Mystery at Lake Bled: Anja and Luka's Magical Encounter
FluentFiction - Slovenian
Mystery at Lake Bled: Anja and Luka's Magical Encounter
Slaba svetloba popoldanskega sonca je sijala skozi veje dreves.
The faint light of the afternoon sun shone through the branches of the trees.
Anja in Luka se držita za roke.
Anja and Luka are holding hands.
Hodita po poti ob jezeru Bled.
They walk along the path by Lake Bled.
Jezen beli labod plava blizu brega.
An angry white swan swims close to the shore.
Anja pravi: "Ali veš, kaj je za tem gozdnim ovinkom?
Anja says, "Do you know what's around that forest bend?"
"Luka se nasmehne: "Ne vem, ampak gremo, pogledava.
Luka smiles: "I don't know, but let's go see."
" Nadaljujeta pot.
They continue walking.
Nenadoma opazita staro, zarjavelo škatlo med koreninami drevesa.
Suddenly, they notice an old, rusty box among the roots of a tree.
"Kaj je to?
"What is that?"
" vpraša Luka.
Luka asks.
Anja se sklonjenjeml zlomi ključavnico na škatli.
Anja bends down and breaks the lock on the box.
Ko gledata v notranjost, najdeta staro, skrivnostno artefakt.
When they look inside, they find an old, mysterious artifact.
"Izgleda zelo staro," šepeta Anja.
"It looks very old," Anja whispers.
Artefakt ima starinske simbole in bleščeče kamenčke.
The artifact has ancient symbols and glittering gemstones.
Luka previdno izvleče artefakt iz škatle.
Luka carefully pulls the artifact out of the box.
Ko se dotakne, začne nežno svetiti.
When he touches it, it begins to glow gently.
Nenadoma se začnejo dogajati čudne stvari.
Suddenly, strange things start happening.
V ozadju rože cvetijo, čeprav je jesen.
In the background, flowers bloom despite it being autumn.
Ptice začnejo peti nenavaden ton.
Birds begin to sing an unusual tune.
Anja in Luka sta prestrašena, a tudi radovedna.
Anja and Luka are frightened, yet also curious.
"Ali misliš, da ima ta artefakt moč?
"Do you think this artifact has power?"
" vpraša Luka.
Luka asks.
"Hm, mogoče," odgovori Anja.
"Hmm, maybe," Anja replies.
"Morda bi ga morali vrniti.
"Perhaps we should return it.
Lahko je nevarno.
It could be dangerous."
" Ob teh besedah začne artefakt močneje sijati.
As she says this, the artifact begins to glow more intensely.
Nenadoma se pojavi stara ženska v obleki iz drugega obdobja.
Suddenly, an old woman in a dress from another era appears.
"Kdo ste vi?
"Who are you?"
" vpraša Luka.
Luka asks.
"Sem varuhinja artefakta," odgovori ženska.
"I am the guardian of the artifact," the woman replies.
"Ta artefakt ima starodavno moč.
"This artifact has ancient power.
Prinaša ravnovesje v naravo.
It brings balance to nature.
Dolga leta je bil izgubljen.
It has been lost for many years."
"Anja in Luka pogledata drug drugega.
Anja and Luka look at each other.
"Kaj naj storiva?
"What should we do?"
" vpraša Anja.
Anja asks.
"Morata ga vrniti nazaj v jezero," reče varuhinja.
"You must return it to the lake," says the guardian.
"Le tako bodo sile narave v ravnovesju.
"Only then will the forces of nature be in balance."
" Anja in Luka se strinjata.
Anja and Luka agree.
Hitro odideta proti obali.
They quickly head towards the shore.
Ko prideta do jezera, z artefaktom zaplavata do sredine.
When they reach the lake, they swim to the middle with the artifact.
Spustita ga v globoko vodo.
They release it into the deep water.
Ko se artefakt potopi, začne ponovno sijati.
As the artifact sinks, it begins to glow again.
Sonce zaide, in svet se vrne v normalo.
The sun sets, and the world returns to normal.
Anja in Luka se vrneta na obalo.
Anja and Luka return to the shore.
Varuhinja se jim prikloni in izgine.
The guardian bows to them and disappears.
"Mislim, da sva opravila veliko delo," reče Anja.
"I think we did a great deed," Anja says.
"Bilo je neverjetno," doda Luka.
"It was incredible," adds Luka.
"Nikoli ne bom pozabil tega dneva.
"I will never forget this day."
"Objemeta se.
They hug each other.
Hladni večerni veter piha, a njuna srca so topla.
The cold evening wind blows, but their hearts are warm.
Oba vesta, da sta skupaj doživela nekaj posebnega.
They both know that they have experienced something special together.
Jutri je nov dan za nove dogodke, vendar nikoli ne bosta pozabila skrivnosti jezera Bled.
Tomorrow is a new day for new adventures, but they will never forget the mystery of Lake Bled.