Spa Serenity: Meaningful Encounters & New Beginnings Weekend
FluentFiction - Slovenian
Spa Serenity: Meaningful Encounters & New Beginnings Weekend
Bil je čaroben vikend v termalnem zdravilišču, kjer sta se Zala in Matej srečala.
It was a magical weekend at the thermal spa where Zala and Matej met.
Zala je prispela prva.
Zala arrived first.
Potrebovala je počitek.
She needed rest.
Že dolgo je sanjala o sproščujočem oddihu.
She had long dreamed of a relaxing break.
Gneča, delo, stres.
Crowds, work, stress.
Vsega je bilo preveč.
It was all too much.
Sedla je ob bazenu in občutila toplino vode.
She sat by the pool and felt the warmth of the water.
Kmalu je prispel tudi Matej.
Soon, Matej arrived as well.
Tudi on je iskal mir.
He too was seeking peace.
Zrela je v ljudi okoli sebe in videl Zalo.
He glanced at the people around him and saw Zala.
Njuna pogleda sta se srečala in oba sta se rahlo nasmehnila.
Their eyes met and they both smiled slightly.
Srečala sta se prvič v savni.
They met for the first time in the sauna.
"Lepo je tu," je rekel Matej.
"It's nice here," said Matej.
"Res je, zelo sproščujoče," je odgovorila Zala.
"It really is, very relaxing," Zala replied.
Oba sta se strinjala, da potrebujeta počitek.
They both agreed that they needed a rest.
Naslednji dan sta se znova srečala.
The next day, they met again.
Tokrat pred masažno sobo.
This time in front of the massage room.
"Ti si tudi tu?
"You're here too?"
" se je nasmehnil Matej.
Matej smiled.
Zala se je smejala: "Izgleda, da imava podoben urnik.
Zala laughed, "Looks like we have a similar schedule."
" Njuna kratka pogovora sta se začela podaljševati.
Their brief conversations began to lengthen.
Malo po malo sta začela govoriti o svojih življenjih.
Little by little, they started talking about their lives.
Matej je pripovedoval o svojem delu.
Matej talked about his work.
Veliko pritiska, malo sprostitve.
Lots of pressure, little relaxation.
Zala je delila svoje izkušnje.
Zala shared her experiences.
Njene sanje o potovanju po svetu.
Her dreams of traveling the world.
Njuna prijateljska pogovora sta postajala globlja.
Their friendly conversations grew deeper.
V večernih urah sta se sprehodila v mirnem vrtu.
In the evening, they walked in a peaceful garden.
Mavrica cvetov, vonj po sivki, ognjičeno ozračje.
A rainbow of flowers, the scent of lavender, a serene atmosphere.
"Tukaj je kot raj," je rekel Matej.
"It's like paradise here," said Matej.
"Res je, to je popoln kraj za pobeg," je dodala Zala.
"It really is, the perfect place to escape," added Zala.
Sedla sta na klop.
They sat on a bench.
"Povej mi več o svojih sanjah," je prosil Matej.
"Tell me more about your dreams," Matej asked.
Zala je začela govoriti o svojih ciljih, o svojem pogledu na življenje.
Zala began to talk about her goals, her outlook on life.
Matej je delil svoje želje, svoje strahove.
Matej shared his desires, his fears.
Oba sta našla uteho eden v drugem.
They both found comfort in each other.
Njune besede so plavale med njima, kot v čarobnem plesu.
Their words floated between them, like in a magical dance.
Zala je čutila, da je našla nekoga, ki jo res razume.
Zala felt that she had found someone who truly understood her.
Ko je prišel zadnji dan, sta bila oba žalostna, da morata oditi.
When the last day came, they were both sad to leave.
Toda hkrati sta bila hvaležna za ta trenutek.
But at the same time, they were grateful for the moment.
"Ta vikend mi je spremenil življenje," je rekla Zala.
"This weekend changed my life," said Zala.
Matej jo je pogledal: "Meni tudi.
Matej looked at her: "Me too.
Upam, da se še srečava.
I hope we meet again."
"Zala je pokimala.
Zala nodded.
"Tudi jaz.
"Me too."
" Oba sta vedela, da to ni slovo.
They both knew this was not goodbye.
To je bil le začetek nečesa novega.
It was just the beginning of something new.
Njuni poti sta se srečali in nista več hoteli ločiti.
Their paths had crossed and they didn't want to part anymore.
Prišla je noč in s seboj prinesla obljubo jutrišnjega dne.
Night came and brought the promise of the next day.
Topli objemi, sladke besede.
Warm embraces, sweet words.
Se vidimo kmalu, prijatelj, ljubimec, sanjač.
See you soon, friend, lover, dreamer.
Termalno zdravilišče sta zapustila z novimi sanjami in upi.
They left the thermal spa with new dreams and hopes.
A predvsem sta našla drug drugega.
But above all, they had found each other.