The Unexpected Plunge at Lake Bled
FluentFiction - Slovenian
The Unexpected Plunge at Lake Bled
Nekega sončnega jutra je Ana stala na obali Blejskega jezera, v oči pa ji je padel bleščeč otok sredi mirne vodne površine.
One sunny morning, Ana stood on the shore of Lake Bled, and her eyes fell upon the shimmering island in the middle of the calm water surface.
"To morava doživeti," je vzhičena rekla Luku, ki je ravno pomerjal kamenčke ob vodi.
"We have to experience this," she said excitedly to Luka, who was busy skipping stones across the water.
Luka je prikimal in prijel Ano za roko.
Luka nodded and took Ana's hand.
Skupaj sta se sprehodila do najbližjega pomola, kjer je bil privezan lesen čoln, znan kot pletna.
Together, they walked to the nearest pier, where a wooden boat known as a pletna was moored.
Pletne so bile posebne, saj so jih veslali na poseben način, stali so namreč in veslali s pomočjo dolgih vesel.
Pletnas were special, as they were rowed in a unique way - the rowers stood and used long oars to row.
Njun čoln je vodila nasmejana čolnarka po imenu Maja, ki je z veseljem pozdravila oba popotnika.
Their boat was piloted by a cheerful boatwoman named Maja, who warmly greeted the two travelers.
"Kam vas lahko popeljem?
"Where can I take you?"
" je vprašala Maja z iskricami v očeh.
Maja asked with a sparkle in her eyes.
"Na otok, prosim," je hitro odgovorila Ana, ko sta se udobno namestila na čolnu.
"To the island, please," Ana quickly responded as they settled comfortably in the boat.
Potovanje čez jezero je bilo čarobno.
The journey across the lake was enchanting.
Voda je bila kristalno čista, okoliške gore so se vzpenjale do neba in zrak je bil poln svežine.
The water was crystal clear, the surrounding mountains rose towards the sky, and the air was filled with freshness.
A komaj so se oddaljili od obale, se je zgodil manjši zaplet.
But as they had just departed from the shore, a minor setback occurred.
Maja je z močnim zamahom potegnila veslo skozi vodo, ko je kar naenkrat zdrsnilo iz njenih rok in padlo v jezero.
With a strong stroke, Maja pulled the oar through the water, when suddenly it slipped from her hands and fell into the lake.
"O ne!
"Oh no!"
" je vzkliknila in se sklonila, da bi ga ujela, a bilo je prepozno.
she exclaimed and leaned over to catch it, but it was too late.
"Počakajte tukaj," je Maja odločno rekla in skočila v vodo brez obotavljanja.
"Wait here," Maja firmly stated and jumped into the water without hesitation.
Ana in Luka sta ostala presenečena, njune oči pa so sledile maji, ki je hitro plavala proti odplavajočemu veslu.
Ana and Luka were surprised, and their eyes followed Maja, who swiftly swam towards the drifting oar.
Voda je bila hladna, a Maja ni obupala.
The water was cold, but Maja didn't give up.
Svoje gibanje je uskladila z valovi, z vsakim zamahom se je približevala cilju.
She synchronized her movements with the waves, and with each stroke, she was getting closer to her goal.
Ana in Luka sta navijala zanjo in kmalu je Maja že trdno držala veslo v rokah.
Ana and Luka cheered for her, and soon Maja firmly held the oar in her hands.
S skupnimi močmi so veslali naprej proti otoku, smeh in dobra volja pa so zapolnili čoln.
Together, they continued rowing towards the island, and laughter and joy filled the boat.
Doživetje, ki se je začelo kot mala katastrofa, je postalo nepozabna pustolovščina, o kateri so skupaj pripovedovali še leta dolgo.
What had begun as a small disaster turned into an unforgettable adventure, one they would talk about for years to come.
Ko so pristali na otoku, je bilo sonce še vedno visoko na nebu in svet je bil kot iz pravljice.
When they landed on the island, the sun was still high in the sky, and the world felt like a fairytale.
Ana, Luka in Maja so skupaj raziskovali otok in njegove skrivnosti, veseli, da sta jih povezala prijateljstvo in smeh, ki odzvanja na Blejskem jezeru.
Ana, Luka, and Maja explored the island and its secrets together, glad that their friendship and laughter echoed across Lake Bled.