Adventurous Rowboat Misadventures at Stunning Lake Bled
FluentFiction - Slovenian
Adventurous Rowboat Misadventures at Stunning Lake Bled
Matej je z navdušenjem gledal na Bledsko jezero.
Matej watched Lake Bled with excitement.
Vetrič je pihal skozi njegove lase, ko je govoril Ani, "Poglej, kako lepo je!
A breeze blew through his hair as he said to Ana, "Look how beautiful it is!"
"Ana je nasmejana prikimala.
Ana nodded with a smile.
"Ja, res je čudovito.
"Yes, it’s really wonderful.
Zakaj ne bi najela čolna?
Why don’t we rent a boat?"
"Tako sta šla do bližnje hišice in najela veslaški čoln.
So they went to a nearby shack and rented a rowing boat.
Dobila sta vesla in Matej je stopil v čoln.
They got the oars, and Matej stepped into the boat.
Potem je pomagal Ani, da je vstopila.
Then he helped Ana to get in.
" je vprašal Matej.
Matej asked.
"Da, pojdimo!
"Yes, let's go!"
" je rekla Ana.
Ana said.
Ampak kaj hitro sta ugotovila, da nihče od njiju ne zna veslati.
But they quickly realized that neither of them knew how to row.
Matej je začel veslati močno na eno stran, Ana pa na drugo.
Matej started rowing hard on one side, while Ana rowed on the other.
Čoln je začel krožiti.
The boat began to spin.
"Zakaj se vrtimo?
"Why are we spinning?"
" je presenečeno vprašala Ana.
Ana asked in surprise.
Matej je poskušal veslati nazaj, toda to ni pomagalo.
Matej tried to row backward, but it didn't help.
Ana je poskušala dogovoriti, toda čoln se je še vedno vrtel.
Ana tried to coordinate with him, but the boat still spun.
Ko so to opazili ljudje na obali, so se začeli smejati.
People on the shore began to laugh when they noticed.
"Vesla na isti strani!
"Oars on the same side!"
" je zavpil starejši gospod z obale.
shouted an older gentleman from the shore.
Ana in Matej sta se spogledala in se začela smejati.
Ana and Matej looked at each other and started laughing.
"Kaj točno to pomeni?
"What exactly does that mean?"
" je vprašala Ana.
Ana asked.
Starejši gospod je pokazal z rokami.
The older gentleman gestured with his hands.
Matej je poskusil slediti navodilom.
Matej tried to follow the instructions.
Ana je poskušala prav tako.
Ana tried too.
Čoln se je premaknil v ravni liniji za trenutek, nato pa so se spet začeli vrteti.
The boat moved in a straight line for a moment, then they started spinning again.
Ampak vseeno, smejala sta se kot otroka.
But still, they laughed like children.
Ljudje na obali so dajali več nasvetov.
People on the shore gave more advice.
"Počasi in usklajeno," je povedala mlada žena.
"Slow and steady," a young woman said.
"Naj en vodi, drugi sledi.
"Let one lead, the other follow."
"Matej in Ana sta se spogledala, saj sta znova poskusila.
Ana and Matej looked at each other as they tried again.
Matej je začel voditi, veslal je počasi in enakomerno.
Matej started leading, rowing slowly and steadily.
Ana je sledila.
Ana followed.
Po nekaj poskusih se je čoln končno premaknil naprej.
After a few tries, the boat finally moved forward.
"Smo uspel!
"We did it!"
" je zavpila Ana.
Ana shouted.
" je dodal Matej.
added Matej.
Oba sta se nasmehnila in občudovala razgled na jezero Bled.
They both smiled and admired the view of Lake Bled.
Takrat sta se spet ustavila.
Then they stopped again.
"Se zmeniva, naslednjič še malo vadiva?
"Agreed, we'll practice some more next time?"
" je predlagal Matej.
Matej suggested.
"Seveda," je odgovorila Ana.
"Of course," replied Ana.
"Ampak danes naj pomalicava ob vodi.
"But for today, let's have a snack by the water."
"Čoln sta pripeljala nazaj do obale.
They brought the boat back to the shore.
Spet sta se smejala, ko sta izstopila in se zahvalila vsem, ki so jima pomagali.
They laughed again as they got out and thanked everyone who helped them.
Dan se je počasi zaključil.
The day slowly came to an end.
Matej in Ana sta sedela na klopci in jedla malico.
Matej and Ana sat on a bench and ate their snack.
Jezero je bilo mirno in sonce je počasi zahajalo, razlivajoč zlato svetlobo po vodi.
The lake was calm, and the sun slowly set, spreading a golden light over the water.
"To je bil res poseben dan," je rekla Ana.
"This has been a really special day," Ana said.
"Ja, res je," je odgovoril Matej.
"Yes, it has," Matej replied.
"In naslednjič bova še boljša mornarja.
"And next time we’ll be even better sailors."
"Oba sta se smehljala in uživala v trenutku.
They both smiled and enjoyed the moment.
Bil je čudovit zaključek dneva na Bledu.
It was a beautiful end to the day at Bled.