Discover the Solar-Powered Floating Market at Lake Bled
FluentFiction - Slovenian
Discover the Solar-Powered Floating Market at Lake Bled
Na Blejskem jezeru se je pojavilo nekaj posebnega.
Something special appeared at Lake Bled.
Sončne celice so zdaj poganjale plavajočo tržnico.
Solar panels were now powering a floating market.
To je bilo novo, vznemirljivo, drugačno.
This was new, exciting, different.
Matej in Nina sta neko soboto obiskala jezero.
Matej and Nina visited the lake one Saturday.
»Poglej, kako lepo je,« je rekla Nina.
"Look how beautiful it is," Nina said.
»Seveda, jaz sem slišal, da je nova tržnica na vodi,« je odgovoril Matej.
"Indeed, I heard there's a new market on the water," replied Matej.
Bilo je zgodaj zjutraj.
It was early in the morning.
Sonce je ravno vzhajalo in jezero je bilo mirno.
The sun was just rising, and the lake was calm.
Tržnica je počasi plavala po vodi.
The market floated slowly on the water.
Na tržnici so bili majhni stojnice.
The market had small stalls.
Vsak je imel sveže sadje, zelenjavo, rože in ročne izdelke.
Each had fresh fruit, vegetables, flowers, and handmade crafts.
»Pojdiva na tržnico,« je Nina predlagala.
"Let's go to the market," Nina suggested.
»Dobro idejo imaš,« je rekel Matej.
"Good idea," said Matej.
Skupaj sta najela majhen čoln in veslala do tržnice.
Together, they rented a small boat and rowed to the market.
Na tržnici ju je pričakala prijazna gospa.
At the market, a friendly lady welcomed them.
»Dobrodošla v naši sončni tržnici,« je rekla.
"Welcome to our solar market," she said.
Nato jima je ponudila marmelado iz jagod.
Then she offered them strawberry jam.
Matej je poskusil in rekel: »To je najboljša marmelada, kar sem jih kdajkoli poskusil.
Matej tasted it and said, "This is the best jam I've ever tried."
« Nina se je nasmehnila.
Nina smiled.
Nina je kupila lepe domače rože.
Nina bought some beautiful homemade flowers.
Matej je izbiral sveže sadje za malico.
Matej picked out fresh fruit for a snack.
Medtem sta opazovala sončne celice, ki so napajale tržnico.
Meanwhile, they observed the solar panels that powered the market.
Tržnica je bila tiha, mirna in čista.
The market was quiet, peaceful, and clean.
Kasneje sta se vrnila na obalo.
Later, they returned to the shore.
Sedela sta na travi in jedla sveže sadje.
They sat on the grass and ate fresh fruit.
»To je bilo čudovito doživetje,« je rekla Nina.
"That was a wonderful experience," Nina said.
»Res je,« se je strinjal Matej.
"It really was," agreed Matej.
»Narava in tehnologija se lahko lepo ujameta.
"Nature and technology can blend beautifully."
«Ko se je dan bližal koncu, sta občudovala sončni zahod nad jezerom.
As the day came to an end, they admired the sunset over the lake.
Plavajoča tržnica je bila še vedno tam.
The floating market was still there.
Ostala bo del tega prelepega kraja.
It would remain a part of this beautiful place.
Matej in Nina sta se z nasmehom poslovila od jezera.
Matej and Nina left the lake with smiles.
V srcu sta nosila lep spomin na ta čudovit dan.
They carried a lovely memory of this wonderful day in their hearts.
In tako sta Matej in Nina odkrila nov način preživljanja prostega časa.
And so, Matej and Nina discovered a new way to spend their free time.
Lake Bled je postal še bolj poseben z novo sončno tržnico.
Lake Bled became even more special with the new solar market.
Kraljestvo narave in tehnologije se je prav tukaj na jezeru združilo v enem.
The realm of nature and technology merged here on the lake into one.
The End.