Mystery at Midnight: The Hidden Guardian of Lake Bled
FluentFiction - Slovenian
Mystery at Midnight: The Hidden Guardian of Lake Bled
Ob polnoči, se nad Blejskim jezerom pojavi čudna svetloba.
At midnight, a strange light appears over Lake Bled.
Krajanov in turistov ni več zanimalo samo lepo jezero, temveč tudi skrivnostna svetloba.
The locals and tourists were no longer just interested in the beautiful lake, but also in the mysterious light.
Vsako noč je enako – ob polnoči se lep mir razbije s sijočo svetlobo.
Every night it was the same – at midnight, the peaceful quiet was shattered by a radiant light.
Matej, Ana in Špela so neko noč odločili razvozlati skrivnost.
One night, Matej, Ana, and Špela decided to unravel the mystery.
Zbrali so se pri jezeru in čakali.
They gathered at the lake and waited.
"Kaj misliš, kaj je ta svetloba?
"What do you think this light is?"
" je vprašala Ana.
Ana asked.
Matej je odvrnil: "Ne vem, a želim to izvedeti.
Matej replied, "I don't know, but I want to find out."
"Ob polnoči se je svetloba pojavila.
At midnight the light appeared.
Bila je močna in sijoča.
It was strong and glowing.
Trije prijatelji so bili začudeni.
The three friends were astonished.
Matej je predlagal: "Pojdimo bližje.
Matej suggested, "Let's get closer."
" Počasi so se približali vodi.
Slowly, they approached the water.
Svetloba je bila tako močna, da so komaj videli okolico.
The light was so intense that they could barely see their surroundings.
Nenadoma je Ana opazila nekaj nenavadnega.
Suddenly, Ana noticed something unusual.
"Poglej tam!
"Look there!"
" je zaklicala in pokazala proti sredini jezera.
she shouted, pointing towards the middle of the lake.
Svetloba je prihajala iz nedrjev jezera.
The light was coming from the depths of the lake.
Špela je premagala svoj strah in rekla: "Moramo iti tja.
Špela overcame her fear and said, "We have to go there.
Moramo izvedeti.
We have to find out."
" Matej in Ana sta se strinjala.
Matej and Ana agreed.
Vzeli so čoln in veslali proti svetlobi.
They took a boat and rowed towards the light.
S približevanjem so opazili staro vrvico, ki sega globoko v jezero.
As they got closer, they noticed an old rope extending deep into the lake.
Matej je prijel vrv in potegnil.
Matej grabbed the rope and pulled.
Počasi se je iz globine pojavila velika, starodavna skrinja.
Slowly, a large, ancient chest emerged from the depths.
Ko so odprli skrinjo, so notri našli dragocen prstan in pisanje.
When they opened the chest, they found a precious ring and a note.
Pisanje je bilo v stari slovenščini.
The note was written in old Slovenian.
Piše: "Ta prstan pripada varuhu jezera, čuvaju miru in svetlobi.
It read: "This ring belongs to the guardian of the lake, the keeper of peace and the light."
"Spoznali so, da je skrinja s prstanom razlog skrivnostne svetlobe.
They realized that the chest with the ring was the source of the mysterious light.
Vsako noč, prstan sveti in varuje jezero.
Every night, the ring shines and protects the lake.
Matej je rekel: "To pripada tukajšnji zgodovini.
Matej said, "This belongs to the local history.
Moramo to spoštovati.
We must respect it."
"Od takrat naprej so Matej, Ana in Špela obdržali skrivnost.
From then on, Matej, Ana, and Špela kept the secret.
Svetloba je še naprej razsvetljevala Blejsko jezero, zdaj pa je tudi s prijetno vednostjo, da varuje nekaj dragocenega.
The light continued to illuminate Lake Bled, but now with the comforting knowledge that it was protecting something precious.
In tako, je svetloba ob polnoči ohranila svoj čar in svoje varuhe.
And so, the light at midnight maintained its charm and its guardians.
Krajani in turisti so si še naprej ogledovali svetlobo, nezavedajoč se skrivnosti, ki jo skrivajo globine Blejskega jezera.
The locals and tourists continued to watch the light, unaware of the secret hidden in the depths of Lake Bled.