A Stroll Through Ljubljana's Enchanting Central Market
FluentFiction - Slovenian
A Stroll Through Ljubljana's Enchanting Central Market
Ljubljana je bila sončna in živahna.
Ljubljana was sunny and lively.
Med mostovi, starimi zgradbami in prijetnimi ulicami se je slišal smeh.
Laughter echoed among the bridges, old buildings, and charming streets.
Ana in Luka sta šla na osrednjo tržnico.
Ana and Luka headed to the central market.
Iskala sta najboljše sveže pridelke in tradicionalne slovenske dobrote.
They were looking for the best fresh produce and traditional Slovenian treats.
Ko sta vstopila na tržnico, je Ana vdihnila vonj po svežem kruhu in siru.
As they entered the market, Ana breathed in the smell of fresh bread and cheese.
"Luka, glej," je rekla in pokazala na stojnico s svežimi jabolki.
"Luka, look," she said, pointing to a stall with fresh apples.
Rdeča jabolka so bila sijoča in lepa.
The red apples were shiny and beautiful.
"Kupiva jih nekaj.
"Let's buy a few."
"Luka se je strinjal.
Luka agreed.
"Dobro, Ana, ampak ne pozabi na sir.
"Sure, Ana, but don't forget the cheese.
Rad imam tistega s tartufi," je dodal z nasmehom.
I love the one with truffles," he added with a smile.
Na naslednji stojnici je bila gospa, ki je prodajala med.
At the next stall, there was a lady selling honey.
"Dober dan," je pozdravil Luka.
"Good day," Luka greeted her.
"Kateri med priporočate?
"Which honey do you recommend?"
"Gospa se je nasmehnila.
The lady smiled.
"Ta med je iz cvetov lipe.
"This honey is from linden flowers.
Poskusita ga.
Try it."
"Ana in Luka sta z užitkom poskusila med.
Ana and Luka tasted the honey with pleasure.
Bil je sladek, a blag.
It was sweet but mild.
"Odlično," je rekla Ana.
"Wonderful," said Ana.
"Vzemiva kozarček.
"Let's get a jar."
"Hodila sta naprej med pisanimi stojnicami.
They continued walking among the colorful stalls.
Povsod so prodajali svežo zelenjavo, rože in rokodelske izdelke.
Everywhere, fresh vegetables, flowers, and handmade crafts were for sale.
Na eni stojnici sta videla vino.
At one stall, they saw wine.
"Morda bi vzela še steklenico vina za večerjo," je predlagal Luka.
"Maybe we should get a bottle of wine for dinner," Luka suggested.
Ana je prikimala.
Ana nodded.
"Da, in tudi nekaj suhih mesnin.
"Yes, and also some dried meats.
Potem bova imela vse.
Then we'll have everything we need."
"Medtem ko sta hodila do mesarjeve stojnice, je Ana opazila starejšega gospoda, ki je prodajal domače krušne izdelke.
While walking toward the butcher's stall, Ana noticed an elderly gentleman selling homemade bread products.
"Luka, glej to!
"Luka, look at this!
Kruh naravnost iz peči.
Bread straight from the oven.
Vonjaš, kako diši?
Do you smell how delicious it is?"
"Luka je z nasmehom pogledal kruh.
Luka smiled at the bread.
"Morava ga imeti," je rekel.
"We have to get it," he said.
"Ta bo odličen za najino večerjo.
"It will be perfect for our dinner."
"Ko sta imela vse, kar sta potrebovala, sta se ustavila pri kavarni na tržnici.
With everything they needed, they stopped at a café in the market.
"Se usediva na kavo?
"Shall we sit down for a coffee?"
" je vprašala Ana.
Ana asked.
Luka je prikimal.
Luka nodded.
"Z največjim veseljem.
"With great pleasure.
Potem imava čas za sprostitev.
Then we can relax for a bit."
"Sedla sta in srkala kavo.
They sat and sipped their coffee.
"Danes je bil res lep dan," je rekla Ana.
"Today has been really wonderful," said Ana.
"Ljubljana ima tako prijetno vzdušje.
"Ljubljana has such a pleasant atmosphere."
"Luka se je strinjal.
Luka agreed.
"Res je, Ljubljana je čarobna.
"It really does, Ljubljana is magical.
Vesel sem, da sva tu skupaj.
I'm glad we're here together."
"Po kavi sta se vrnila domov s polnimi vrečami.
After the coffee, they returned home with bags full of goods.
Večerja je bila popolna z vsemi dobrinami, ki sta jih kupila.
Dinner was perfect with all the delicacies they had bought.
Konec dneva sta bila zadovoljna in srečna.
By the end of the day, they were satisfied and happy.
Ljubljana Central Market ju je spet očaral.
The Ljubljana Central Market had enchanted them once again.