Mysteries Unleashed: Dragons of Ljubljana!
FluentFiction - Slovenian
Mysteries Unleashed: Dragons of Ljubljana!
Nekoč v sončnem popoldnevu poleti, sta Ana in Luka skupaj sprehajala skozi ulice starega mestnega jedra Ljubljane.
Once upon a time on a sunny summer afternoon, Ana and Luka were taking a stroll together through the streets of the old city center of Ljubljana.
Izgubila sta se v čari mestnih znamenitosti, ko sta prispela do enega najbolj prepoznavnih simbolov mesta - Zmajski most.
They got lost in the charm of the city's landmarks, and eventually arrived at one of the most recognizable symbols of the city - the Dragon Bridge.
Ana, vedno polna domišljije in humorja, se je spomnila nenavadne igre.
Ana, always full of imagination and humor, remembered an unusual game.
"Luka," je rekla z resnim glasom, "Ali veš, da so zmaji na tem mostu resnični? Čarobni urok jih je spremenil v kip."
"Luka," she said with a serious tone, "Did you know that the dragons on this bridge are real? A magical spell turned them into statues."
Luka je bil presenečen, njegov obraz je izdajal zmedo.
Luka was surprised, his face betrayed confusion.
"Res?" je vprašal in buljil v enega od kipov zmaja.
"Really?" he asked, staring at one of the dragon statues.
Ana je prikimala. "In ne samo to. Vsako noč ob polnoči se spremenijo nazaj v prave zmaje in poletijo čez Ljubljanico." Njen obraz je ostal popolnoma neprebran.
Ana nodded. "And not only that. Every night at midnight, they turn back into real dragons and fly across the Ljubljanica river." Her face remained completely inscrutable.
Povedala mu je veliko izmišljenih zgodb o mostu; kako je bil zgrajen iz posebnega kamna, ki ga lahko zmaji samo prenesejo, in da lahko tisti, ki se zmaja dotakne natanko ob polnoči, začuti njegov srčni utrip.
She told him many made-up stories about the bridge; how it was built from a special stone that only dragons can carry, and that anyone who touches the dragon exactly at midnight can feel its heartbeat.
Luka je Ana zgodbe poslušal z vedno večjo navdušenostjo. "Nikoli nisem vedel, da ima naš most tako posebno zgodovino!" je dejal. Ana je le komaj zadrževala smeh.
Luka listened to Ana's stories with increasing enthusiasm. "I never knew our bridge had such a special history!" he exclaimed. Ana could barely contain her laughter.
Spomnila ga je še na to, da po legendi, vsak, ki laže na tem mostu, tam ostane ujet za večno. "Res?" je Luka spet vprašal, zdaj pa že nekoliko sumničavo.
She also reminded him that according to legend, anyone who lies on this bridge becomes trapped there forever. "Really?" Luka asked again, this time somewhat skeptically.
"Seveda," je rekla Ana, "zato bodi previden, ko govoriš tukaj. Zmajski urok je močan."
"Of course," Ana said, "so be careful what you say here. The dragon's spell is powerful."
Toda potem, ko je Luka pripomnil, da je na internetu prebral drugačno zgodovino mostu, se je Ana nasmejala in priznala, da je vse skupaj izmišljeno. "Luka, oprosti, ni bilo mišljeno resno. Hotel sem te le malo zbuniti."
But when Luka mentioned that he had read a different history of the bridge online, Ana laughed and admitted that it was all made up. "Luka, I'm sorry, I didn't mean it seriously. I just wanted to confuse you a little."
Sprva je bil Luka malce užaljen, ker je verjel vsaki besedi. A kmalu sta oba razmišljala o njeni iznajdljivosti in ustvarjalnosti ter se skupaj smejala pod zmajevim pogledom.
At first, Luka was a little offended because he believed every word. But soon both of them were thinking about her resourcefulness and creativity and laughed together under the gaze of the dragon.
Luka in Ana sta preostanek dneva preživela ob odkrivanju pravih zgodb Ljubljane, tokrat pa sta sledila uradnemu vodiču. Zmajski most je s svojimi miti in skrivnostmi ostal v središču njunega doživetja skozi celo popoldne.
Ana and Luka spent the rest of the day discovering the true stories of Ljubljana, this time following an official guide. The Dragon Bridge, with its myths and mysteries, remained at the center of their experience throughout the afternoon.
Pravzaprav je bila Anina neobičajna zgodba tista, ki ju je še bolj povezala in njun izlet naredila nepozaben.
In fact, it was Ana's unusual story that brought them even closer and made their trip unforgettable.