FluentFiction - Slovenian

Exploring Flavors at Ljubljana's Central Market with Friends

FluentFiction - Slovenian

15m 00sJune 13, 2024

Exploring Flavors at Ljubljana's Central Market with Friends

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  • Sonce je sijalo nad Ljubljano.

    The sun was shining over Ljubljana.

  • Centralna tržnica je bila polna ljudi.

    The central market was bustling with people.

  • Ana, Miha in Marko so se odločili obiskati tržnico.

    Ana, Miha, and Marko decided to visit the market.

  • V zgodnjem jutru so se srečali pred Prešernovim spomenikom.

    Early in the morning, they met in front of the Prešeren Monument.

  • “Pozdravljeni, Ana in Marko,” je rekel Miha z nasmehom.

    “Hello, Ana and Marko,” Miha said with a smile.

  • “Torej, kaj vse bomo kupili danes? Jaz bi rad nekaj svežega sadja,” je dodal Miha.

    “So, what are we going to buy today? I'd like some fresh fruit,” Miha added.

  • “Tudi jaz,” je odgovorila Ana. “In nekaj tradicionalne slovenske hrane.”

    “Me too,” Ana replied. “And some traditional Slovenian food.”

  • Marko je pogledal okrog sebe. “Jaz bi rad, da preizkusimo tiste znane kranjske klobase,” je rekel z navdušenjem.

    Marko looked around. “I'd like for us to try those famous Carniolan sausages,” he said excitedly.

  • Tako so se podali skozi gužvo.

    And so they headed through the crowd.

  • Prva postaja je bila pri stojnicah s sadjem.

    Their first stop was at the fruit stands.

  • Ana je izbrala jagode, borovnice in jabolka.

    Ana picked strawberries, blueberries, and apples.

  • Miha je vzel grozdje in hruške.

    Miha took some grapes and pears.

  • “Ta sadje bo odlično za smoothie,” je dejala Ana, ko je plačala prodajalcu.

    “This fruit will be perfect for a smoothie,” Ana said as she paid the vendor.

  • “Strinjam se,” je odgovoril Miha. “In je zelo sveže!”

    “I agree,” Miha replied. “And it’s very fresh!”

  • Potem so šli naprej. Stopili so do stojnice z mesom. Tu je Marko našel kranjske klobase.

    Then they moved on. They approached a meat stand where Marko found Carniolan sausages.

  • Povohal je zrak in se nasmehnil.

    He sniffed the air and smiled.

  • “To so najboljše klobase v vsej Sloveniji,” je rekel prodajalec ponosno.

    “These are the best sausages in all of Slovenia,” the vendor said proudly.

  • “Vzemimo štiri,” je rekel Marko. “Dve za zdaj in dve za domov.”

    “Let’s take four,” Marko said. “Two for now and two to take home.”

  • Medtem ko so čakali, da prodajalec zavije klobase, je Ana opazila stojnico z domačim sirom.

    While waiting for the vendor to wrap the sausages, Ana noticed a stand with homemade cheese.

  • Obrnila se je k Mihu in mu pokazala.

    She turned to Miha and pointed it out.

  • “Gremo tja!” je rekla navdušeno.

    “Let’s go there!” she said excitedly.

  • Miha se je strinjal. Kupili so košček tolminskega sira in nekaj sveže skute.

    Miha agreed. They bought a piece of Tolminc cheese and some fresh cottage cheese.

  • Po vsem tem nakupovanju so našli majhno klopco blizu tržnice, kjer so lahko posedli in uživali v svojih nakupih.

    After all the shopping, they found a small bench near the market where they could sit and enjoy their purchases.

  • “To je bil zelo uspešen dan,” je dejala Ana, ko je ugriznila v svežo jagodo.

    “This was a very successful day,” Ana said as she bit into a fresh strawberry.

  • “Ja, res je,” je dodal Miha. “In še lepše je to deliti s prijatelji.”

    “Yes, it really was,” Miha added. “And it’s even better to share it with friends.”

  • Marko je prikimal in ugriznil v kos kranjske klobase. “Točno to. Popoln dan v Ljubljani.”

    Marko nodded and bit into a piece of Carniolan sausage. “Exactly. A perfect day in Ljubljana.”

  • S polnimi torbami in polnimi srci so se odpravili domov.

    With full bags and full hearts, they headed home.

  • Vedeli so, da bodo še naprej obiskovali Centralno tržnico in odkrivali nove okuse in doživetja.

    They knew they would continue visiting the central market and discovering new flavors and experiences.

  • Konec dneva so bili zadovoljni in veseli, ker so preživeli čudovit dan skupaj.

    At the end of the day, they were satisfied and happy to have spent a wonderful day together.