FluentFiction - Slovenian

Island Adventures: A Day of Wishes at Lake Bled

FluentFiction - Slovenian

15m 57sJune 8, 2024

Island Adventures: A Day of Wishes at Lake Bled

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  • Na sredi kristalno čistega jezera Bled je mala slikovita otok.

    In the middle of the crystal-clear Lake Bled, there is a small picturesque island.

  • Sonce je sijalo in svetloba se je bleščala na vodni gladini.

    The sun was shining, and the light was shimmering on the water's surface.

  • Letošnje poletje so turistom ponudili nekaj novega - lebdeči čolni.

    This summer, something new was offered to tourists - floating boats.

  • Anja in Matej sta bila navdušena.

    Anja and Matej were excited.

  • Bila sta prijatelja že iz osnovne šole in odločila sta se, da skupaj obiščeta Bled.

    They had been friends since elementary school and decided to visit Bled together.

  • Ko sta prispela do obale, sta videla lebdeče čolne, privezane ob pomolu.

    When they arrived at the shore, they saw the floating boats tied to the pier.

  • "To moramo preizkusiti!

    "We have to try this!"

  • " je vzkliknila Anja.

    exclaimed Anja.

  • Matej je pokimal.

    Matej nodded.

  • "Da, videti je zelo zabavno.

    "Yes, it looks like a lot of fun."

  • "Oba sta se prijavila za vožnjo in kmalu sta sedela v čolnu.

    They both signed up for a ride, and soon they were sitting in a boat.

  • Čoln je tiho lebdel nad vodo, skoraj brez hrupa.

    The boat quietly floated above the water with almost no noise.

  • Anja je držala krmilo, Matej pa je sedel poleg nje, občudoval je prelepo naravo.

    Anja held the steering wheel while Matej sat beside her, admiring the beautiful nature.

  • Bledski otok se je bližal in čoln je gladko drsel po vodi.

    The Bled island approached, and the boat glided smoothly over the water.

  • Na otoku je stala stara cerkev.

    On the island stood an old church.

  • Legenda pravi, da če zazvonite v cerkvenem zvonu in si nekaj zaželite, se vam želja izpolni.

    Legend has it that if you ring the church bell and make a wish, your wish will come true.

  • Anja in Matej sta izstopila iz čolna in se po stezah zapodila proti cerkvi.

    Anja and Matej got out of the boat and hurried along the paths to the church.

  • Ko sta prispela, je Anja najprej zazvonila.

    When they arrived, Anja rang the bell first.

  • Matej jo je sledil.

    Matej followed her.

  • "Upam, da se nama želje izpolnijo," je rekla Anja in se nasmehnila.

    "I hope our wishes come true," said Anja with a smile.

  • Po ogledu cerkve in sprehodu po otoku se je dan bližal koncu.

    After visiting the church and walking around the island, the day was nearing its end.

  • Odločila sta se, da se vrneta k čolnu.

    They decided to return to the boat.

  • Toda, ko sta se vrnila, sta videla, da en čoln manjka.

    But when they got back, they saw that one boat was missing.

  • "Kdo je vzel naš čoln?

    "Who took our boat?"

  • " se je začudil Matej.

    Matej wondered.

  • Na obali je bil prijazen gospod.

    There was a friendly man on the shore.

  • "Si videl koga vzeti naš čoln?

    "Did you see someone take our boat?"

  • " ga je vprašala Anja.

    Anja asked him.

  • Gospod je pokimal in rekel, da je drugi turist zmotno odpeljal njihov čoln.

    The man nodded and said that another tourist mistakenly took their boat.

  • Malo zmedena, a odločna sta Anja in Matej stopila do informacijskega centra.

    A bit confused but determined, Anja and Matej went to the information center.

  • Tam so uredili, da sta dobila nov čoln.

    There, they arranged for a new boat.

  • Kmalu sta bila spet na vodi, proti obali.

    Soon they were back on the water, heading to shore.

  • Skupaj sta se smejala dogodivščini, ki ju je doletela.

    They laughed together about the adventure that had happened to them.

  • "Tega dne ne bom nikoli pozabila," je rekla Anja.

    "I will never forget this day," said Anja.

  • Matej se je strinjal in dodal: "Naslednjič pa bova bolj pazljiva.

    Matej agreed and added, "Next time we will be more careful."

  • "Ko sta prispela nazaj na obalo, je bilo sonce že nizko na obzorju.

    As they arrived back at the shore, the sun was already low on the horizon.

  • Spomine na prečudovit dan na Bledskem jezeru bosta nosila v srcu za vedno.

    They would forever carry the memories of this wonderful day at Lake Bled in their hearts.

  • Nasmejana in zadovoljna sta se vrnila domov, vsak s svojo izpolnjeno željo.

    Smiling and content, they returned home, each with their granted wish.

  • Ta dan je bil res poseben, poln smeha in dogodivščin.

    This day was truly special, full of laughter and adventures.

  • In kdo ve, mogoče se bosta v prihodnosti vrnila in ponovno raziskala ta prelep del Slovenije.

    And who knows, maybe they will return in the future to explore this beautiful part of Slovenia again.