FluentFiction - Slovenian

How Friendship Saved a Bakery by Lake Bled

FluentFiction - Slovenian

15m 21sJune 12, 2024

How Friendship Saved a Bakery by Lake Bled

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  • Na sončen poletni dan je jezero Bled sijalo v vsej svoji lepoti.

    On a sunny summer day, Lake Bled gleamed in all its beauty.

  • Bregovi so bili polni turistov, ki so uživali ob pogledu na blejski otok.

    The shores were full of tourists enjoying the view of Bled Island.

  • V majhni pekarni ob jezeru so delali trije mladi prijatelji: Ana, Matej in Tina.

    In a small bakery by the lake, three young friends worked: Ana, Matej, and Tina.

  • Ana je bila glavna pekarica.

    Ana was the head baker.

  • Pekla je kruh in sladice, ki so jih vsi oboževali.

    She baked bread and pastries that everyone loved.

  • Matej je bil mojster za kavo.

    Matej was a coffee master.

  • Pripravljal je najboljšo kavo v mestu.

    He prepared the best coffee in town.

  • Tina je skrbela za prodajo in nasmejane obraze kupcev.

    Tina took care of sales and the smiling faces of the customers.

  • Nekega dne je v pekarni zmanjkalo moke.

    One day, the bakery ran out of flour.

  • Bila je to velika težava, saj brez moke ne moreš speči kruha.

    It was a big problem because without flour, you can't bake bread.

  • Ana je postala zaskrbljena.

    Ana became worried.

  • "Kaj bomo storili?

    "What will we do?"

  • " je vprašala Mateja in Tino.

    she asked Matej and Tina.

  • Matej je predlagal, da gredo po moko k staremu mlinarju Jožetu, ki je živel v bližnjem gozdu.

    Matej suggested they go to the old miller Jože, who lived in the nearby forest.

  • Bila je to dolga pot, a niso imeli druge izbire.

    It was a long journey, but they had no other choice.

  • Vsi trije so se hitro odpravili na pot.

    All three quickly set off.

  • Mlinar Jože jih je prijazno sprejel.

    Miller Jože welcomed them kindly.

  • "Imam moko za vas," je rekel.

    "I have flour for you," he said.

  • "Toda, moram vas nekaj vprašati.

    "But I need to ask you something.

  • Ste pripravljeni pomagati meni?

    Are you willing to help me?"

  • " Ana, Matej in Tina so se spogledali.

    Ana, Matej, and Tina looked at each other.

  • "Seveda," so odgovorili hkrati.

    "Of course," they replied in unison.

  • Mlinar Jože jim je povedal, da ima težave z mlinom.

    Miller Jože told them that he was having trouble with the mill.

  • "Zlomljeno kolo moram popraviti," je povedal.

    "I need to fix the broken wheel," he said.

  • "Če mi pomagate, vam bom dal moko.

    "If you help me, I'll give you the flour."

  • "Tina je bila spretna z orodjem.

    Tina was skilled with tools.

  • Hitro je našla rešitev za kolo.

    She quickly found a solution for the wheel.

  • Matej in Ana sta ji pomagala, in kmalu je bilo kolo zopet v redu.

    Matej and Ana helped her, and soon the wheel was working again.

  • Stari mlinar je bil zelo hvaležen.

    The old miller was very grateful.

  • Naložil jim je veliko vrečo moke.

    He loaded them with a big sack of flour.

  • Ko so se vrnili v pekarno, so se vsi trije lotili dela.

    When they returned to the bakery, all three got to work.

  • Ana je začela peči kruh, Matej je pripravljal kavo, Tina pa je poskrbela za stranke.

    Ana started baking bread, Matej prepared coffee, and Tina took care of the customers.

  • Kmalu je pekarna zopet dišala po sveže pečenem kruhu.

    Soon, the bakery was filled again with the aroma of freshly baked bread.

  • Stranke so bile srečne in zadovoljno so okušale dobrote.

    The customers were happy and enjoyed the treats.

  • Pekarna ob jezeru Bled je spet postala priljubljeno mesto za domačine in turiste.

    The bakery by Lake Bled once again became a favorite spot for locals and tourists.

  • Ana, Matej in Tina so vedeli, da jim je uspelo zaradi skupnega truda in prijateljstva.

    Ana, Matej, and Tina knew they had succeeded because of their joint effort and friendship.

  • Naučili so se, da se s skupnimi močmi da rešiti vsako težavo.

    They learned that with combined forces, any problem can be solved.

  • Pekarna je od takrat postala še bolj uspešna, prijateljstvo pa še močnejše.

    From then on, the bakery became even more successful, and their friendship grew stronger.

  • In tako so živeli in delali srečno ob prelepem jezeru Bled.

    And so they lived and worked happily by the beautiful Lake Bled.

  • Konec.

    The end.