Glued Together: The Unexpected Adventures of a Lake Bled Picnic
FluentFiction - Slovenian
Glued Together: The Unexpected Adventures of a Lake Bled Picnic
Jutro ob jezeru Bled je bilo sveže in mirno.
The morning by Lake Bled was fresh and calm.
Matej, Nina in Bojan so se odločili, da bodo imeli piknik ob jezeru.
Matej, Nina, and Bojan decided to have a picnic by the lake.
Pripeljali so odejo, hrano in orodje za popravilo starih lesenih klopi.
They brought a blanket, food, and tools to repair old wooden benches.
Matej je bila odgovorna oseba.
Matej was the responsible one.
Rad je popravljal stvari.
He liked fixing things.
Ko so prišli do klopi, je videl, da je ena deska odstopala.
When they reached the benches, he noticed that one board was loose.
Odločil se je, da bo to popravil zdaj.
He decided to fix it right then.
Vzel je lepilo iz torbe in začel delati.
He took glue out of his bag and started working.
"Kmalu bo vse kot novo," je rekel z nasmehom.
"Soon everything will be like new," he said with a smile.
Nina in Bojan sta se smejala in klepetala ob vodi.
Nina and Bojan laughed and chatted by the water.
Nista opazila, da je Matej imel težavo.
They didn't notice that Matej was having trouble.
Zazrla sta se v lepe labode na jezeru.
They were gazing at the beautiful swans on the lake.
Čez nekaj minut je Matej zavpil, "Pomagajte!
A few minutes later, Matej shouted, "Help!
Zataknil sem se!
I'm stuck!"
"Nina in Bojan sta stekla k njemu.
Nina and Bojan ran to him.
Videla sta, da je Matej prilepljen na klop.
They saw that Matej was glued to the bench.
Njegove roke so bile trdno zalepljene na leseno desko.
His hands were firmly stuck to the wooden board.
"O moj bog, kaj zdaj?
"Oh my god, what now?!"
" vpraša Nina.
asked Nina.
Bojan je pogledal naokoli.
Bojan looked around.
Ljudje so hodili mimo.
People were walking by.
Mislil je, kako bi Mateja rešili, ne da bi pritegnili pozornost.
He thought about how to free Matej without attracting attention.
"Poglej, tamle je kiosk," reče Bojan.
"Look, there's a kiosk over there," said Bojan.
"Morda imajo nekaj, kar nam bo pomagalo.
"Maybe they have something that can help us."
"Nina in Bojan sta stekla do kioska.
Nina and Bojan ran to the kiosk.
Vprašala sta prodajalko, če imajo kaj za odstranjevanje lepila.
They asked the saleswoman if she had anything to remove glue.
Prodajalka ju je čudno pogledala, a jima je dala acetonski raztopino.
She gave them a puzzled look but handed them an acetone solution.
Hvala, hvala!
"Thank you, thank you!"
" je rekla Nina in z Bojanom hitela nazaj k klopi.
said Nina, rushing back to the bench with Bojan.
"Pazi, Matej, to bo mogoče malo bolelo," je rekla.
"Careful, Matej, this might hurt a bit," she said.
Počasi sta vlivala aceton na Matejeve roke.
Slowly, they poured the acetone on Matej's hands.
Matej je stiskal zobe.
Matej gritted his teeth.
Čez nekaj časa so se njegove roke sprostile.
After a while, his hands came free.
"Vau, uspelo nam je!
"Wow, we did it!"
" je rekel Bojan.
said Bojan.
Matej je pogledal svoje rdeče dlani in se nasmehnil.
Matej looked at his red palms and smiled.
"Hvala, ekipa!
"Thanks, team!
Naslednjič bom bolj pazljiv.
Next time I'll be more careful."
"Vsi trije so se usedli na odejo in se smejali zgodbi, ki jo bodo zdaj vedno pripovedovali.
All three sat on the blanket and laughed about the story they would always tell now.
Piknik ob jezeru Bled je bil rešen brez večje sramote.
The picnic by Lake Bled was saved without major embarrassment.
In tako so se končale njihove pustolovščine tistega mirnega jutra ob čudovitem jezeru Bled.
And so ended their adventures on that peaceful morning by the beautiful Lake Bled.