FluentFiction - Slovenian

A Walk Through Ljubljana: Souvenirs, Smiles, and Sunset Glows

FluentFiction - Slovenian

14m 53sJune 22, 2024

A Walk Through Ljubljana: Souvenirs, Smiles, and Sunset Glows

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  • Ljubljana je mesto polno čarovnije.

    Ljubljana is a city full of magic.

  • Med tremi mostovi, znanimi kot Tromostovje, se vsak dan odvija živahno dogajanje.

    Every day, lively activity unfolds among the three bridges known as the Triple Bridge.

  • Ana, Luka in Matej so se tistega sončnega dne odpravili na sprehod po starem mestnem jedru.

    On that sunny day, Ana, Luka, and Matej went for a walk through the old town center.

  • Ob Tromostovju je bil živahen trg, poln stojnic s pisanimi spominki.

    Near the Triple Bridge, there was a bustling market full of stalls with colorful souvenirs.

  • "Poglej, kako lepe skodelice!

    "Look at these beautiful cups!"

  • " je vzkliknila Ana, ko so prišli do stojnice s keramiko.

    exclaimed Ana when they reached a ceramics stall.

  • "Kupimo nekaj za babico!

    "Let's buy something for grandma!"

  • " Luka in Matej sta prikimala.

    Luka and Matej nodded.

  • Skodelice so bile poslikane z motivi zmajev in čudovitih rož.

    The cups were decorated with dragon motifs and beautiful flowers.

  • "Nekaj takega bi ji bilo všeč," je rekla Ana in pokazala na skodelico s sivko.

    "She would like something like this," said Ana, pointing to a cup with a lavender design.

  • Luka je držal torbo in rekel: "Izberimo najboljšo.

    Luka held the bag and said, "Let's choose the best one.

  • Ana, ti imaš dober okus.

    Ana, you have good taste."

  • " Matej je skomignil z rameni: "Jaz mislim, da bi ji bila katera koli všeč.

    Matej shrugged his shoulders and said, "I think she would like any of them.

  • Vse so lepe.

    They're all lovely."

  • "Nato so se odločili in izbrali skodelico s sivkinim vzorcem.

    Then they decided and chose the cup with the lavender pattern.

  • Prodajalka, starejša gospa z nasmehom na obrazu, je rekla: "Izbrali ste krasno skodelico.

    The vendor, an elderly lady with a smile on her face, said, "You picked a beautiful cup.

  • To je delo lokalnega umetnika.

    This is the work of a local artist."

  • " Ana je plačala in se zahvalila prodajalki.

    Ana paid and thanked the vendor.

  • "Kam zdaj?

    "Where to now?"

  • " je vprašal Matej.

    asked Matej.

  • Luka je pokazal na stojnico z drevesnimi okraski.

    Luka pointed to a stall with tree ornaments.

  • "Morda bi tukaj našli nekaj za mamo.

    "Maybe we could find something for mom here."

  • " Stojnica je bila prekrita z ročno izdelanimi okraski, vsak kos je bil edinstven.

    The stall was covered with handmade ornaments, each piece unique.

  • Matej je našel lesen okrasek v obliki hišice.

    Matej found a wooden ornament in the shape of a little house.

  • "Popolno!


  • " je rekel.

    he said.

  • Ana in Luka sta se strinjala.

    Ana and Luka agreed.

  • Ta dan je bil res poseben.

    That day was truly special.

  • Ko so obiskali še nekaj stojnic in nakupili manjše spominke, so se odločili, da se vrnejo domov.

    After visiting a few more stalls and buying some small souvenirs, they decided to head home.

  • "Imamo vse, kar smo želeli," je zadovoljno rekla Ana, ko so zapuščali trg.

    "We got everything we wanted," Ana said contentedly as they left the market.

  • "Babica in mama bosta navdušeni.

    "Grandma and mom will be thrilled."

  • " Luka je pogledal prijatelje in rekel: "Bilo je super, a zdaj je čas za sladoled!

    Luka looked at his friends and said, "It was great, but now it's time for ice cream!"

  • " Vsi trije so se zasmejali in se odpravili proti sladoledarni.

    All three laughed and headed towards the ice cream shop.

  • Na poti so klepetali in se spominjali zabavnega dne.

    On the way, they chatted and reminisced about the fun day.

  • Sonce je počasi zahajalo za mestne strehe, in Tromostovje je zasijalo v zadnjih žarkih dneva.

    The sun slowly set behind the city's rooftops, and the Triple Bridge glowed in the day's last rays.

  • Prijatelji so vedeli, da bo ta sprehod po Ljubljani z lepimi spomini ostal v njihovih srcih za vedno.

    The friends knew that this walk through Ljubljana, with its beautiful memories, would stay in their hearts forever.