Lost Treasure of Lake Bled: Unearthing the Stories of Ancestors
FluentFiction - Slovenian
Lost Treasure of Lake Bled: Unearthing the Stories of Ancestors
Ko je začel padati večer, je na Jezero Bled legel skrivnosten meglen plašč.
As evening began to fall, a mysterious foggy cloak settled over Lake Bled.
Matej in Tanja sta stala na obali in strmela v meglo.
Matej and Tanja stood on the shore, staring into the mist.
»Ta megla je nenavadna,«
“This fog is unusual,
je dejala Tanja in stisnila Matejevo roko.
Tanja said, squeezing Matej's hand.
»Ja, pravijo, da prinaša starodavne zgodbe nazaj,
“Yes, they say it brings old stories back,
je odvrnil Matej in ji pomežiknil.
Matej replied, winking at her.
Pred davnimi časi so govorili o skritem zakladu na dnu jezera.
Long ago, there were tales of a hidden treasure at the bottom of the lake.
Ljudje v vasi so bili navdušeni in napeti.
The people in the village were excited and tense.
Tanja je šepnila
Tanja whispered
»Mislili so, da je vse to le legenda... vendar...«
“They thought it was just a legend... but...
»Kaj če je res?«
“What if it's true?
je prekinil Matej.
Matej interrupted.
Naslednji dan je vas brbotal z govoricami.
The next day, the village buzzed with rumors.
Starejši možje, ki so sedeli pred gostilno, so šepetali o zakladu.
The elderly men sitting in front of the tavern whispered about the treasure.
Mladina je radovedno pogledovala proti jezeru.
The youth glanced curiously towards the lake.
Matej in Tanja sta se odločila raziskati skrivnost.
Matej and Tanja decided to investigate the mystery.
Ko sta se s čolnom peljala po jezeru, sta čutila napetost v zraku.
As they rowed a boat across the lake, they felt tension in the air.
Megla je bila gosta in bela, kot mleko.
The fog was thick and white, like milk.
»Glej, tam!«
“Look, there!
je nenadoma vzkliknila Tanja.
Tanja suddenly exclaimed.
Nekaj svetlega je sijalo izpod gladine vode.
Something bright was shining from under the water's surface.
»To mora biti!«
“That has to be it!
Matej je skočil v vodo in potopil se.
Matej jumped into the water and dived.
Potem je prišel na površje z velikim starodavnim skrinjo.
He then emerged with a large ancient chest.
»Spoznam to! To je zaklad!«
“I recognize this! It's the treasure!
je veselo zaklical.
he shouted joyfully.
Nazaj v vas so ju pričakali z navdušenjem.
Back in the village, they were greeted with excitement.
»Res je, legenda je resnična,
“It's true, the legend is real,
so govorili ljudje.
the people said.
A ko so odprli skrinjo, so našli le staro knjigo.
But when they opened the chest, they found only an old book.
Bila je debela, s starinsko preobleko.
It was thick, with an antique cover.
»Kaj pa zdaj?
“What now?
je vprašala Tanja.
Tanja asked.
V knjigi so bile zgodbe.
The book contained stories.
Zgodbe o preteklosti, o ljudeh, ki so živeli ob jezeru.
Stories of the past, about people who lived by the lake.
»To je pravi zaklad,
“This is the real treasure,
je dejal starec iz množice.
said an old man from the crowd.
»Zgodbe naših prednikov.
“The stories of our ancestors.
Vsi v vasi so se zbrali in ves večer poslušali zgodbe iz knjige.
Everyone in the village gathered and listened to the stories from the book all evening.
Razlog za veselje je bil velik.
The reason for joy was immense.
Vas je postala še bolj povezana.
The village became even more connected.
In megla? Od tedaj je bila za vas le še znanilec novih, neodkritih zgodb.
And the fog? From then on, it was merely a herald of new, undiscovered stories for the village.
Matej in Tanja sta opazovala jezero in vedela, da sta postala del nečesa večjega.
Matej and Tanja watched the lake and knew they had become part of something greater.
Zaklad je bil najden.
The treasure had been found.
Toda pravi zaklad je bilo znanje in povezanost, ki jo je prinesel.
But the true treasure was the knowledge and connection it brought.
Konec zgodbe, toda začetek novih zgodb.
The end of the story, but the beginning of new stories.