood that she still meant the world to someone.
V snežnej krajine svietil sirotinec už len z diaľky, ale v ich srdciach bude domovom navždy.
In the snowy landscape, the orphanage shone only from a distance, but in their hearts, it would forever be a home.