The Mute Companion: Ana's Bronze Encounter
FluentFiction - Slovenian
The Mute Companion: Ana's Bronze Encounter
Bilo je toplo poletno popoldne, ko se je Ana odpravila na sprehod po Ljubljani.
It was a warm summer afternoon when Ana went for a walk in Ljubljana.
Sonce se je lesketalo na gladini reke Ljubljanice in ljudje so se smejali, ko so hodili mimo.
The sun glistened on the surface of the Ljubljanica river, and people laughed as they walked by.
Ana se je odločila, da bo danes obiskala znani Tromostovje, kjer se je dogovorila srečati s svojim prijateljem Jožefom.
Ana decided to visit the famous Tromostovje, where she had arranged to meet her friend Jožef.
Ana je prišla na Trg francoske revolucije in se sprehodila po cesti do Tromostovja.
Ana arrived at the French Revolution Square and strolled down the street to Tromostovje.
Ko pa je prispela, Jožefa ni bilo nikjer.
However, when she arrived, Jožef was nowhere to be found.
Zavzela je klop v senci in počakala.
She took a seat on a bench in the shade and waited.
Nato je na koncu mostu zagledala postavo, ki je bila zelo podobna Jožefu.
Then, at the end of the bridge, she saw a figure that looked very much like Jožef.
Bil je oblečen v temna oblačila in stal popolnoma pri miru, obrnjen proti reki.
He was dressed in dark clothing and stood completely still, facing the river.
Ana je pomislila, kako čudno da Jožef tako mirno stoji, a ni oklevala.
Ana thought it was strange that Jožef was standing so quietly, but she didn't hesitate.
Odločila se je, da mu bo prišla naproti.
She decided to approach him.
"Pozdravljen Jožef," je rekla Ana, ko se je približala. "Lep dan je za sprehod, kaj ne?"
"Hello, Jožef," Ana said as she approached. "It's a beautiful day for a walk, isn't it?"
Statua ni odgovorila.
The statue didn't respond.
Ana se je naslonila na ograjo ob statui in nadaljevala: "Jaz sem včeraj dobila novo službo, komaj čakam, da začnem. Hej, ti si pa res tiho danes. Vse v redu?"
Ana leaned against the railing near the statue and continued, "I got a new job yesterday, and I can't wait to start. Hey, you're really quiet today. Is everything okay?"
Vendar statua še vedno ni dala od sebe nobenega zvoka.
However, the statue still didn't make a sound.
Ana je začela razlagati o svojih načrtih, prepričana, da jo Jožef posluša.
Ana started telling Jožef about her plans, confident that he was listening.
Govorila je o filmu, ki ga želi videti, o parku, ki ga želita obiskati, in o knjigi, ki jo trenutno bere.
She talked about a movie she wanted to see, a park they planned to visit, and a book she was currently reading.
Ko je Ana končno naredila premor in pričakovala odgovor, je statua ostala tiho.
When Ana finally paused and expected a response, the statue remained silent.
Zmedena je pogledala Jožefa in šele takrat je opazila, da to sploh ni Jožef.
Confused, she looked at Jožef and only then did she notice that it wasn't Jožef at all.
Pred njo je stala bronasta statua pesnika, ki je strumno strmel preko reke.
In front of her stood a bronze statue of a poet, gazing steadfastly across the river.
"O moj bog, kako nerodno," je zašepetala Ana sama sebi.
"Oh my goodness, how embarrassing," Ana whispered to herself.
V tistem trenutku je zaslišala znani smeh za sabo.
At that moment, she heard familiar laughter behind her.
"Ana, tu sem!" je rekel pravi Jožef, ki je prišel izza stojnice s sladoledom.
"Ana, here I am!" said the real Jožef, who had come from behind the ice cream stand.
"Vidim, da si že našla družbo."
"I see you've already found company."
Ana se je obrnila in se zasmejala ob pogledu na prijatelja:
Ana turned around and laughed at the sight of her friend.
"Oh, Jožef, kar ne morem verjeti. Govorila sem s to statuo, misleč, da si ti!"
"Oh, Jožef, I can't believe it. I was talking to that statue, thinking it was you!"
Oba sta se smejala in Ana je povedala Jožefu vse o svoji zabavni napaki.
They both laughed, and Ana told Jožef about her funny mistake.
Preživela sta ostal del popoldneva skupaj, se sprehajala ob reki in se pogovarjala o vseh možnih stvareh.
They spent the rest of the afternoon together, walking along the river and talking about all sorts of things.
Ana ni pozabila na svoje srečanje s "kamnitim Jožefom".
Ana didn't forget her encounter with the "stone Jožef."
Spomin na tisto smešno napako je ostal sicer malo neroden, ampak tudi dragocen zaradi smeha, ki ga je prinesel.
The memory of that funny mistake remained a little awkward, but also precious because of the laughter it brought.
Ana in Jožef sta obljubila, da si bosta o dogodku pripovedovala še vrsto let.
Ana and Jožef promised to tell each other about the incident for years to come.
In vsakič, ko sta se sprehajala čez Tromostovje, nista mogla mimo brez šaljivega komentarja na račun Ane in njene prijateljske statuarnega soseda.
And every time they walked across Tromostovje, they couldn't help but make a playful comment about Ana and her "statuesque neighbor."