Dive for Selfie: Dragons, Phones & Friendship
FluentFiction - Slovenian
Dive for Selfie: Dragons, Phones & Friendship
Nekoč so trije prijatelji, Ana, Miha in Luka, se odločili za obisk znane Ljubljanske Zmajev most.
Once upon a time, three friends, Ana, Miha, and Luka, decided to visit the famous Dragon Bridge in Ljubljana.
Bilo je poletno jutro in sonce je prijetno grelo kamen most, na katerem so ponosno stal štiri bronasti zmaji.
It was a summer morning and the sun was gently warming the stone bridge, on which proudly stood four bronze dragons.
Ana je imela nov telefon in hotela je narediti popoln selfie z zmaji v ozadju.
Ana had a new phone and wanted to take the perfect selfie with the dragons in the background.
Stala je na robu mostu, raztegnila roko in poskušala najti pravi kot za fotografijo.
She stood at the edge of the bridge, stretched out her arm and tried to find the right angle for the photo.
Vendar pa je njen telefon zdrsel iz roke in padel v reko Ljubljanico z značilnim pljuskom.
However, her phone slipped from her hand and fell into the Ljubljanica river with a characteristic splash.
"Oh ne, moj telefon!
"Oh no, my phone!"
" je zakričala Ana, roke ji niso mogle skriti panike na obrazu.
Ana cried out, her hands unable to hide the panic on her face.
Miha in Luka, ki so stali zraven nje, niso oklevali.
Miha and Luka, who were standing next to her, didn't hesitate.
Pogledala sta drug drugega in brez besed vedela, kaj morata storiti.
They looked at each other and without words knew what they had to do.
Preden je kdorkoli lahko reagiral, so skočila preko ograje in se zagnala v mirno zeleno vodo Ljubljanice.
Before anyone could react, they jumped over the railing and plunged into the calm, green waters of the Ljubljanica.
Turisti na mostu so se zbrali in gledali, komaj verjameč svojim očem.
Tourists on the bridge gathered and watched, barely believing their eyes.
Nekateri so klicali na pomoč, drugi pa so potegnili ven telefone in začeli snemati ta neverjeten prizor.
Some called for help, while others pulled out their phones and started recording this incredible scene.
Luka je bil visok in močan, hitro je preplaval do mesta, kjer je telefon padel v vodo.
Luka was tall and strong, quickly swimming to the spot where the phone had fallen into the water.
Potopljen v hladno reko je z rokami tipal po blatnem dnu.
Submerged in the cold river, he felt around the muddy bottom with his hands.
Miha, bolj previden plavalec, je ostal bližje površju in opazoval za morebitne nevarnosti.
Miha, a more cautious swimmer, stayed closer to the surface, watching out for any potential dangers.
Kar naenkrat je Luka dvignil roko iz vode in v njegovi dlani je bil Anin telefon, popolnoma moker, a še vedno cel.
Suddenly, Luka raised his hand from the water, holding Ana's phone in his palm, completely wet but still intact.
Zmaga v Mihi in Luki očeh, so priplavali nazaj do roba reke, kjer so jih turisti pomagali iz vode.
With triumph in Miha and Luka's eyes, they swam back to the riverbank, where the tourists helped them out of the water.
Ana je objela svoja rešitelja.
Ana hugged her rescuers.
"Hvala vama, res ne vem, kako naj se vama oddolžim," je rekla z nasmehom med solzami olajšanja.
"Thank you both, I really don't know how to repay you," she said, smiling through tears of relief.
"Ničesar nam ni treba," je rekel Miha z širokim nasmehom.
"We don't need anything," Miha said with a wide smile.
"Ampak morda naslednjič pusti selfie palico doma.
"But maybe next time, leave the selfie stick at home."
"Vsi trije so se nasmejali, Anin telefon pa je nekako preživel svojo pustolovščino v Ljubljanici.
All three of them laughed, and Ana's phone somehow survived its adventure in the Ljubljanica.
Luka je predlagal, da gredo na toplo čokolado, da se pogrejejo, in tako se je manjša kriza prelevila v zabavno zgodbo, ki jo bodo pripovedovali še leta.
Luka suggested they go for hot chocolate to warm up, and so the minor crisis turned into a fun story that they would tell for years.
Zmajev most je ta dan dobil novo legendo – legendo o treh prijateljih, ki so zbrali pogum za reševanje telefona iz zmajevega kljuna.
The Dragon Bridge gained a new legend that day – the legend of three friends who gathered the courage to rescue a phone from the dragon's jaws.